-- Makes fat dwarves non-fat. -- -- See for more info: -- http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/mantisbt/view.php?id=5971 --[[=begin fix/fat-dwarves =============== Avoids 5-10% FPS loss due to constant recalculation of insulation for dwarves at maximum fatness, by reducing the cap from 1,000,000 to 999,999. =end]] local num_fat = 0 local num_lagging = 0 for _,v in ipairs(df.global.world.units.all) do local fat = v.counters2.stored_fat if fat > 850000 then v.counters2.stored_fat = 500000 if v.race == df.global.ui.race_id then print(fat,dfhack.TranslateName(dfhack.units.getVisibleName(v))) num_fat = num_fat + 1 if fat > 999990 then num_lagging = num_lagging + 1 end end end end print("Fat dwarves cured: "..num_fat) print("Lag sources: "..num_lagging)