local _ENV = mkmodule('plugins.sort.slab') local gui = require('gui') local sortoverlay = require('plugins.sort.sortoverlay') local widgets = require('gui.widgets') local building = df.global.game.main_interface.building local view_sheets = df.global.game.main_interface.view_sheets -- ---------------------- -- SlabOverlay -- SlabOverlay = defclass(SlabOverlay, sortoverlay.SortOverlay) SlabOverlay.ATTRS{ default_pos={x=-40, y=12}, viewscreens='dwarfmode/ViewSheets/BUILDING/Workshop', frame={w=57, h=3}, } function SlabOverlay:init() local panel = widgets.Panel{ frame_background=gui.CLEAR_PEN, visible=self:callback('get_key'), } panel:addviews{ widgets.BannerPanel{ frame={l=0, t=0, r=0, h=1}, subviews={ widgets.EditField{ view_id='search', frame={l=1, t=0, r=1}, label_text="Search: ", key='CUSTOM_ALT_S', on_change=function(text) self:do_search(text) end, }, }, }, widgets.BannerPanel{ frame={l=0, t=2, r=0, h=1}, subviews={ widgets.ToggleHotkeyLabel{ view_id='only_needs_slab', frame={l=1, t=0, r=1}, label="Show only citizens who need a slab:", key='CUSTOM_SHIFT_E', initial_option=false, on_change=function() self:do_search(self.subviews.search.text, true) end, }, }, }, } self:addviews{panel} self:register_handler('SLAB', building.filtered_button, curry(sortoverlay.single_vector_search, { get_search_key_fn=self:callback('get_search_key'), matches_filters_fn=self:callback('matches_filters'), })) end function SlabOverlay:onInput(keys) if SlabOverlay.super.onInput(self, keys) then return true end if keys._MOUSE_L and self:get_key() and self:getMousePos() then return true end end function SlabOverlay:get_key() -- DF fails to set building.category back to NONE if there are no units that -- can be memorialized, so we have to manually check for a populated button vector if #building.button > 0 and building.category == df.interface_category_building.SELECT_MEMORIAL_UNIT then return 'SLAB' else if safe_index(self.state, 'SLAB', 'saved_original') then -- elements get freed as soon as the screen changes self.state.SLAB.saved_original = nil end end end function SlabOverlay:reset() SlabOverlay.super.reset(self) self.subviews.only_needs_slab:setOption(false, false) end local function get_unit(if_button) local hf = df.historical_figure.find(if_button.spec_id) return hf and df.unit.find(hf.unit_id) or nil end function SlabOverlay:get_search_key(if_button) local unit = get_unit(if_button) if not unit then return if_button.filter_str end return ('%s %s'):format( dfhack.units.getReadableName(unit), -- last name is in english dfhack.TranslateName(unit.name, false, true)) -- get untranslated last name end local function needs_slab(if_button) local unit = get_unit(if_button) if not unit then return false end if not dfhack.units.isOwnGroup(unit) then return false end local info = dfhack.toSearchNormalized(if_button.info) if not info:find('no slabs engraved', 1, true) then return false end return info:find('not memorialized', 1, true) or info:find('ghost', 1, true) end function SlabOverlay:matches_filters(if_button) local only_needs_slab = self.subviews.only_needs_slab:getOptionValue() return not only_needs_slab or needs_slab(if_button) end return _ENV