/********************************************* * tools/supported/skillmodify.cpp * * Purpose: * * - Display creatures * - Modify skills and labors of creatures * * Version: 0.1 * Date: 2011-04-07 * * Todo: * - Option to add/remove single skills * - Ghosts should not be displayed * - Override forbidden mass-designation with -f * - Filter by nickname with -n * - Filter by first name with -fn * - Filter by last name with -ln * - Kill/revive creature(s) with --kill/--revive * Done: * - Option to add/remove single labors * - Switches -ras and rl should only be possible with -nn or -i * - Switch -rh removes hauler jobs * - Dead creatures should not be displayed * - Childs should not get labors assigned to * - Babies should not get labors assigned to * - Switch -al adds labor number n * - Switch -rl removes labor number n * - Switch -ral removes all labors * - Switch -ll lists all available labors ********************************************* */ #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #define DFHACK_WANT_MISCUTILS #include #include bool quiet; void usage(int argc, const char * argv[]) { cout << "Usage:" << endl << argv[0] << " [option 1] [option 2] [...]" << endl << "-q : Suppress \"Press any key to continue\" at program termination" << endl << "-c creature : Only show/modify this creature type instead of dwarfes" << endl << "-i id : Only show/modify creature with this id" << endl << "-nn : Only show/modify creatures with no custom nickname (migrants)" << endl << "--nicks : Only show/modify creatures with custom nickname" << endl << "-ll : List available labors" << endl << "-al : Add labor to creature" << endl << "-rl : Remove labor from creature" << endl << "-ras : Remove all skills from creature" << endl << "-ral : Remove all labors from creature" << endl << "-ah : Add hauler labors (stone hauling, etc.) to creature" << endl << "-rh : Remove hauler labors (stone hauling, etc.) from creature" << endl << "-me : Make creature an engraver" << endl << "-mm : Make creature a mason" << endl << "--setmood : Set mood to n (-1 = no mood, max=4)" << endl // Doesn't work, because hapiness is recalculated //<< "--sethappiness : Set happiness to n" << endl << "-f : Force an action" << endl << endl << "Example 1: Show all dwarfs" << endl << argv[0] << " -c Dwarf" << endl << endl << "Example 2: Show all Yaks" << endl << argv[0] << " -c Yak" << endl << endl << "Example 3: Remove all skills from dwarf 32" << endl << argv[0] << " -i 32 -ras" << endl << endl << "Example 4: Remove all skills and labors from dwarfs with no custom nickname" << endl << argv[0] << " -c DWARF -nn -ras -ral" << endl << endl << "Example 5: Add hauling labors to all migrants" << endl << argv[0] << " -c DWARF -nn -ah" << endl << endl << "Example 6: Show list of labor ids" << endl << argv[0] << " -c DWARF -ll" << endl << endl << "Example 7: Add engraving labor to all migrants" << endl << argv[0] << " -c DWARF -nn -al 13" << endl ; if (quiet == false) { cout << "Press any key to continue" << endl; cin.ignore(); } } enum likeType { FAIL = 0, MATERIAL = 1, ITEM = 2, FOOD = 3 }; DFHack::Materials * Materials; DFHack::VersionInfo *mem; vector< vector > englishWords; vector< vector > foreignWords; DFHack::Creatures * Creatures = NULL; // Note that toCaps() changes the string itself and I'm using it a few times in // an unsafe way below. Didn't crash yet however. std::string toCaps(std::string s) { const int length = s.length(); if (length == 0) { return s; } s[0] = std::toupper(s[0]); for(int i=1; i!=length ; ++i) { s[i] = std::tolower(s[i]); } return s; } int strtoint(const string &str) { stringstream ss(str); int result; return ss >> result ? result : -1; } void printCreature(DFHack::Context * DF, const DFHack::t_creature & creature, int index) { cout << "Creature[" << index << "]: " << toCaps(Materials->raceEx[creature.race].rawname); DFHack::Translation *Tran = DF->getTranslation(); DFHack::VersionInfo *mem = DF->getMemoryInfo(); if(creature.name.nickname[0]) { cout << ", " << creature.name.nickname; } else { if(creature.name.first_name[0]) { cout << ", " << toCaps(creature.name.first_name); } string transName = Tran->TranslateName(creature.name,false); if(!transName.empty()) { cout << " " << toCaps(transName); } } string prof_string=""; try { prof_string = mem->getProfession(creature.profession); } catch (exception& e) { cout << "Error retrieving creature profession: " << e.what() << endl; } cout << ", " << toCaps(prof_string) << "(" << int(creature.profession) << ")"; if(creature.custom_profession[0]) { cout << "/" << creature.custom_profession; } if(creature.current_job.active) { cout << ", current job: " << mem->getJob(creature.current_job.jobId); } cout << ", Happy = " << creature.happiness; cout << endl; if((creature.mood != -1) && (creature.mood<5)) { cout << "Creature is in a strange mood (mood=" << creature.mood << "), skill: " << mem->getSkill(creature.mood_skill) << endl; vector mymat; if(Creatures->ReadJob(&creature, mymat)) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mymat.size(); i++) { printf("\t%s(%d)\t%d %d %d - %.8x\n", Materials->getDescription(mymat[i]).c_str(), mymat[i].itemType, mymat[i].subType, mymat[i].subIndex, mymat[i].index, mymat[i].flags); } } } if(creature.has_default_soul) { // Print out skills int skillid; int skillrating; int skillexperience; string skillname; cout << setiosflags(ios::left); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < creature.defaultSoul.numSkills;i++) { skillid = creature.defaultSoul.skills[i].id; if ( // leave out some skill that are not interesting and clutter the screen skillid != 72 && skillid != 73 && skillid != 74 && skillid != 79 && skillid != 80 && skillid != 81 && skillid != 82 && skillid != 83 && skillid != 84 ) { skillrating = creature.defaultSoul.skills[i].rating; skillexperience = creature.defaultSoul.skills[i].experience; try { skillname = mem->getSkill(skillid); } catch(DFHack::Error::AllMemdef &e) { skillname = "Unknown skill"; cout << e.what() << endl; } cout << "(Skill " << int(skillid) << ") " << setw(16) << skillname << ": " << skillrating << "/" << skillexperience << endl; } } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_CREATURE_LABORS;i++) { if(!creature.labors[i]) continue; string laborname; try { laborname = mem->getLabor(i); } catch(exception &e) { //cout << "Found undefined labor (" << i << ")" << endl; //cout << e.what() << endl; laborname = "(Undefined)"; //continue; } cout << "(Labor " << i << ") " << setw(16) << laborname << endl; } } /* FLAGS 1 */ if(creature.flags1.bits.dead) { cout << "Flag: Dead" << endl; } if(creature.flags1.bits.on_ground) { cout << "Flag: On the ground" << endl; } if(creature.flags1.bits.skeleton) { cout << "Flag: Skeletal" << endl; } if(creature.flags1.bits.zombie) { cout << "Flag: Zombie" << endl; } if(creature.flags1.bits.tame) { cout << "Flag: Tame" << endl; } if(creature.flags1.bits.royal_guard){ cout << "Flag: Royal_guard" << endl; } if(creature.flags1.bits.fortress_guard){cout<<"Flag: Fortress_guard" << endl; } /* FLAGS 2 */ if(creature.flags2.bits.killed) { cout << "Flag: Killed by kill function" << endl; } if(creature.flags2.bits.resident) { cout << "Flag: Resident" << endl; } if(creature.flags2.bits.gutted) { cout << "Flag: Gutted" << endl; } if(creature.flags2.bits.slaughter) { cout << "Flag: Marked for slaughter" << endl; } if(creature.flags2.bits.underworld) { cout << "Flag: From the underworld" << endl; } if(creature.flags1.bits.had_mood && (creature.mood == -1 || creature.mood == 8 ) ) { string artifact_name = Tran->TranslateName(creature.artifact_name,false); cout << "Artifact: " << artifact_name << endl; } } int main (int argc, const char* argv[]) { // let's be more useful when double-clicked on windows #ifndef LINUX_BUILD quiet = false; #endif string creature_type = "Dwarf"; string creature_id = ""; int creature_id_int = 0; bool find_nonicks = false; bool find_nicks = false; bool remove_skills = false; bool remove_labors = false; bool make_hauler = false; bool remove_hauler = false; bool make_engraver = false; bool make_mason = false; bool add_labor = false; int add_labor_n = -99999; bool remove_labor = false; int remove_labor_n = -99999; bool set_happiness = false; int set_happiness_n = -99999; bool set_mood = false; int set_mood_n = -99999; bool list_labors = false; bool force_massdesignation = false; if (argc == 1) { usage(argc, argv); return 1; } for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { string arg_cur = argv[i]; string arg_next = ""; int arg_next_int = -99999; /* Check if argv[i+1] is a number >= 0 */ if (i < argc-1) { arg_next = argv[i+1]; arg_next_int = strtoint(arg_next); if (arg_next != "0" && arg_next_int == 0) { arg_next_int = -99999; } } if(arg_cur == "-q") { quiet = true; } else if(arg_cur == "+q") { quiet = false; } else if(arg_cur == "-ras") { remove_skills = true; } else if(arg_cur == "-f") { force_massdesignation = true; } // list labors else if(arg_cur == "-ll") { list_labors = true; } // add single labor else if(arg_cur == "-al" && i < argc-1) { if (arg_next_int == -99999 || arg_next_int >= NUM_CREATURE_LABORS) { usage(argc, argv); return 1; } add_labor = true; add_labor_n = arg_next_int; i++; } // remove single labor else if(arg_cur == "-rl" && i < argc-1) { if (arg_next_int == -99999 || arg_next_int >= NUM_CREATURE_LABORS) { usage(argc, argv); return 1; } remove_labor = true; remove_labor_n = arg_next_int; i++; } else if(arg_cur == "--setmood" && i < argc-1) { if (arg_next_int < -1 || arg_next_int >= 5) { usage(argc, argv); return 1; } set_mood = true; set_mood_n = arg_next_int; i++; } else if(arg_cur == "--sethappiness" && i < argc-1) { if (arg_next_int < 1 || arg_next_int >= 2000) { usage(argc, argv); return 1; } set_happiness = true; set_happiness_n = arg_next_int; i++; } else if(arg_cur == "-ral") { remove_labors = true; } else if(arg_cur == "-ah") { make_hauler = true; } else if(arg_cur == "-rh") { remove_hauler = true; } else if(arg_cur == "-mm") { make_mason = true; } else if(arg_cur == "-me") { make_engraver = true; } else if(arg_cur == "-nn") { find_nonicks = true; } else if(arg_cur == "--nicks") { find_nicks = true; } else if(arg_cur == "-c" && i < argc-1) { creature_type = argv[i+1]; i++; } else if(arg_cur == "-i" && i < argc-1) { creature_id = argv[i+1]; sscanf(argv[i+1], "%d", &creature_id_int); i++; } else { if (arg_cur != "-h") { cout << "Unknown option '" << arg_cur << "'" << endl; cout << endl; } usage(argc, argv); return 1; } } DFHack::ContextManager DFMgr("Memory.xml"); DFHack::Context* DF; try { DF = DFMgr.getSingleContext(); DF->Attach(); } catch (exception& e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; if (quiet == false) { cin.ignore(); } return 1; } Creatures = DF->getCreatures(); Materials = DF->getMaterials(); DFHack::Translation * Tran = DF->getTranslation(); uint32_t numCreatures; if(!Creatures->Start(numCreatures)) { cerr << "Can't get creatures" << endl; if (quiet == false) { cin.ignore(); } return 1; } if(!numCreatures) { cerr << "No creatures to print" << endl; if (quiet == false) { cin.ignore(); } return 1; } mem = DF->getMemoryInfo(); Materials->ReadInorganicMaterials(); Materials->ReadOrganicMaterials(); Materials->ReadWoodMaterials(); Materials->ReadPlantMaterials(); Materials->ReadCreatureTypes(); Materials->ReadCreatureTypesEx(); Materials->ReadDescriptorColors(); if(!Tran->Start()) { cerr << "Can't get name tables" << endl; return 1; } // List all available labors (reproduces contents of Memory.xml) if (list_labors == true) { string laborname; for (int i=0; i < NUM_CREATURE_LABORS; i++) { try { laborname = mem->getLabor(i); } catch (exception& e) { laborname = "Unknown"; } cout << "Labor " << int(i) << ": " << laborname << endl; } } else { vector addrs; for(uint32_t creature_idx = 0; creature_idx < numCreatures; creature_idx++) { DFHack::t_creature creature; Creatures->ReadCreature(creature_idx,creature); /* Check if we want to display/change this creature or skip it */ bool hasnick = (creature.name.nickname[0] != '\0'); if ( // Check for -i (creature_id.empty() || creature_idx == creature_id_int) // Check for -c && (creature_type.empty() || toCaps(string(Materials->raceEx[creature.race].rawname)) == toCaps(creature_type)) // Check for -nn && ((find_nonicks == true && hasnick == false) || (find_nicks == true && hasnick == true) || (find_nicks == false && find_nonicks == false)) && (find_nonicks == false || creature.name.nickname[0] == '\0') && (!creature.flags1.bits.dead) ) { printCreature(DF,creature,creature_idx); addrs.push_back(creature.origin); bool dochange = ( remove_skills || remove_labors || add_labor || remove_labor || make_hauler || remove_hauler || make_engraver || make_mason || set_happiness || set_mood ); // 96=Child, 97=Baby if (creature.profession == 96 || creature.profession == 97) { dochange = false; } bool allow_massdesignation = !creature_id.empty() || toCaps(creature_type) != "Dwarf" || find_nonicks == true || force_massdesignation; if (dochange == true && allow_massdesignation == false) { cout << "Not changing creature because none of -c (other than dwarf), -i or -nn was" << endl << "selected. Add -f to still do mass designation." << endl; dochange = false; } // cout << "dochange = " << int(dochange) << endl; // cout << "remove_skills = " << int(remove_skills) << endl; // cout << "remove_labors = " << int(remove_labors) << endl; // cout << "add_labor = " << int(add_labor) << endl; // cout << "remove_labor = " << int(remove_labor) << endl; // cout << "make_hauler = " << int(make_hauler) << endl; // cout << "remove_hauler = " << int(remove_hauler) << endl; // cout << "make_engraver = " << int(make_engraver) << endl; // cout << "make_mason = " << int(make_mason) << endl; // cout << "allow_massdesignation = " << int(allow_massdesignation) << endl; // cout << "force_massdesignation = " << int(force_massdesignation) << endl; // cout << "creature.profession = " << int(creature.profession) << endl; if (dochange) { if(creature.has_default_soul) { if (set_mood) { cout << "Setting mood to " << set_mood_n << "..." << endl; Creatures->WriteMood(creature_idx, set_mood_n); } if (set_happiness) { cout << "Setting happiness to " << set_happiness_n << "..." << endl; Creatures->WriteHappiness(creature_idx, set_happiness_n); } if (remove_skills) { DFHack::t_soul & soul = creature.defaultSoul; cout << "Removing skills..." << endl; for(unsigned int sk = 0; sk < soul.numSkills;sk++) { soul.skills[sk].rating=0; soul.skills[sk].experience=0; } // Doesn't work anyways, so better leave it alone //soul.numSkills=0; if (Creatures->WriteSkills(creature_idx, soul) == true) { cout << "Success writing skills." << endl; } else { cout << "Error writing skills." << endl; } } if (add_labor || remove_labor || remove_labors || make_hauler || remove_hauler || make_engraver || make_mason) { if (add_labor) { cout << "Adding labor " << add_labor_n << "..." << endl; creature.labors[add_labor_n] = 1; } if (remove_labor) { cout << "Removing labor " << remove_labor_n << "..." << endl; creature.labors[remove_labor_n] = 0; } if (remove_labors) { cout << "Removing labors..." << endl; for(unsigned int lab = 0; lab < NUM_CREATURE_LABORS; lab++) { creature.labors[lab] = 0; } } if (remove_hauler) { cout << "Removing hauler labors..." << endl; creature.labors[1] = 0; creature.labors[2] = 0; creature.labors[3] = 0; creature.labors[4] = 0; creature.labors[5] = 0; creature.labors[6] = 0; creature.labors[7] = 0; creature.labors[8] = 0; creature.labors[9] = 0; creature.labors[22] = 0; creature.labors[23] = 0; } if (make_hauler) { cout << "Setting hauler labors..." << endl; creature.labors[1] = 1; creature.labors[2] = 1; creature.labors[3] = 1; creature.labors[4] = 1; creature.labors[5] = 1; creature.labors[6] = 1; creature.labors[7] = 1; creature.labors[8] = 1; creature.labors[9] = 1; creature.labors[22] = 1; creature.labors[23] = 1; } if (make_engraver) { cout << "Setting 'Stone Detailing'..." << endl; creature.labors[12] = 1; } if (make_mason) { cout << "Setting 'Masonry'..." << endl; creature.labors[13] = 1; } if (Creatures->WriteLabors(creature_idx, creature.labors) == true) { cout << "Success writing labors." << endl; } else { cout << "Error writing labors." << endl; } } } else { cout << "Error removing skills: Creature has no default soul." << endl; } printCreature(DF,creature,creature_idx); } /* End remove skills/labors */ cout << endl; } /* if (print creature) */ } /* End for(all creatures) */ } /* End if (we need to walk creatures) */ Creatures->Finish(); DF->Detach(); if (quiet == false) { cout << "Done. Press any key to continue" << endl; cin.ignore(); } return 0; }