local _ENV = mkmodule('persist-table') --[[ persist-table.lua author expwnent This module is intended to help facilitate persistent table lookups. It is a wrapper over dfhack.persistent calls. It supports tables of arbitrary dimension and shape. It stores information about each table and subtable's size and children. For convenience, all stored information is itself persistent. It would be more efficient to cache stored information in global variables and update it on save/load but this is not yet implemented. Ask expwnent to try this if performance is bad. Usage: local persistTable = require 'persist-table' persistTable.GlobalTable.doomitude = 'doom!' -- will be stored persistently print(persistTable.GlobalTable.doomitude) --doom! persistTable.GlobalTable.doomitude = nil --delete the persistent record print(persistTable.GlobalTable.doomitude) --nil persistTable.GlobalTable.mana = {} --allocate a subtable for mana local mana = persistTable.GlobalTable.mana --setting elements in this table will be persistent too mana['1'] = '3' --slightly faster than persistTable.GlobalTable.mana['1'] = '3' --be aware that if you don't change the local variable mana when the game exits and reloads a different save you will run into mysterious problems so don't do that mana['2'] = '100' mana.maximum = '1000' --tables can be any arbitrary shape local globalTable = persistTable.GlobalTable --this is safe too globalTable.mana = nil --this is safe: it will deallocate all subtables cleanly globalTable.revengeDesire = {} --globalTable.revengeDseire.foo = {} -- error: tables must be allocated first with parentTable.subtableName = {} --you can check if it exists with globalTable.tableName != nil local revengeTable = globalTable.revengeDesire revengeTable['2'] = revengeTable['2'] or {} --this is fine too revengeTable['2']['3'] = 'totally a lot, man' revengeTable['3'] = {} revengeTable['3']['2'] = 'maybe a little bit' revengeTable['2'] = nil ------------- And so on. Be careful not to name your tables in a way that will conflict with other scripts! The easiest way is to just put all your tables in one giant table named based on your script. All stored values MUST be strings. Numbers can be supported later but are not yet supported. Keep in mind there is a significant overhead for each table element so don't go totally crazy storing massive amounts of information or the game will run out of RAM. --table._children returns a list of child keys for _,childKey in ipairs(table._children) do local child = table[childKey] --blah end --]] local prefix = 'persist-table' local function ensure(name) return dfhack.persistent.save({key=name}) end local function gensym() local availables = dfhack.persistent.get_all(prefix .. '$available') or {} local available = nil local smallest = nil for _,candidate in pairs(availables) do --TODO: it would be great if we could iterate over these in order but we can't local score = tonumber(candidate.value) --print('gensym', candidate, score, available, smallest) if (score and (not available or score < smallest)) then smallest = score available = candidate end end if available then local value = available.value available:delete() --print('gensym: allocate ' .. value) return value end --none explicitly available, so smallest unused is the next available number local smallestUnused = ensure(prefix .. '$smallest_unused') if smallestUnused.value == '' then smallestUnused.value = '0' end local result = smallestUnused.value smallestUnused.value = tostring(1+tonumber(result)) smallestUnused:save() --print('gensym: allocate ' .. result) return result end local function releasesym(symb) local availables = dfhack.persistent.get_all(prefix .. '$available') or {} for _,available in pairs(availables) do --print('releasesym: ', symb, available.value, available) if available.value == symb then print('error: persist-table.releasesym(' .. symb .. '): available.value = ' .. available.value) return end end dfhack.persistent.save({key=prefix .. '$available', value=symb}, true) --print('releasesym: unallocate ' .. symb) end local intCount = 7 local existIndex = intCount-0 local existValue = 1 local pointerIndex = intCount-1 local pointerValue = 1 local defaultValue = -1 local function isEmpty(table) return next(table) == nil end local function deletePersistent(name) if name == '' then return end local children = dfhack.persistent.get_all(prefix .. name) or {} for _,childKey in ipairs(children) do local childEntry = ensure(prefix .. name .. '$$' .. childKey.value) if childEntry.ints[existIndex] == existValue and childEntry.ints[pointerIndex] == pointerValue then deletePersistent(childEntry.value) end childEntry:delete() childKey:delete() end releasesym(name) end GlobalTable = GlobalTable or {key = 'mastertable'} GlobalTable.mt = GlobalTable.mt or {} GlobalTable.mt.__index = GlobalTable.mt.__index or function(theTable, key) if key == '_children' then return rawget(theTable,key) end --print(rawget(theTable,'key') .. '[' .. key .. ']') local entry = ensure(prefix .. rawget(theTable,'key') .. '$$' .. key) if entry.ints[existIndex] == existValue and entry.ints[pointerIndex] == defaultValue then --print('string: ' .. entry.value) return entry.value end if entry.ints[pointerIndex] == pointerValue then --pre-existing pointer local result = {key = entry.value} result.mt = rawget(GlobalTable,'mt') local childArgs = dfhack.persistent.get_all(prefix .. entry.value) result._children = {} for _,childArg in ipairs(childArgs or {}) do --print(result._children, childArg.value) table.insert(result._children, childArg.value) end setmetatable(result,rawget(GlobalTable,'mt')) --print('theTable: ' .. entry.value) return result end entry:delete() --print 'theTable[key] does not exist.' return nil end GlobalTable.mt.__newindex = GlobalTable.mt.__newindex or function(theTable, key, value) --print(rawget(theTable,'key') .. '[' .. key .. '] = ' .. tostring(value)) local entry = ensure(prefix .. rawget(theTable,'key') .. '$$' .. key) local old = entry.value local isNew = entry.ints[existIndex] == defaultValue if entry.ints[existIndex] == existValue and entry.ints[pointerIndex] == pointerValue then if type(value) == 'table' and rawget(value,'mt') == rawget(GlobalTable,mt) and entry.value == rawget(value,'key') then --if setting it to the same table it already is, then don't do anything return end deletePersistent(entry.value) end if not value then --print('__newindesx: delete') --delete for i,child in ipairs(dfhack.persistent.get_all(prefix .. rawget(theTable,'key')) or {}) do if child.value == key then child:delete() end end entry:delete() return elseif type(value) == 'string' then --print('__newindesx: string') entry.value = value entry.ints[pointerIndex] = defaultValue entry.ints[existIndex] = existValue entry:save() if isNew then --print('new child!') dfhack.persistent.save({key=prefix .. rawget(theTable,'key'), value=key}, true) end return elseif type(value) == 'table' then --print('__newindesx: table') if rawget(value,'mt') ~= rawget(GlobalTable,'mt') then if not isEmpty(value) then error('setting value to an invalid table') end --print('__newindesx: empty table') --empty table: allocate a thing entry.ints[pointerIndex] = pointerValue entry.ints[existIndex] = existValue entry.value = gensym() entry:save() if isNew then --print('new child!') dfhack.persistent.save({key=prefix .. rawget(theTable,'key'), value=key}, true) end return end --print('__newindesx: table assignment') entry.value = rawget(value,'key') entry.ints[pointerIndex] = pointerValue entry.ints[existIndex] = existValue entry:save() if isNew then --print('new child!') dfhack.persistent.save({key=prefix .. rawget(theTable,'key'), value=key}, true) end return else error('type(value) = ' .. type(value)) end end setmetatable(GlobalTable, GlobalTable.mt) return _ENV