#include "assignJob.h" #include "modules/Buildings.h" #include "modules/Items.h" #include "modules/Job.h" #include "modules/Materials.h" #include "df/building.h" #include "df/construction.h" #include "df/coord.h" #include "df/general_ref.h" #include "df/general_ref_building_holderst.h" #include "df/general_ref_unit.h" //#include "df/general_ref_unit_holderst.h" #include "df/general_ref_unit_workerst.h" #include "df/historical_entity.h" #include "df/item.h" #include "df/itemdef_weaponst.h" #include "df/item_quality.h" #include "df/item_type.h" #include "df/item_weaponst.h" #include "df/job.h" #include "df/job_skill.h" #include "df/job_type.h" #include "df/reaction_product_itemst.h" #include "df/reaction_reagent.h" #include "df/ui.h" #include "df/unit.h" #include "df/unit_inventory_item.h" #include "df/world_site.h" void getRidOfOldJob(df::unit* unit) { if ( unit->job.current_job == NULL ) { return; } df::job* job = unit->job.current_job; unit->job.current_job = NULL; if ( job->list_link->prev != NULL ) { job->list_link->prev->next = job->list_link->next; } if ( job->list_link->next != NULL ) { job->list_link->next->prev = job->list_link->prev; } //TODO: consider building pointers? //for now, just let the memory leak TODO: fix //delete job->list_link; //delete job; } int32_t assignJob(color_ostream& out, Edge firstImportantEdge, unordered_map parentMap, unordered_map& costMap, vector& invaders, unordered_set& requiresZNeg, unordered_set& requiresZPos, MapExtras::MapCache& cache, DigAbilities& abilities ) { df::unit* firstInvader = df::unit::find(invaders[0]); if ( !firstInvader ) { return -1; } //do whatever you need to do at the first important edge df::coord pt1 = firstImportantEdge.p1; df::coord pt2 = firstImportantEdge.p2; if ( costMap[pt1] > costMap[pt2] ) { df::coord temp = pt1; pt1 = pt2; pt2 = temp; } //out.print("first important edge: (%d,%d,%d) -> (%d,%d,%d)\n", pt1.x,pt1.y,pt1.z, pt2.x,pt2.y,pt2.z); int32_t jobId = -1; df::map_block* block1 = Maps::getTileBlock(pt1); df::map_block* block2 = Maps::getTileBlock(pt2); bool passable1 = block1->walkable[pt1.x&0xF][pt1.y&0xF]; bool passable2 = block2->walkable[pt2.x&0xF][pt2.y&0xF]; df::coord location; df::building* building = Buildings::findAtTile(pt2); df::coord buildingPos = pt2; if ( pt1.z > pt2.z ) { building = Buildings::findAtTile(df::coord(pt2.x,pt2.y,pt2.z+1)); buildingPos = df::coord(pt2.x,pt2.y,pt2.z+1); } if ( building != NULL ) { df::coord destroyFrom = parentMap[buildingPos]; if ( destroyFrom.z != buildingPos.z ) { //TODO: deal with this } //out.print("%s, line %d: Destroying building %d at (%d,%d,%d) from (%d,%d,%d).\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, building->id, buildingPos.x,buildingPos.y,buildingPos.z, destroyFrom.x,destroyFrom.y,destroyFrom.z); df::job* job = new df::job; job->job_type = df::enums::job_type::DestroyBuilding; //job->flags.bits.special = 1; df::general_ref_building_holderst* buildingRef = df::allocate(); buildingRef->building_id = building->id; job->general_refs.push_back(buildingRef); df::general_ref_unit_workerst* workerRef = df::allocate(); workerRef->unit_id = firstInvader->id; job->general_refs.push_back(workerRef); getRidOfOldJob(firstInvader); firstInvader->job.current_job = job; firstInvader->path.path.x.clear(); firstInvader->path.path.y.clear(); firstInvader->path.path.z.clear(); firstInvader->path.dest = destroyFrom; location = destroyFrom; firstInvader->job.hunt_target = NULL; firstInvader->job.destroy_target = NULL; building->jobs.clear(); building->jobs.push_back(job); Job::linkIntoWorld(job); jobId = job->id; job->completion_timer = abilities.jobDelay[CostDimension::DestroyBuilding]; } else { df::tiletype* type1 = Maps::getTileType(pt1); df::tiletype* type2 = Maps::getTileType(pt2); df::tiletype_shape shape1 = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype, shape, *type1); df::tiletype_shape shape2 = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype, shape, *type2); bool construction2 = ENUM_ATTR(tiletype, material, *type2) == df::enums::tiletype_material::CONSTRUCTION; if ( construction2 ) { df::job* job = new df::job; job->job_type = df::enums::job_type::RemoveConstruction; df::general_ref_unit_workerst* workerRef = df::allocate(); workerRef->unit_id = firstInvader->id; job->general_refs.push_back(workerRef); job->pos = pt2; getRidOfOldJob(firstInvader); firstInvader->job.current_job = job; firstInvader->path.path.x.clear(); firstInvader->path.path.y.clear(); firstInvader->path.path.z.clear(); firstInvader->path.dest = pt1; location = pt1; firstInvader->job.hunt_target = NULL; firstInvader->job.destroy_target = NULL; Job::linkIntoWorld(job); jobId = job->id; df::construction* constr = df::construction::find(pt2); bool smooth = constr != NULL && constr->item_type != df::enums::item_type::BOULDER; if ( smooth ) job->completion_timer = abilities.jobDelay[CostDimension::DestroySmoothConstruction]; else job->completion_timer = abilities.jobDelay[CostDimension::DestroyRoughConstruction]; } else { bool walkable_low1 = shape1 == df::tiletype_shape::STAIR_DOWN || shape1 == df::tiletype_shape::STAIR_UPDOWN; bool walkable_low2 = shape2 == df::tiletype_shape::STAIR_DOWN || shape2 == df::tiletype_shape::STAIR_UPDOWN; bool walkable_high1 = shape1 == df::tiletype_shape::STAIR_UP || shape1 == df::tiletype_shape::STAIR_UPDOWN; bool walkable_high2 = shape2 == df::tiletype_shape::STAIR_UP || shape2 == df::tiletype_shape::STAIR_UPDOWN; //must be a dig job bool up1 = !walkable_high1 && requiresZPos.find(pt1) != requiresZPos.end(); bool up2 = !walkable_high2 && requiresZPos.find(pt2) != requiresZPos.end(); bool down1 = !walkable_low1 && requiresZNeg.find(pt1) != requiresZNeg.end(); bool down2 = !walkable_low2 && requiresZNeg.find(pt2) != requiresZNeg.end(); bool up; bool down; df::coord goHere; df::coord workHere; if ( pt1.z == pt2.z ) { up = up2; down = down2; goHere = pt1; workHere = pt2; } else { if ( up1 || down1 ) { up = up1; down = down1; goHere = pt1; workHere = pt1; } else { up = up2; down = down2; goHere = pt1; workHere = pt2; } } df::job* job = new df::job; if ( up && down ) { job->job_type = df::enums::job_type::CarveUpDownStaircase; //out.print("%s, line %d: type = up/down\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); } else if ( up && !down ) { job->job_type = df::enums::job_type::CarveUpwardStaircase; //out.print("%s, line %d: type = up\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); } else if ( !up && down ) { job->job_type = df::enums::job_type::CarveDownwardStaircase; //out.print("%s, line %d: type = down\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { job->job_type = df::enums::job_type::Dig; //out.print("%s, line %d: type = dig\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); } //out.print("%s, line %d: up=%d,up1=%d,up2=%d, down=%d,down1=%d,down2=%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, up,up1,up2, down,down1,down2); job->pos = workHere; firstInvader->path.dest = goHere; location = goHere; df::general_ref_unit_workerst* ref = df::allocate(); ref->unit_id = firstInvader->id; job->general_refs.push_back(ref); firstInvader->job.hunt_target = NULL; firstInvader->job.destroy_target = NULL; getRidOfOldJob(firstInvader); firstInvader->job.current_job = job; firstInvader->path.path.x.clear(); firstInvader->path.path.y.clear(); firstInvader->path.path.z.clear(); Job::linkIntoWorld(job); jobId = job->id; job->completion_timer = abilities.jobDelay[CostDimension::Dig]; //TODO: test if he already has a pick bool hasPick = false; for ( size_t a = 0; a < firstInvader->inventory.size(); a++ ) { df::unit_inventory_item* inv_item = firstInvader->inventory[a]; if ( inv_item->mode != df::unit_inventory_item::Weapon || inv_item->body_part_id != firstInvader->body.weapon_bp ) continue; df::item* oldItem = inv_item->item; if ( oldItem->getType() != df::enums::item_type::WEAPON ) continue; df::item_weaponst* oldWeapon = (df::item_weaponst*)oldItem; df::itemdef_weaponst* oldType = oldWeapon->subtype; if ( oldType->skill_melee != df::enums::job_skill::MINING ) continue; hasPick = true; break; } if ( hasPick ) return firstInvader->id; //create and give a pick //based on createitem.cpp df::reaction_product_itemst *prod = NULL; //TODO: consider filtering based on entity/civ stuff for ( size_t a = 0; a < df::global::world->raws.itemdefs.weapons.size(); a++ ) { df::itemdef_weaponst* oldType = df::global::world->raws.itemdefs.weapons[a]; if ( oldType->skill_melee != df::enums::job_skill::MINING ) continue; prod = df::allocate(); prod->item_type = df::item_type::WEAPON; prod->item_subtype = a; break; } if ( prod == NULL ) { out.print("%s, %d: no valid item.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); return -1; } DFHack::MaterialInfo material; if ( !material.find("OBSIDIAN") ) { out.print("%s, %d: no water.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); return -1; } prod->mat_type = material.type; prod->mat_index = material.index; prod->probability = 100; prod->count = 1; prod->product_dimension = 1; vector out_items; vector in_reag; vector in_items; vector unk; prod->produce(firstInvader, &unk, &out_items, &in_reag, &in_items, 1, df::job_skill::NONE, df::historical_entity::find(firstInvader->civ_id), df::world_site::find(df::global::ui->site_id)); if ( out_items.size() != 1 ) { out.print("%s, %d: wrong size: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, out_items.size()); return -1; } out_items[0]->moveToGround(firstInvader->pos.x, firstInvader->pos.y, firstInvader->pos.z); #if 0 //check for existing item there for ( size_t a = 0; a < firstInvader->inventory.size(); a++ ) { df::unit_inventory_item* inv_item = firstInvader->inventory[a]; if ( false || inv_item->body_part_id == part ) { //throw it on the ground Items::moveToGround(cache, inv_item->item, firstInvader->pos); } } #endif Items::moveToInventory(cache, out_items[0], firstInvader, df::unit_inventory_item::T_mode::Weapon, firstInvader->body.weapon_bp); delete prod; } } #if 0 //tell EVERYONE to move there for ( size_t a = 0; a < invaders.size(); a++ ) { df::unit* invader = invaders[a]; invader->path.path.x.clear(); invader->path.path.y.clear(); invader->path.path.z.clear(); invader->path.dest = location; //invader->flags1.bits.invades = true; //invader->flags1.bits.marauder = true; //invader->flags2.bits.visitor_uninvited = true; invader->relations.group_leader_id = invader->id; } #endif return firstInvader->id; }