package RemoteFortressReader; //Attempts to provide a complete framework for reading everything from a fortress needed for vizualization option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; //We use shapes, etc, because the actual tiletypes may differ between DF versions. enum TiletypeShape { NO_SHAPE = -1; EMPTY = 0; FLOOR = 1; BOULDER = 2; PEBBLES = 3; WALL = 4; FORTIFICATION = 5; STAIR_UP = 6; STAIR_DOWN = 7; STAIR_UPDOWN = 8; RAMP = 9; RAMP_TOP = 10; BROOK_BED = 11; BROOK_TOP = 12; TREE_SHAPE = 13; SAPLING = 14; SHRUB = 15; ENDLESS_PIT = 16; BRANCH = 17; TRUNK_BRANCH = 18; TWIG = 19; } enum TiletypeSpecial { NO_SPECIAL = -1; NORMAL = 0; RIVER_SOURCE = 1; WATERFALL = 2; SMOOTH = 3; FURROWED = 4; WET = 5; DEAD = 6; WORN_1 = 7; WORN_2 = 8; WORN_3 = 9; TRACK = 10; SMOOTH_DEAD = 11; }; enum TiletypeMaterial { NO_MATERIAL = -1; AIR = 0; SOIL = 1; STONE = 2; FEATURE = 3; LAVA_STONE = 4; MINERAL = 5; FROZEN_LIQUID = 6; CONSTRUCTION = 7; GRASS_LIGHT = 8; GRASS_DARK = 9; GRASS_DRY = 10; GRASS_DEAD = 11; PLANT = 12; HFS = 13; CAMPFIRE = 14; FIRE = 15; ASHES = 16; MAGMA = 17; DRIFTWOOD = 18; POOL = 19; BROOK = 20; RIVER = 21; ROOT = 22; TREE_MATERIAL = 23; MUSHROOM = 24; UNDERWORLD_GATE = 25; } enum TiletypeVariant { NO_VARIANT = -1; VAR_1 = 0; VAR_2 = 1; VAR_3 = 2; VAR_4 = 3; }; message Tiletype { required int32 id = 1; optional string name = 2; optional string caption = 3; optional TiletypeShape shape = 4; optional TiletypeSpecial special = 5; optional TiletypeMaterial material = 6; optional TiletypeVariant variant = 7; optional string direction = 8; }; message TiletypeList { repeated Tiletype tiletype_list = 1; } message MapBlock { required int32 map_x = 1; required int32 map_y = 2; required int32 map_z = 3; repeated int32 tiles = 4; repeated MatPair materials = 5; repeated MatPair layer_materials = 6; repeated MatPair vein_materials = 7; repeated MatPair base_materials = 8; repeated int32 magma = 9; repeated int32 water = 10; repeated bool hidden = 11; repeated bool light = 12; repeated bool subterranean = 13; repeated bool outside = 14; repeated bool aquifer = 15; repeated bool water_stagnant = 16; repeated bool water_salt = 17; } message MatPair { required int32 mat_type = 1; required int32 mat_index = 2; } message ColorDefinition { required int32 red = 1; required int32 green = 2; required int32 blue = 3; } message MaterialDefinition{ required MatPair mat_pair = 1; optional string id = 2; optional string name = 3; optional ColorDefinition state_color = 4; //Simplifying colors to assume room temperature. } message MaterialList{ repeated MaterialDefinition material_list = 1; } message UnitDefinition { required int32 id = 1; optional bool isValid = 2; optional int32 pos_x = 3; optional int32 pos_y = 4; optional int32 pos_z = 5; } message UnitList { repeated UnitDefinition creature_list = 1; } message BlockRequest { optional int32 blocks_needed = 1; optional int32 min_x = 2; optional int32 max_x = 3; optional int32 min_y = 4; optional int32 max_y = 5; optional int32 min_z = 6; optional int32 max_z = 7; } message BlockList { repeated MapBlock map_blocks = 1; optional int32 map_x = 2; optional int32 map_y = 3; } message PlantDef { required int32 pos_x = 1; required int32 pos_y = 2; required int32 pos_z = 3; required int32 index = 4; } message PlantList { repeated PlantDef plant_list = 1; } message ViewInfo { optional int32 view_pos_x = 1; optional int32 view_pos_y = 2; optional int32 view_pos_z = 3; optional int32 view_size_x = 4; optional int32 view_size_y = 5; optional int32 cursor_pos_x = 6; optional int32 cursor_pos_y = 7; optional int32 cursor_pos_z = 8; } message MapInfo { optional int32 block_size_x = 1; optional int32 block_size_y = 2; optional int32 block_size_z = 3; optional int32 block_pos_x = 4; optional int32 block_pos_y = 5; optional int32 block_pos_z = 6; optional string world_name = 7; optional string world_name_english = 8; optional string save_name = 9; }