module DFHack class << self # allocate a new building object def building_alloc(type, subtype=-1, custom=-1) cls = rtti_n2c[BuildingType::Classname[type].to_sym] raise "invalid building type #{type.inspect}" if not cls bld = cls.cpp_new bld.race = ui.race_id bld.setSubtype(subtype) if subtype != -1 bld.setCustomType(custom) if custom != -1 case type when :Furnace; bld.melt_remainder[world.raws.inorganics.length] = 0 when :Coffin; bld.initBurialFlags when :Trap; bld.unk_cc = 500 if bld.trap_type == :PressurePlate end bld end # used by building_setsize def building_check_bridge_support(bld) x1 = bld.x1-1 x2 = bld.x2+1 y1 = bld.y1-1 y2 = bld.y2+1 z = bld.z (x1..x2).each { |x| (y1..y2).each { |y| next if ((x == x1 or x == x2) and (y == y1 or y == y2)) if mb = map_block_at(x, y, z) and tile = mb.tiletype[x%16][y%16] and TiletypeShape::BasicShape[Tiletype::Shape[tile]] != :Open bld.gate_flags.has_support = true return end } } bld.gate_flags.has_support = false end # sets x2/centerx/y2/centery from x1/y1/bldtype # x2/y2 preserved for :FarmPlot etc def building_setsize(bld) bld.x2 = bld.x1 if bld.x1 > bld.x2 bld.y2 = bld.y1 if bld.y1 > bld.y2 case bld.getType when :Bridge bld.centerx = bld.x1 + (bld.x2+1-bld.x1)/2 bld.centery = bld.y1 + (bld.y2+1-bld.y1)/2 building_check_bridge_support(bld) when :FarmPlot, :RoadDirt, :RoadPaved, :Stockpile, :Civzone bld.centerx = bld.x1 + (bld.x2+1-bld.x1)/2 bld.centery = bld.y1 + (bld.y2+1-bld.y1)/2 when :TradeDepot, :Shop bld.x2 = bld.x1+4 bld.y2 = bld.y1+4 bld.centerx = bld.x1+2 bld.centery = bld.y1+2 when :SiegeEngine, :Windmill, :Wagon bld.x2 = bld.x1+2 bld.y2 = bld.y1+2 bld.centerx = bld.x1+1 bld.centery = bld.y1+1 when :AxleHorizontal if bld.is_vertical == 1 bld.x2 = bld.centerx = bld.x1 bld.centery = bld.y1 + (bld.y2+1-bld.y1)/2 else bld.centerx = bld.x1 + (bld.x2+1-bld.x1)/2 bld.y2 = bld.centery = bld.y1 end when :WaterWheel if bld.is_vertical == 1 bld.x2 = bld.centerx = bld.x1 bld.y2 = bld.y1+2 bld.centery = bld.y1+1 else bld.x2 = bld.x1+2 bld.centerx = bld.x1+1 bld.y2 = bld.centery = bld.y1 end when :Workshop, :Furnace # Furnace = Custom or default case only case bld.type when :Quern, :Millstone, :Tool bld.x2 = bld.centerx = bld.x1 bld.y2 = bld.centery = bld.y1 when :Siege, :Kennels bld.x2 = bld.x1+4 bld.y2 = bld.y1+4 bld.centerx = bld.x1+2 bld.centery = bld.y1+2 when :Custom if bdef = world.raws.buildings.all.binsearch(bld.getCustomType) bld.x2 = bld.x1 + bdef.dim_x - 1 bld.y2 = bld.y1 + bdef.dim_y - 1 bld.centerx = bld.x1 + bdef.workloc_x bld.centery = bld.y1 + bdef.workloc_y end else bld.x2 = bld.x1+2 bld.y2 = bld.y1+2 bld.centerx = bld.x1+1 bld.centery = bld.y1+1 end when :ScrewPump case bld.direction when :FromEast bld.x2 = bld.centerx = bld.x1+1 bld.y2 = bld.centery = bld.y1 when :FromSouth bld.x2 = bld.centerx = bld.x1 bld.y2 = bld.centery = bld.y1+1 when :FromWest bld.x2 = bld.x1+1 bld.y2 = bld.centery = bld.y1 bld.centerx = bld.x1 else bld.x2 = bld.x1+1 bld.y2 = bld.centery = bld.y1 bld.centerx = bld.x1 end when :Well bld.bucket_z = bld.z bld.x2 = bld.centerx = bld.x1 bld.y2 = bld.centery = bld.y1 when :Construction bld.x2 = bld.centerx = bld.x1 bld.y2 = bld.centery = bld.y1 bld.setMaterialAmount(1) return else bld.x2 = bld.centerx = bld.x1 bld.y2 = bld.centery = bld.y1 end bld.setMaterialAmount((bld.x2-bld.x1+1)*(bld.y2-bld.y1+1)/4+1) end # set building at position, with optional width/height def building_position(bld, pos, w=nil, h=nil) bld.x1 = pos.x bld.y1 = pos.y bld.z = pos.z bld.x2 = bld.x1+w-1 if w bld.y2 = bld.y1+h-1 if h building_setsize(bld) end # set map occupancy/stockpile/etc for a building def building_setoccupancy(bld) stockpile = (bld.getType == :Stockpile) complete = (bld.getBuildStage >= bld.getMaxBuildStage) extents = ( and bld.isExtentShaped) z = bld.z (bld.x1..bld.x2).each { |x| (bld.y1..bld.y2).each { |y| next if !extents or[*(] == 0 next if not mb = map_block_at(x, y, z) des = mb.designation[x%16][y%16] des.pile = stockpile des.dig = :No if complete bld.updateOccupancy(x, y) else mb.occupancy[x%16][y%16].building = :Planned end } } end # link bld into other rooms if it is inside their extents def building_linkrooms(bld) didstuff = false world.buildings.other[:ANY_FREE].each { |ob| next if !ob.is_room or ob.z != bld.z next if ! or !ob.isExtentShaped or[*(] == 0 didstuff = true ob.children << bld bld.parents << ob } = true if didstuff end # link the building into the world, set map data, link rooms, def building_link(bld) = df.building_next_id df.building_next_id += 1 world.buildings.all << bld bld.categorize(true) building_setoccupancy(bld) if bld.isSettingOccupancy building_linkrooms(bld) end # set a design for the building def building_createdesign(bld, rough=true) job =[0] job.mat_type = bld.mat_type job.mat_index = bld.mat_index if bld.needsDesign = BuildingDesign.cpp_new = rough end end # creates a job to build bld, return it def building_linkforconstruct(bld) building_link bld ref = GeneralRefBuildingHolderst.cpp_new ref.building_id = job = Job.cpp_new job.job_type = :ConstructBuilding job.pos = [bld.centerx, bld.centery, bld.z] job.references << ref << job job_link job job end # construct a building with items or JobItems def building_construct(bld, items) job = building_linkforconstruct(bld) rough = false items.each { |item| if items.kind_of?(JobItem) item.quantity = (bld.x2-bld.x1+1)*(bld.y2-bld.y1+1)/4+1 if item.quantity < 0 job.job_items << item else job_attachitem(job, item, :Hauled) end rough = true if item.getType == :BOULDER bld.mat_type = item.getMaterial if bld.mat_type == -1 bld.mat_index = item.getMaterialIndex if bld.mat_index == -1 } building_createdesign(bld, rough) end # creates a job to deconstruct the building def building_deconstruct(bld) job = Job.cpp_new refbuildingholder = GeneralRefBuildingHolderst.cpp_new job.job_type = :DestroyBuilding refbuildingholder.building_id = job.references << refbuildingholder << job job_link job job end # exemple usage def buildbed(pos=cursor) raise 'where to ?' if pos.x < 0 item = world.items.all.find { |i| i.kind_of?(ItemBedst) and i.itemrefs.empty? and !i.flags.in_job } raise 'no free bed, build more !' if not item bld = building_alloc(:Bed) building_position(bld, pos) building_construct(bld, [item]) end end end