-- A GUI front-end for the workflow plugin. --[[=begin gui/workflow ============ Bind to a key (the example config uses Alt-W), and activate with a job selected in a workshop in :kbd:`q` mode. .. image:: /docs/images/workflow.png This script provides a simple interface to constraints managed by `workflow`. When active, it displays a list of all constraints applicable to the current job, and their current status. A constraint specifies a certain range to be compared against either individual *item* or whole *stack* count, an item type and optionally a material. When the current count is below the lower bound of the range, the job is resumed; if it is above or equal to the top bound, it will be suspended. Within the range, the specific constraint has no effect on the job; others may still affect it. Pressing :kbd:`i` switches the current constraint between counting stacks or items. Pressing :kbd:`r` lets you input the range directly; :kbd:`e`, :kbd:`r`, :kbd:`d`, :kbd:`f` adjust the bounds by 5, 10, or 20 depending on the direction and the :kbd:`i` setting (counting items and expanding the range each gives a 2x bonus). Pressing :kbd:`a` produces a list of possible outputs of this job as guessed by workflow, and lets you create a new constraint by choosing one as template. If you don't see the choice you want in the list, it likely means you have to adjust the job material first using `job` ``item-material`` or `gui/workshop-job`, as described in the `workflow` documentation. In this manner, this feature can be used for troubleshooting jobs that don't match the right constraints. .. image:: /docs/images/workflow-new1.png If you select one of the outputs with :kbd:`Enter`, the matching constraint is simply added to the list. If you use :kbd:`Shift`:kbd:`Enter`, the interface proceeds to the next dialog, which allows you to edit the suggested constraint parameters to suit your need, and set the item count range. .. image:: /docs/images/workflow-new2.png Pressing :kbd:`s` (or, with the example config, Alt-W in the :kbd:`z` stocks screen) opens the overall status screen, which was copied from the C++ implementation by falconne for better integration with the rest of the lua script: .. image:: /docs/images/workflow-status.png This screen shows all currently existing workflow constraints, and allows monitoring and/or changing them from one screen. The constraint list can be filtered by typing text in the field below. The color of the stock level number indicates how "healthy" the stock level is, based on current count and trend. Bright green is very good, green is good, red is bad, bright red is very bad. The limit number is also color-coded. Red means that there are currently no workshops producing that item (i.e. no jobs). If it's yellow, that means the production has been delayed, possibly due to lack of input materials. The chart on the right is a plot of the last 14 days (28 half day plots) worth of stock history for the selected item, with the rightmost point representing the current stock value. The bright green dashed line is the target limit (maximum) and the dark green line is that minus the gap (minimum). =end]] local utils = require 'utils' local gui = require 'gui' local guidm = require 'gui.dwarfmode' local guimat = require 'gui.materials' local widgets = require 'gui.widgets' local dlg = require 'gui.dialogs' local workflow = require 'plugins.workflow' function check_enabled(cb) if workflow.isEnabled() then return cb() else dlg.showYesNoPrompt( 'Enable Plugin', { 'The workflow plugin is not enabled currently.', NEWLINE, NEWLINE, 'Press ', { key = 'MENU_CONFIRM' }, ' to enable it.' }, COLOR_YELLOW, function() workflow.setEnabled(true) return cb() end ) end end function check_repeat(job, cb) if job.flags['repeat'] then return cb() else dlg.showYesNoPrompt( 'Not Repeat Job', { 'Workflow only tracks repeating jobs.', NEWLINE, NEWLINE, 'Press ', { key = 'MENU_CONFIRM' }, ' to make this one repeat.' }, COLOR_YELLOW, function() job.flags['repeat'] = true return cb() end ) end end function describe_item_type(iobj) local itemline = 'any item' if iobj.is_craft then itemline = 'any craft' elseif iobj.item_type >= 0 then itemline = df.item_type.attrs[iobj.item_type].caption or iobj.item_type local subtype = iobj.item_subtype or -1 local def = dfhack.items.getSubtypeDef(iobj.item_type, subtype) local count = dfhack.items.getSubtypeCount(iobj.item_type, subtype) if def then itemline = def.name elseif count >= 0 then itemline = 'any '..itemline end end return itemline end function is_caste_mat(iobj) return dfhack.items.isCasteMaterial(iobj.item_type or -1) end function describe_material(iobj) local matflags = utils.list_bitfield_flags(iobj.mat_mask) if #matflags > 0 then matflags = 'any '..table.concat(matflags, '/') else matflags = nil end if is_caste_mat(iobj) then return 'no material' elseif (iobj.mat_type or -1) >= 0 then local info = dfhack.matinfo.decode(iobj.mat_type, iobj.mat_index) local matline if info then matline = info:toString() else matline = iobj.mat_type..':'..iobj.mat_index end return matline, matflags else return matflags or 'any material' end end function current_stock(iobj) if iobj.goal_by_count then return iobj.cur_count else return iobj.cur_amount end end function if_by_count(iobj,bc,ba) if iobj.goal_by_count then return bc else return ba end end function compute_trend(history,field) local count = #history if count == 0 then return 0 end local sumX,sumY,sumXY,sumXX = 0,0,0,0 for i,v in ipairs(history) do sumX = sumX + i sumY = sumY + v[field] sumXY = sumXY + i*v[field] sumXX = sumXX + i*i end return (count * sumXY - sumX * sumY) / (count * sumXX - sumX * sumX) end ------------------------ -- RANGE EDITOR GROUP -- ------------------------ local null_cons = { goal_value = 0, goal_gap = 0, goal_by_count = false } RangeEditor = defclass(RangeEditor, widgets.Label) RangeEditor.ATTRS { get_cb = DEFAULT_NIL, save_cb = DEFAULT_NIL, keys = { count = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_I', modify = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_R', min_dec = 'BUILDING_TRIGGER_MIN_SIZE_DOWN', min_inc = 'BUILDING_TRIGGER_MIN_SIZE_UP', max_dec = 'BUILDING_TRIGGER_MAX_SIZE_DOWN', max_inc = 'BUILDING_TRIGGER_MAX_SIZE_UP', } } function RangeEditor:init(args) self:setText{ { key = self.keys.count, text = function() local cons = self.get_cb() or null_cons if cons.goal_by_count then return ': Count stacks ' else return ': Count items ' end end, on_activate = self:callback('onChangeUnit') }, { key = self.keys.modify, text = ': Range', on_activate = self:callback('onEditRange') }, NEWLINE, ' ', { key = self.keys.min_dec, on_activate = self:callback('onIncRange', 'goal_gap', 2) }, { key = self.keys.min_inc, on_activate = self:callback('onIncRange', 'goal_gap', -1) }, { text = function() local cons = self.get_cb() or null_cons return string.format(': Min %-4d ', cons.goal_value - cons.goal_gap) end }, { key = self.keys.max_dec, on_activate = self:callback('onIncRange', 'goal_value', -1) }, { key = self.keys.max_inc, on_activate = self:callback('onIncRange', 'goal_value', 2) }, { text = function() local cons = self.get_cb() or null_cons return string.format(': Max %-4d', cons.goal_value) end }, } end function RangeEditor:onChangeUnit() local cons = self.get_cb() cons.goal_by_count = not cons.goal_by_count self.save_cb(cons) end function RangeEditor:onEditRange() local cons = self.get_cb() dlg.showInputPrompt( 'Input Range', 'Enter the new constraint range:', COLOR_WHITE, (cons.goal_value-cons.goal_gap)..'-'..cons.goal_value, function(text) local maxv = string.match(text, '^%s*(%d+)%s*$') if maxv then cons.goal_value = maxv return self.save_cb(cons) end local minv,maxv = string.match(text, '^%s*(%d+)-(%d+)%s*$') if minv and maxv and minv ~= maxv then cons.goal_value = math.max(minv,maxv) cons.goal_gap = math.abs(maxv-minv) return self.save_cb(cons) end dlg.showMessage('Invalid Range', 'This range is invalid: '..text, COLOR_LIGHTRED) end ) end function RangeEditor:onIncRange(field, delta) local cons = self.get_cb() if not cons.goal_by_count then delta = delta * 2 end cons[field] = math.max(1, cons[field] + delta*5) self.save_cb(cons) end --------------------------- -- NEW CONSTRAINT DIALOG -- --------------------------- NewConstraint = defclass(NewConstraint, gui.FramedScreen) NewConstraint.focus_path = 'workflow/new' NewConstraint.ATTRS { frame_style = gui.GREY_LINE_FRAME, frame_title = 'New workflow constraint', frame_width = 39, frame_height = 20, frame_inset = 1, constraint = DEFAULT_NIL, on_submit = DEFAULT_NIL, } function NewConstraint:init(args) self.constraint = args.constraint or { item_type = -1 } rawset_default(self.constraint, { goal_value = 10, goal_gap = 5, goal_by_count = false }) local matlist = {} local matsel = 1 local matmask = self.constraint.mat_mask for i,v in ipairs(df.dfhack_material_category) do if v and v ~= 'wood2' then table.insert(matlist, { icon = self:callback('isMatSelected', v), text = v }) if matmask and matmask[v] and matsel == 1 then matsel = #matlist end end end self:addviews{ widgets.Label{ frame = { l = 0, t = 0 }, text = 'Items matching:' }, widgets.Label{ frame = { l = 1, t = 2, w = 26 }, text = { 'Type: ', { pen = function() if self:isValid() then return COLOR_LIGHTCYAN else return COLOR_LIGHTRED end end, text = function() if self:isValid() then return describe_item_type(self.constraint) else return 'item not set' end end }, NEWLINE, ' ', { key = 'CUSTOM_T', text = ': Select, ', on_activate = self:callback('chooseType') }, { key = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_C', text = ': Crafts', on_activate = self:callback('chooseCrafts') }, NEWLINE, NEWLINE, 'Material: ', { pen = COLOR_LIGHTCYAN, text = function() return describe_material(self.constraint) end }, NEWLINE, ' ', { key = 'CUSTOM_P', text = ': Specific', on_activate = self:callback('chooseMaterial') }, NEWLINE, NEWLINE, 'Other:', NEWLINE, ' ', { key = 'D_MILITARY_SUPPLIES_WATER_DOWN', on_activate = self:callback('incQuality', -1) }, { key = 'D_MILITARY_SUPPLIES_WATER_UP', key_sep = ': ', text = function() return df.item_quality[self.constraint.min_quality or 0]..' quality' end, on_activate = self:callback('incQuality', 1) }, NEWLINE, ' ', { key = 'CUSTOM_L', key_sep = ': ', text = function() if self.constraint.is_local then return 'Locally made only' else return 'Include foreign' end end, on_activate = self:callback('toggleLocal') }, } }, widgets.Label{ frame = { l = 0, t = 14 }, text = { 'Desired range: ', { pen = COLOR_LIGHTCYAN, text = function() local cons = self.constraint local goal = (cons.goal_value-cons.goal_gap)..'-'..cons.goal_value if cons.goal_by_count then return goal .. ' stacks' else return goal .. ' items' end end }, } }, RangeEditor{ frame = { l = 1, t = 16 }, get_cb = self:cb_getfield('constraint'), save_cb = self:callback('onRangeChange'), }, widgets.Label{ frame = { l = 30, t = 0 }, text = 'Mat class' }, widgets.List{ view_id = 'matlist', frame = { l = 30, t = 2, w = 9, h = 18 }, scroll_keys = widgets.STANDARDSCROLL, choices = matlist, selected = matsel, on_submit = self:callback('onToggleMatclass') }, widgets.Label{ frame = { l = 0, b = 0, w = 29 }, text = { { key = 'LEAVESCREEN', text = ': Cancel, ', on_activate = self:callback('dismiss') }, { key = 'MENU_CONFIRM', key_sep = ': ', enabled = self:callback('isValid'), text = function() if self.is_existing then return 'Update' else return 'Create new' end end, on_activate = function() self:dismiss() if self.on_submit then self.on_submit(self.constraint) end end }, } }, } end function NewConstraint:postinit() self:onChange() end function NewConstraint:isValid() return self.constraint.item_type >= 0 or self.constraint.is_craft end function NewConstraint:onChange() local token = workflow.constraintToToken(self.constraint) local out if self:isValid() then out = workflow.findConstraint(token) end if out then self.constraint = out self.is_existing = true else self.constraint.token = token self.is_existing = false end end function NewConstraint:chooseType() guimat.ItemTypeDialog{ prompt = 'Please select a new item type', hide_none = true, on_select = function(itype,isub) local cons = self.constraint cons.item_type = itype cons.item_subtype = isub cons.is_craft = nil self:onChange() end }:show() end function NewConstraint:chooseCrafts() local cons = self.constraint cons.item_type = -1 cons.item_subtype = -1 cons.is_craft = true self:onChange() end function NewConstraint:chooseMaterial() local cons = self.constraint guimat.MaterialDialog{ prompt = 'Please select a new material', none_caption = 'any material', frame_width = 37, on_select = function(mat_type, mat_index) local cons = self.constraint cons.mat_type = mat_type cons.mat_index = mat_index cons.mat_mask = nil self:onChange() end }:show() end function NewConstraint:incQuality(diff) local cons = self.constraint local nq = (cons.min_quality or 0) + diff if nq < 0 then nq = df.item_quality.Masterful elseif nq > df.item_quality.Masterful then nq = 0 end cons.min_quality = nq self:onChange() end function NewConstraint:toggleLocal() local cons = self.constraint cons.is_local = not cons.is_local self:onChange() end function NewConstraint:isMatSelected(token) if self.constraint.mat_mask and self.constraint.mat_mask[token] then return { ch = '\xfb', fg = COLOR_LIGHTGREEN } else return nil end end function NewConstraint:onToggleMatclass(idx,obj) local cons = self.constraint if cons.mat_mask and cons.mat_mask[obj.text] then cons.mat_mask[obj.text] = false else cons.mat_mask = cons.mat_mask or {} cons.mat_mask[obj.text] = true cons.mat_type = -1 cons.mat_index = -1 end self:onChange() end function NewConstraint:onRangeChange() local cons = self.constraint cons.goal_gap = math.max(1, math.min(cons.goal_gap, cons.goal_value-1)) end ------------------------------ -- CONSTRAINT HISTORY GRAPH -- ------------------------------ HistoryGraph = defclass(HistoryGraph, widgets.Widget) HistoryGraph.ATTRS { frame_inset = 1, history_pen = COLOR_CYAN, } function HistoryGraph:init(info) end function HistoryGraph:setData(history, bars) self.history = history or {} self.bars = bars or {} local maxval = 1 for i,v in ipairs(self.history) do maxval = math.max(maxval, v) end for i,v in ipairs(self.bars) do maxval = math.max(maxval, v.value) end self.max_value = maxval end function HistoryGraph:onRenderFrame(dc,rect) dc:fill(rect.x1,rect.y1,rect.x1,rect.y2,{ch='\xb3', fg=COLOR_BROWN}) dc:fill(rect.x1,rect.y2,rect.x2,rect.y2,{ch='\xc4', fg=COLOR_BROWN}) dc:seek(rect.x1,rect.y1):char('\x1e', COLOR_BROWN) dc:seek(rect.x1,rect.y2):char('\xc5', COLOR_BROWN) dc:seek(rect.x2,rect.y2):char('\x10', COLOR_BROWN) dc:seek(rect.x1,rect.y2-1):char('0', COLOR_BROWN) end function HistoryGraph:onRenderBody(dc) local coeff = (dc.height-1)/self.max_value for i,v in ipairs(self.bars) do local y = dc.height-1-math.floor(0.5 + coeff*v.value) dc:fill(0,y,dc.width-1,y,v.pen or {ch='-', fg=COLOR_GREEN}) end local xbase = dc.width-1-#self.history for i,v in ipairs(self.history) do local x = xbase + i local y = dc.height-1-math.floor(0.5 + coeff*v) dc:seek(x,y):char('*', self.history_pen) end end ------------------------------ -- GLOBAL CONSTRAINT SCREEN -- ------------------------------ ConstraintList = defclass(ConstraintList, gui.FramedScreen) ConstraintList.focus_path = 'workflow/list' ConstraintList.ATTRS { frame_title = 'Workflow Status', frame_inset = 0, frame_background = COLOR_BLACK, frame_style = gui.BOUNDARY_FRAME, } function ConstraintList:init(args) local fwidth_cb = self:cb_getfield('fwidth') self.fwidth = 20 self.sort_by_severity = false self:addviews{ widgets.Panel{ frame = { l = 0, r = 31 }, frame_inset = 1, on_layout = function(body) self.fwidth = body.width - (12+1+1+7+1+1+1+7) end, subviews = { widgets.Label{ frame = { l = 0, t = 0 }, text_pen = COLOR_CYAN, text = { { text = 'Item', width = 12 }, ' ', { text = 'Material etc', width = fwidth_cb }, ' ', { text = 'Stock / Limit' }, } }, widgets.FilteredList{ view_id = 'list', frame = { t = 2, b = 2 }, edit_below = true, not_found_label = 'No matching constraints', edit_pen = COLOR_LIGHTCYAN, text_pen = { fg = COLOR_GREY, bg = COLOR_BLACK }, cursor_pen = { fg = COLOR_WHITE, bg = COLOR_GREEN }, on_select = self:callback('onSelectConstraint'), }, widgets.Label{ frame = { b = 0, h = 1 }, text = { { key = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_A', text = ': Add', on_activate = self:callback('onNewConstraint') }, ', ', { key = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_X', text = ': Delete', on_activate = self:callback('onDeleteConstraint') }, ', ', { key = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_O', text = ': Severity Order', on_activate = self:callback('onSwitchSort'), pen = function() if self.sort_by_severity then return COLOR_LIGHTCYAN else return COLOR_WHITE end end }, } } } }, widgets.Panel{ frame = { w = 30, r = 0, h = 6, t = 0 }, frame_inset = 1, subviews = { widgets.Label{ frame = { l = 0, t = 0 }, enabled = self:callback('isAnySelected'), text = { { text = function() local cur = self:getCurConstraint() if cur then return string.format( 'Currently %d (%d in use)', current_stock(cur), if_by_count(cur, cur.cur_in_use_count, cur.cur_in_use_amount) ) else return 'No constraint selected' end end } } }, RangeEditor{ frame = { l = 0, t = 2 }, enabled = self:callback('isAnySelected'), get_cb = self:callback('getCurConstraint'), save_cb = self:callback('saveConstraint'), keys = { count = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_I', modify = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_R', min_dec = 'SECONDSCROLL_PAGEUP', min_inc = 'SECONDSCROLL_PAGEDOWN', max_dec = 'SECONDSCROLL_UP', max_inc = 'SECONDSCROLL_DOWN', } }, } }, widgets.Widget{ active = false, frame = { w = 1, r = 30 }, frame_background = gui.BOUNDARY_FRAME.frame_pen, }, widgets.Widget{ active = false, frame = { w = 30, r = 0, h = 1, t = 6 }, frame_background = gui.BOUNDARY_FRAME.frame_pen, }, HistoryGraph{ view_id = 'graph', frame = { w = 30, r = 0, t = 7, b = 0 }, } } self:initListChoices(nil, args.select_token) end function stock_trend_color(cons) local stock = current_stock(cons) if stock >= cons.goal_value - cons.goal_gap then return COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, 0 elseif stock <= cons.goal_gap then return COLOR_LIGHTRED, 4 elseif stock >= cons.goal_value - 2*cons.goal_gap then return COLOR_GREEN, 1 elseif stock <= 2*cons.goal_gap then return COLOR_RED, 3 else local trend = if_by_count(cons, cons.trend_count, cons.trend_amount) if trend > 0.3 then return COLOR_GREEN, 1 elseif trend < -0.3 then return COLOR_RED, 3 else return COLOR_GREY, 2 end end end function ConstraintList:initListChoices(clist, sel_token) clist = clist or workflow.listConstraints(nil, true) local fwidth_cb = self:cb_getfield('fwidth') local choices = {} for i,cons in ipairs(clist) do cons.trend_count = compute_trend(cons.history, 'cur_count') cons.trend_amount = compute_trend(cons.history, 'cur_amount') local itemstr = describe_item_type(cons) local matstr,matflagstr = describe_material(cons) if matflagstr then matstr = matflagstr .. ' ' .. matstr end if cons.min_quality > 0 or cons.is_local then local lst = {} if cons.is_local then table.insert(lst, 'local') end if cons.min_quality > 0 then table.insert(lst, string.lower(df.item_quality[cons.min_quality])) end matstr = matstr .. ' ('..table.concat(lst,',')..')' end local goal_color = COLOR_GREY if #cons.jobs == 0 then goal_color = COLOR_RED elseif cons.is_delayed then goal_color = COLOR_YELLOW end table.insert(choices, { text = { { text = itemstr, width = 12, pad_char = ' ' }, ' ', { text = matstr, width = fwidth_cb, pad_char = ' ' }, ' ', { text = curry(current_stock,cons), width = 7, rjustify = true, pen = function() return { fg = stock_trend_color(cons) } end }, { text = curry(if_by_count,cons,'S','I'), gap = 1, pen = { fg = COLOR_GREY } }, { text = function() return cons.goal_value end, gap = 1, pen = { fg = goal_color } } }, severity = select(2, stock_trend_color(cons)), search_key = itemstr .. ' | ' .. matstr, token = cons.token, obj = cons }) end self:setChoices(choices, sel_token) end function ConstraintList:isAnySelected() return self.subviews.list:getSelected() ~= nil end function ConstraintList:getCurConstraint() local selidx,selobj = self.subviews.list:getSelected() if selobj then return selobj.obj end end function ConstraintList:onSwitchSort() self.sort_by_severity = not self.sort_by_severity self:setChoices(self.subviews.list:getChoices()) end function ConstraintList:setChoices(choices, sel_token) if self.sort_by_severity then table.sort(choices, function(a,b) return a.severity > b.severity or (a.severity == b.severity and current_stock(a.obj)/a.obj.goal_value < current_stock(b.obj)/b.obj.goal_value) end) else table.sort(choices, function(a,b) return a.search_key < b.search_key end) end local selidx = nil if sel_token then selidx = utils.linear_index(choices, sel_token, 'token') end local list = self.subviews.list local filter = list:getFilter() list:setChoices(choices, selidx) if filter ~= '' then list:setFilter(filter, selidx) if selidx and list:getSelected() ~= selidx then list:setFilter('', selidx) end end end function ConstraintList:onInput(keys) if keys.LEAVESCREEN then self:dismiss() else ConstraintList.super.onInput(self, keys) end end function ConstraintList:onNewConstraint() NewConstraint{ on_submit = self:callback('saveConstraint') }:show() end function ConstraintList:saveConstraint(cons) local out = workflow.setConstraint(cons.token, cons.goal_by_count, cons.goal_value, cons.goal_gap) self:initListChoices(nil, out.token) end function ConstraintList:onDeleteConstraint() local cons = self:getCurConstraint() dlg.showYesNoPrompt( 'Delete Constraint', 'Really delete the current constraint?', COLOR_YELLOW, function() workflow.deleteConstraint(cons.token) self:initListChoices() end ) end function ConstraintList:onSelectConstraint(idx,item) local history, bars if item then local cons = item.obj local vfield = if_by_count(cons, 'cur_count', 'cur_amount') bars = { { value = cons.goal_value - cons.goal_gap, pen = {ch='-', fg=COLOR_GREEN} }, { value = cons.goal_value, pen = {ch='-', fg=COLOR_LIGHTGREEN} }, } history = {} for i,v in ipairs(cons.history or {}) do table.insert(history, v[vfield]) end table.insert(history, cons[vfield]) end self.subviews.graph:setData(history, bars) end ------------------------------- -- WORKSHOP JOB INFO OVERLAY -- ------------------------------- JobConstraints = defclass(JobConstraints, guidm.MenuOverlay) JobConstraints.focus_path = 'workflow/job' JobConstraints.ATTRS { job = DEFAULT_NIL, frame_inset = 1, frame_background = COLOR_BLACK, } function JobConstraints:init(args) self.building = dfhack.job.getHolder(self.job) self:addviews{ widgets.Label{ frame = { l = 0, t = 0 }, text = { 'Workflow Constraints' } }, widgets.List{ view_id = 'list', frame = { t = 2, b = 6 }, row_height = 4, scroll_keys = widgets.SECONDSCROLL, }, RangeEditor{ frame = { l = 0, b = 3 }, enabled = self:callback('isAnySelected'), get_cb = self:callback('getCurConstraint'), save_cb = self:callback('saveConstraint'), }, widgets.Label{ frame = { l = 0, b = 0 }, text = { { key = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_A', text = ': Add limit, ', on_activate = self:callback('onNewConstraint') }, { key = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_X', text = ': Delete', enabled = self:callback('isAnySelected'), on_activate = self:callback('onDeleteConstraint') }, NEWLINE, NEWLINE, { key = 'LEAVESCREEN', text = ': Back', on_activate = self:callback('dismiss') }, ' ', { key = 'CUSTOM_SHIFT_S', text = ': Status', on_activate = function() local sel = self:getCurConstraint() ConstraintList{ select_token = (sel or {}).token }:show() end } } }, } self:initListChoices(args.clist) end function JobConstraints:onGetSelectedBuilding() return self.building end function JobConstraints:onGetSelectedJob() return self.job end function JobConstraints:initListChoices(clist, sel_token) clist = clist or workflow.listConstraints(self.job) local choices = {} for i,cons in ipairs(clist) do local goal = (cons.goal_value-cons.goal_gap)..'-'..cons.goal_value local curval if cons.goal_by_count then goal = goal .. ' stacks' curval = cons.cur_count else goal = goal .. ' items' curval = cons.cur_amount end local order_pen = COLOR_GREY if cons.request == 'resume' then order_pen = COLOR_GREEN elseif cons.request == 'suspend' then order_pen = COLOR_BLUE end local itemstr = describe_item_type(cons) if cons.min_quality > 0 or cons.is_local then local lst = {} if cons.is_local then table.insert(lst, 'local') end if cons.min_quality > 0 then table.insert(lst, string.lower(df.item_quality[cons.min_quality])) end itemstr = itemstr .. ' ('..table.concat(lst,',')..')' end local matstr,matflagstr = describe_material(cons) table.insert(choices, { text = { goal, ' ', { text = '(now '..curval..')', pen = order_pen }, NEWLINE, ' ', itemstr, NEWLINE, ' ', matstr, NEWLINE, ' ', (matflagstr or '') }, token = cons.token, obj = cons }) end local selidx = nil if sel_token then selidx = utils.linear_index(choices, sel_token, 'token') end self.subviews.list:setChoices(choices, selidx) end function JobConstraints:isAnySelected() return self.subviews.list:getSelected() ~= nil end function JobConstraints:getCurConstraint() local i,v = self.subviews.list:getSelected() if v then return v.obj end end function JobConstraints:saveConstraint(cons) local out = workflow.setConstraint(cons.token, cons.goal_by_count, cons.goal_value, cons.goal_gap) self:initListChoices(nil, out.token) end function JobConstraints:onNewConstraint() local outputs = workflow.listJobOutputs(self.job) if #outputs == 0 then dlg.showMessage('Unsupported', 'Workflow cannot guess the outputs of this job.', COLOR_LIGHTRED) return end local variants = workflow.listWeakenedConstraints(outputs) local choices = {} for i,cons in ipairs(variants) do local itemstr = describe_item_type(cons) local matstr,matflags = describe_material(cons) if matflags then matstr = matflags..' '..matstr end table.insert(choices, { text = itemstr..' of '..matstr, obj = cons }) end dlg.ListBox{ frame_title = 'Add limit', text = 'Select one of the possible outputs:', text_pen = COLOR_WHITE, choices = choices, on_select = function(idx,item) self:saveConstraint(item.obj) end, select2_hint = 'Advanced', on_select2 = function(idx,item) NewConstraint{ constraint = item.obj, on_submit = self:callback('saveConstraint') }:show() end, }:show() end function JobConstraints:onDeleteConstraint() local cons = self:getCurConstraint() dlg.showYesNoPrompt( 'Delete Constraint', 'Really delete the current constraint?', COLOR_YELLOW, function() workflow.deleteConstraint(cons.token) self:initListChoices() end ) end function JobConstraints:onInput(keys) if self:propagateMoveKeys(keys) then if df.global.world.selected_building ~= self.building then self:dismiss() end else JobConstraints.super.onInput(self, keys) end end local args = {...} if args[1] == 'status' then check_enabled(function() ConstraintList{}:show() end) else if not string.match(dfhack.gui.getCurFocus(), '^dwarfmode/QueryBuilding/Some/Workshop/Job') then qerror("This script requires a workshop job selected in the 'q' mode") end local job = dfhack.gui.getSelectedJob() check_enabled(function() check_repeat(job, function() local clist = workflow.listConstraints(job) if not clist then dlg.showMessage('Not Supported', 'This type of job is not supported by workflow.', COLOR_LIGHTRED) return end JobConstraints{ job = job, clist = clist }:show() end) end) end