# script to fix loyalty cascade, when you order your militia to kill friendly units

Aborts loyalty cascades by fixing units whose own civ is the enemy.

def fixunit(unit)
    return if unit.race != df.ui.race_id or unit.civ_id != df.ui.civ_id
    links = unit.hist_figure_tg.entity_links
    fixed = false

    # check if the unit is a civ renegade
    if i1 = links.index { |l|
        l.kind_of?(DFHack::HistfigEntityLinkFormerMemberst) and
        l.entity_id == df.ui.civ_id
    } and i2 = links.index { |l|
        l.kind_of?(DFHack::HistfigEntityLinkEnemyst) and
        l.entity_id == df.ui.civ_id
        fixed = true
        i1, i2 = i2, i1 if i1 > i2
        links.delete_at i2
        links.delete_at i1
        links << DFHack::HistfigEntityLinkMemberst.cpp_new(:entity_id => df.ui.civ_id, :link_strength => 100)
        df.add_announcement "fixloyalty: #{unit.name} is now a member of #{df.ui.civ_tg.name} again"

    # check if the unit is a group renegade
    if i1 = links.index { |l|
        l.kind_of?(DFHack::HistfigEntityLinkFormerMemberst) and
        l.entity_id == df.ui.group_id
    } and i2 = links.index { |l|
        l.kind_of?(DFHack::HistfigEntityLinkEnemyst) and
        l.entity_id == df.ui.group_id
        fixed = true
        i1, i2 = i2, i1 if i1 > i2
        links.delete_at i2
        links.delete_at i1
        links << DFHack::HistfigEntityLinkMemberst.cpp_new(:entity_id => df.ui.group_id, :link_strength => 100)
        df.add_announcement "fixloyalty: #{unit.name} is now a member of #{df.ui.group_tg.name} again"

    # fix the 'is an enemy' cache matrix (mark to be recalculated by the game when needed)
    if fixed and unit.enemy.enemy_status_slot != -1
        i = unit.enemy.enemy_status_slot
        unit.enemy.enemy_status_slot = -1
        cache = df.world.enemy_status_cache
        cache.slot_used[i] = false
        cache.rel_map[i].map! { -1 }
        cache.rel_map.each { |a| a[i] = -1 }
        cache.next_slot = i if cache.next_slot > i

    # return true if we actually fixed the unit

count = 0
df.unit_citizens.each { |u|
    count += 1 if fixunit(u)

if count > 0
    puts "loyalty cascade fixed (#{count} dwarves)"
    puts "no loyalty cascade found"