-- Interface front-end for liquids plugin. --[[=begin gui/liquids =========== To use, bind to a key (the example config uses Alt-L) and activate in the :kbd:`k` mode. .. image:: /docs/images/liquids.png This script is a gui front-end to `liquids` and works similarly, allowing you to add or remove water & magma, and create obsidian walls & floors. .. warning:: There is **no undo support**. Bugs in this plugin have been known to create pathfinding problems and heat traps. The :kbd:`b` key changes how the affected area is selected. The default *Rectangle* mode works by selecting two corners like any ordinary designation. The :kbd:`p` key chooses between adding water, magma, obsidian walls & floors, or just tweaking flags. When painting liquids, it is possible to select the desired level with :kbd:`+`:kbd:`-`, and choose between setting it exactly, only increasing or only decreasing with :kbd:`s`. In addition, :kbd:`f` allows disabling or enabling the flowing water computations for an area, and :kbd:`r` operates on the "permanent flow" property that makes rivers power water wheels even when full and technically not flowing. After setting up the desired operations using the described keys, use :kbd:`Enter` to apply them. =end]] local utils = require 'utils' local gui = require 'gui' local guidm = require 'gui.dwarfmode' local dlg = require 'gui.dialogs' local liquids = require('plugins.liquids') local sel_rect = df.global.selection_rect local brushes = { { tag = 'range', caption = 'Rectangle', range = true }, { tag = 'block', caption = '16x16 block' }, { tag = 'column', caption = 'Column' }, { tag = 'flood', caption = 'Flood' }, } local paints = { { tag = 'water', caption = 'Water', liquid = true, flow = true, key = 'D_LOOK_ARENA_WATER' }, { tag = 'magma', caption = 'Magma', liquid = true, flow = true, key = 'D_LOOK_ARENA_MAGMA' }, { tag = 'obsidian', caption = 'Obsidian Wall' }, { tag = 'obsidian_floor', caption = 'Obsidian Floor' }, { tag = 'riversource', caption = 'River Source' }, { tag = 'flowbits', caption = 'Flow Updates', flow = true }, { tag = 'wclean', caption = 'Clean Salt/Stagnant' }, } local flowbits = { { tag = '+', caption = 'Enable Updates' }, { tag = '-', caption = 'Disable Updates' }, { tag = '.', caption = 'Keep Updates' }, } local setmode = { { tag = '.', caption = 'Set Exactly' }, { tag = '+', caption = 'Only Increase' }, { tag = '-', caption = 'Only Decrease' }, } local permaflows = { { tag = '.', caption = "Keep Permaflow" }, { tag = '-', caption = 'Remove Permaflow' }, { tag = 'N', caption = 'Set Permaflow N' }, { tag = 'S', caption = 'Set Permaflow S' }, { tag = 'E', caption = 'Set Permaflow E' }, { tag = 'W', caption = 'Set Permaflow W' }, { tag = 'NE', caption = 'Set Permaflow NE' }, { tag = 'NW', caption = 'Set Permaflow NW' }, { tag = 'SE', caption = 'Set Permaflow SE' }, { tag = 'SW', caption = 'Set Permaflow SW' }, } Toggle = defclass(Toggle) Toggle.ATTRS{ items = {}, selected = 1 } function Toggle:get() return self.items[self.selected] end function Toggle:render(dc) local item = self:get() if item then dc:string(item.caption) if item.key then dc:string(" ("):key(item.key):string(")") end else dc:string('NONE', COLOR_RED) end end function Toggle:step(delta) if #self.items > 1 then delta = delta or 1 self.selected = 1 + (self.selected + delta - 1) % #self.items end end LiquidsUI = defclass(LiquidsUI, guidm.MenuOverlay) LiquidsUI.focus_path = 'liquids' function LiquidsUI:init() self:assign{ brush = Toggle{ items = brushes }, paint = Toggle{ items = paints }, flow = Toggle{ items = flowbits }, set = Toggle{ items = setmode }, permaflow = Toggle{ items = permaflows }, amount = 7, } end function LiquidsUI:onDestroy() guidm.clearSelection() end function render_liquid(dc, block, x, y) local dsgn = block.designation[x%16][y%16] if dsgn.flow_size > 0 then if dsgn.liquid_type == df.tile_liquid.Magma then dc:pen(COLOR_RED):string("Magma") else dc:pen(COLOR_BLUE) if dsgn.water_stagnant then dc:string("Stagnant ") end if dsgn.water_salt then dc:string("Salty ") end dc:string("Water") end dc:string(" ["..dsgn.flow_size.."/7]") else dc:string('No Liquid') end end local permaflow_abbr = { north = 'N', south = 'S', east = 'E', west = 'W', northeast = 'NE', northwest = 'NW', southeast = 'SE', southwest = 'SW' } function render_flow_state(dc, block, x, y) local flow = block.liquid_flow[x%16][y%16] if block.flags.update_liquid then dc:string("Updating", COLOR_GREEN) else dc:string("Static") end dc:string(", ") if flow.perm_flow_dir ~= 0 then local tag = df.tile_liquid_flow_dir[flow.perm_flow_dir] dc:string("Permaflow "..(permaflow_abbr[tag] or tag), COLOR_CYAN) elseif flow.temp_flow_timer > 0 then dc:string("Flowing "..flow.temp_flow_timer, COLOR_GREEN) else dc:string("No Flow") end end function LiquidsUI:onRenderBody(dc) dc:clear():seek(1,1):string("Paint Liquids Cheat", COLOR_WHITE) local cursor = guidm.getCursorPos() local block = dfhack.maps.getTileBlock(cursor) if block then local x, y = pos2xyz(cursor) local tile = block.tiletype[x%16][y%16] dc:seek(2,3):string(df.tiletype.attrs[tile].caption, COLOR_CYAN) dc:newline(2):pen(COLOR_DARKGREY) render_liquid(dc, block, x, y) dc:newline(2):pen(COLOR_DARKGREY) render_flow_state(dc, block, x, y) else dc:seek(2,3):string("No map data", COLOR_RED):advance(0,2) end dc:newline():pen(COLOR_GREY) dc:newline(1):key('CUSTOM_B'):string(": ") self.brush:render(dc) dc:newline(1):key('CUSTOM_P'):string(": ") self.paint:render(dc) local paint = self.paint:get() dc:newline() if paint.liquid then dc:newline(1):string("Amount: "..self.amount) dc:advance(1):string("("):key('SECONDSCROLL_UP'):key('SECONDSCROLL_DOWN'):string(")") dc:newline(3):key('CUSTOM_S'):string(": ") self.set:render(dc) else dc:advance(0,2) end dc:newline() if paint.flow then dc:newline(1):key('CUSTOM_F'):string(": ") self.flow:render(dc) dc:newline(1):key('CUSTOM_R'):string(": ") self.permaflow:render(dc) else dc:advance(0,2) end dc:newline():newline(1):pen(COLOR_WHITE) dc:key('LEAVESCREEN'):string(": Back, ") dc:key('SELECT'):string(": Paint") end function ensure_blocks(cursor, size, cb) size = size or xyz2pos(1,1,1) local cx,cy,cz = pos2xyz(cursor) local all = true for x=1,size.x or 1,16 do for y=1,size.y or 1,16 do for z=1,size.z do if not dfhack.maps.getTileBlock(cx+x-1, cy+y-1, cz+z-1) then all = false end end end end if all then cb() return end dlg.showYesNoPrompt( 'Instantiate Blocks', 'Not all map blocks are allocated - instantiate?\n\nWarning: new untested feature.', COLOR_YELLOW, function() for x=1,size.x or 1,16 do for y=1,size.y or 1,16 do for z=1,size.z do dfhack.maps.ensureTileBlock(cx+x-1, cy+y-1, cz+z-1) end end end cb() end, function() cb() end ) end function LiquidsUI:onInput(keys) local paint = self.paint:get() local liquid = paint.liquid if keys.CUSTOM_B then self.brush:step() elseif keys.CUSTOM_P then self.paint:step() elseif liquid and keys.SECONDSCROLL_UP then self.amount = math.max(0, self.amount-1) elseif liquid and keys.SECONDSCROLL_DOWN then self.amount = math.min(7, self.amount+1) elseif liquid and keys.CUSTOM_S then self.set:step() elseif paint.flow and keys.CUSTOM_F then self.flow:step() elseif paint.flow and keys.CUSTOM_R then self.permaflow:step() elseif keys.LEAVESCREEN then if guidm.getSelection() then guidm.clearSelection() return end self:dismiss() self:sendInputToParent('CURSOR_DOWN_Z') self:sendInputToParent('CURSOR_UP_Z') elseif keys.SELECT then local cursor = guidm.getCursorPos() local sp = guidm.getSelection() local size = nil if self.brush:get().range then if not sp then guidm.setSelectionStart(cursor) return else guidm.clearSelection() cursor, size = guidm.getSelectionRange(cursor, sp) end else guidm.clearSelection() end local cb = curry( liquids.paint, cursor, self.brush:get().tag, self.paint:get().tag, self.amount, size, self.set:get().tag, self.flow:get().tag, self.permaflow:get().tag ) ensure_blocks(cursor, size, cb) elseif self:propagateMoveKeys(keys) then return elseif keys.D_LOOK_ARENA_WATER then self.paint.selected = 1 elseif keys.D_LOOK_ARENA_MAGMA then self.paint.selected = 2 end end if not string.match(dfhack.gui.getCurFocus(), '^dwarfmode/LookAround') then qerror("This script requires the main dwarfmode view in 'k' mode") end local list = LiquidsUI() list:show()