-- Remove uninteresting dead units from the unit list. local units = df.global.world.units.active local dwarf_race = df.global.ui.race_id local dwarf_civ = df.global.ui.civ_id local count = 0 for i=#units-1,0,-1 do local unit = units[i] local flags1 = unit.flags1 local flags2 = unit.flags2 if flags1.dead and unit.race ~= dwarf_race then local remove = false if flags2.slaughter then remove = true elseif not unit.name.has_name then remove = true elseif unit.civ_id ~= dwarf_civ and not (flags1.merchant or flags1.diplomat) then remove = true end if remove then count = count + 1 units:erase(i) end end end print('Units removed from active: '..count)