/* * dumps vtables, items types and class name for all items in game * best used this way : ./dfitemdump | sort -ug */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include DFHack::Materials * Materials; int main () { DFHack::API DF("Memory.xml"); DFHack::Process * p; unsigned int i,j; try { DF.Attach(); } catch (exception& e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; #ifndef LINUX_BUILD cin.ignore(); #endif return 1; } DFHack::memory_info * mem = DF.getMemoryInfo(); Materials = DF.getMaterials(); Materials->ReadAllMaterials(); p = DF.getProcess(); DFHack::DfVector p_items (p, p->getDescriptor()->getAddress ("items_vector")); uint32_t size = p_items.size(); printf("type\tvtable\tname\tquality\tdecorate\n"); for(i=0;ireadDWord(p_items[i]); uint32_t func0 = p->readDWord(vtable); uint64_t funct0 = p->readQuad(func0); uint32_t func1 = p->readDWord(vtable+0x238); uint64_t funct1 = p->readQuad(func1); uint32_t func2 = p->readDWord(vtable+0x288); uint64_t funct2 = p->readQuad(func2); uint32_t type = (funct0>>8)&0xffff; uint32_t quality = 0; bool hasDecorations; string desc = p->readClassName(vtable); if( (funct0&0xFFFFFFFFFF000000LL) != 0xCCCCC30000000000LL ) { if(funct0 == 0xCCCCCCCCCCC3C033LL) type = 0; else printf("bad type function address=%p", (void*)func0); } if(funct1 == 0xC300000092818B66LL) quality = p->readWord(p_items[i]+0x92); else if(funct1 == 0xCCCCCCCCCCC3C033) quality = 0; else printf("bad quality function address=%p\n", (void*) func1); if(funct2 == 0xCCCCCCCCCCC3C032LL) hasDecorations = false; else if(funct2 == 0xCCCCCCCCCCC301B0) hasDecorations = true; else printf("bad decoration function address=%p\n", (void*) func2); // printf("%p\t%.16LX\t", (void*) func2, funct2); printf("%d\t%p\t%s\t%d", type, (void*)vtable, desc.c_str(), quality); if(hasDecorations) { bool sep = false; printf("\tdeco=["); uint32_t decStart = p->readDWord(p_items[i] + 0xAC); uint32_t decEnd = p->readDWord(p_items[i] + 0xB0); if(decStart != decEnd) { for(j=decStart;jreadDWord(j); uint32_t dvtable = p->readDWord(decoration); string ddesc = p->readClassName(dvtable); uint32_t dtypefunc = p->readDWord(dvtable + 20); uint64_t dtypefunct = p->readQuad(dtypefunc); uint32_t dtype = 0; uint32_t dqual = p->readWord(decoration + 20); if( (dtypefunct&0xFFFFFFFFFFFF00FFLL) == 0xCCCCC300000000B8LL) dtype = (dtypefunct>>8)&0xfffffff; else printf("bad decoration type function, address=%p\n", (void*) dtypefunc); if(sep) printf(","); printf("%s[t=%d,q=%d]", ddesc.c_str(), dtype, dqual); sep = true; } } printf("]"); } printf("\n"); } #ifndef LINUX_BUILD cout << "Done. Press any key to continue" << endl; cin.ignore(); #endif return 0; }