/* * Simple, pretty item dump example. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #define DFHACK_WANT_MISCUTILS #include #include int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { bool print_refs = false; bool print_hex = false; bool print_acc = false; for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char *arg = argv[i]; if (arg[0] != '-') continue; for (; *arg; arg++) { switch (arg[0]) { case 'r': print_refs = true; break; case 'x': print_hex = true; break; case 'a': print_acc = true; break; } } } DFHack::Process * p; unsigned int i,j; DFHack::ContextManager DFMgr("Memory.xml"); DFHack::Context * DF; try { DF = DFMgr.getSingleContext(); DF->Attach(); } catch (exception& e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; #ifndef LINUX_BUILD cin.ignore(); #endif return 1; } DFHack::Materials * Materials = DF->getMaterials(); Materials->ReadAllMaterials(); DFHack::Gui * Gui = DF->getGui(); DFHack::Items * Items = DF->getItems(); Items->Start(); DFHack::VersionInfo * mem = DF->getMemoryInfo(); p = DF->getProcess(); int32_t x,y,z; Gui->getCursorCoords(x,y,z); std::vector p_items; Items->readItemVector(p_items); uint32_t size = p_items.size(); // FIXME: tools should never be exposed to DFHack internals! DFHack::OffsetGroup* itemGroup = mem->getGroup("Items"); uint32_t ref_vector = itemGroup->getOffset("item_ref_vector"); for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { DFHack::dfh_item itm; memset(&itm, 0, sizeof(DFHack::dfh_item)); Items->readItem(p_items[i],itm); if (x != -30000 && !(itm.base.x == x && itm.base.y == y && itm.base.z == z && itm.base.flags.on_ground && !itm.base.flags.in_chest && !itm.base.flags.in_inventory && !itm.base.flags.in_building)) continue; printf( "%5d: %08x %6d %08x (%d,%d,%d) #%08x [%d] *%d %s - %s\n", i, itm.origin, itm.id, itm.base.flags.whole, itm.base.x, itm.base.y, itm.base.z, itm.base.vtable, itm.wear_level, itm.quantity, Items->getItemClass(itm.matdesc.itemType).c_str(), Items->getItemDescription(itm, Materials).c_str() ); if (print_hex) hexdump(DF,p_items[i],0x300); if (print_acc) cout << Items->dumpAccessors(itm) << endl; if (print_refs) { DFHack::DfVector p_refs(p, itm.origin + ref_vector); for (int j = 0; j < p_refs.size(); j++) { uint32_t vptr = p->readDWord(p_refs[j]); uint32_t val = p->readDWord(p_refs[j]+4); printf("\t-> %d \t%s\n", int(val), p->readClassName(vptr).c_str()); } } } /* printf("type\tvtable\tname\tquality\tdecorate\n"); for (i=0;ireadDWord(p_items[i]); uint32_t func0 = p->readDWord(vtable); uint64_t funct0 = p->readQuad(func0); uint32_t func1 = p->readDWord(vtable+0x238); uint64_t funct1 = p->readQuad(func1); uint32_t func2 = p->readDWord(vtable+0x288); uint64_t funct2 = p->readQuad(func2); uint32_t type = (funct0>>8)&0xffff; uint32_t funcB = p->readDWord(vtable + 4); uint32_t funcC = p->readDWord(vtable + 8); uint32_t funcD = p->readDWord(vtable + 12); uint64_t funcBt = p->readQuad(funcB); uint64_t funcCt = p->readQuad(funcC); uint64_t funcDt = p->readQuad(funcD); int16_t typeB = -1; int16_t typeC = -1; int32_t typeD = -1; uint32_t quality = 0; bool hasDecorations; string desc = p->readClassName(vtable); DFHack::dfh_item itm; Items->readItem(p_items[i], itm); if ( (funct0&0xFFFFFFFFFF000000LL) != 0xCCCCC30000000000LL ) { if (funct0 == 0xCCCCCCCCCCC3C033LL) type = 0; else printf("bad type function address=%p", (void*)func0); } if (funct1 == 0xC300000092818B66LL) quality = p->readWord(p_items[i]+0x92); if (funct1 == 0xC300000082818B66LL) quality = p->readWord(p_items[i]+0x82); else if (funct1 == 0xCCCCCCCCCCC3C033LL) quality = 0; else printf("bad quality function address=%p\n", (void*) func1); if (funct2 == 0xCCCCCCCCCCC3C032LL) hasDecorations = false; else if (funct2 == 0xCCCCCCCCCCC301B0LL) hasDecorations = true; else printf("bad decoration function address=%p\n", (void*) func2); if (funcBt == 0xCCCCCCCCC3FFC883LL) typeB = -1; else { uint64_t funcBtEnd = p->readQuad(funcB+8); if ( ((funcBt&0xFFFFFFFF0000FFFFLL) == 0x8B6600000000818BLL) && ((funcBtEnd&0xFFFFFFFFFFFF00FFLL) == 0xCCCCCCCCCCC30040LL) ) { uint32_t off1 = (funcBt>>16) & 0xffff; uint32_t off2 = (funcBtEnd>>8) & 0xff; uint32_t pt1 = p->readDWord(p_items[i] + off1); typeB = p->readWord(pt1 + off2); } else if ((funcBt&0xFFFFFF0000FFFFFFLL)==0xC300000000818B66LL) { uint32_t off1 = (funcBt>>24) & 0xffff; typeB = p->readWord(p_items[i] + off1); } else if ( (funcBt&0x000000FF00FFFFFFLL) == 0x000000C300418B66LL ) { uint32_t off1 = (funcBt>>24) & 0xff; typeB = p->readWord(p_items[i] + off1); } else printf("bad typeB func @%p\n", (void*) funcB); } if (funcCt == 0xCCCCCCCCC3FFC883LL) typeC = -1; else if ( (funcCt&0xFFFFFF0000FFFFFFLL) == 0xC300000000818B66LL ) { uint32_t off1 = (funcCt>>24)&0xffff; typeC = p->readWord(p_items[i] + off1); } else if ( (funcCt&0x000000FF00FFFFFFLL) == 0x000000C300418B66LL ) { uint32_t off1 = (funcCt>>24) & 0xff; typeC = p->readWord(p_items[i] + off1); } else if ( (funcCt&0x00000000FF00FFFFLL) == 0x00000000C300418BLL ) { uint32_t off1 = (funcCt>>16) & 0xff; typeC = p->readWord(p_items[i] + off1); } else printf("bad typeC func @%p\n", (void*) funcC); if (funcDt == 0xCCCCCCCCC3FFC883LL) typeD = -1; else if ( (funcDt&0xFFFFFFFF0000FFFFLL) == 0xCCC300000000818BLL ) { uint32_t off1 = (funcDt>>16) & 0xffff; typeD = p->readWord(p_items[i] + off1); } else if ( (funcDt&0xFFFFFF0000FFFFFFLL) == 0xC30000000081BF0FLL ) { uint32_t off1 = (funcDt>>24) & 0xffff; typeD = p->readWord(p_items[i] + off1); } else if ( (funcDt&0x000000FF00FFFFFFLL) == 0x000000C30041BF0FLL ) { uint32_t off1 = (funcDt>>24) & 0xff; typeD = p->readWord(p_items[i] + off1); } else if ( (funcDt&0x000000FF00FFFFFFLL) == 0x000000C300418B66LL ) { uint32_t off1 = (funcDt>>24) & 0xff; typeD = p->readWord(p_items[i] + off1); } else if ( (funcDt&0x00000000FF00FFFFLL) == 0x00000000C300418BLL ) { uint32_t off1 = (funcDt>>16) & 0xff; typeD = p->readDWord(p_items[i] + off1); } else printf("bad typeD func @%p\n", (void*) funcD); // printf("%p\t%.16LX\t", (void*) func2, funct2); printf("%d\t%p\t%s\t%d\t[%d,%d,%d]", type, (void*)vtable, desc.c_str(), quality, typeB, typeC, typeD); printf("\t%s", Items->getItemDescription(p_items[i], Materials).c_str()); // printf("\t%p\t%.16LX", (void *) funcD, funcDt); if( (type!=itm.matdesc.itemType) || (typeB!=itm.matdesc.subType) || (typeC!=itm.matdesc.subIndex) || (typeD!=itm.matdesc.index) || (quality!=itm.quality) ) printf("\tbad[%d,%d,%d,%d]", itm.matdesc.itemType, itm.matdesc.subType, itm.matdesc.subIndex, itm.matdesc.index); if (hasDecorations) { bool sep = false; printf("\tdeco=["); uint32_t decStart = p->readDWord(p_items[i] + 0x90); // 0xAC pre .13 uint32_t decEnd = p->readDWord(p_items[i] + 0x94); // 0xB0 pre .13 if (decStart != decEnd) { for (j=decStart;jreadDWord(j); uint32_t dvtable = p->readDWord(decoration); string ddesc = p->readClassName(dvtable); uint32_t dtypefunc = p->readDWord(dvtable + 20); uint64_t dtypefunct = p->readQuad(dtypefunc); uint32_t dtypeC = p->readWord(decoration + 0x4); uint32_t dtypeD = p->readDWord(decoration + 0x8); uint32_t dtype = 0; uint32_t dqual = p->readWord(decoration + 20); if ( (dtypefunct&0xFFFFFFFFFFFF00FFLL) == 0xCCCCC300000000B8LL) dtype = (dtypefunct>>8)&0xfffffff; else if ( dtypefunct == 0xCCCCCCCCCCC3C033LL) dtype = 0; else printf("bad decoration type function, address=%p\n", (void*) dtypefunc); if (sep) printf(","); //printf("%s[t=%d,q=%d,%s{%d,%d}]", ddesc.c_str(), dtype, dqual, getMatDesc(-1, dtypeC, dtypeD).c_str(), dtypeC, dtypeD); sep = true; } } printf("]"); } printf("\n"); } */ #ifndef LINUX_BUILD cout << "Done. Press any key to continue" << endl; cin.ignore(); #endif return 0; }