burrows ======= **Tags:** `tag/fort`, `tag/auto`, `tag/productivity`, `tag/units` :dfhack-keybind:`burrow` :index:`Auto-expand burrows as you dig. ` When a wall inside a burrow with a name ending in ``+`` is dug out, the burrow will be extended to newly-revealed adjacent walls. Note that digging 1-wide corridors with the miner inside the burrow is **SLOW**. You can also use the ``burrow`` command to :index:`quickly add units/tiles to burrows. ` Usage: ``burrow enable auto-grow`` When a wall inside a burrow with a name ending in '+' is dug out, the burrow will be extended to newly-revealed adjacent walls. This final '+' may be omitted in burrow name args of other ``burrows`` commands. Note that digging 1-wide corridors with the miner inside the burrow is SLOW. ``burrow disable auto-grow`` Disables auto-grow processing. ``burrow clear-unit [ ...]`` Remove all units from the named burrows. ``burrow clear-tiles [ ...]`` Remove all tiles from the named burrows. ``burrow set-units target-burrow [ ...]`` Clear all units from the target burrow, then add units from the named source burrows. ``burrow add-units target-burrow [ ...]`` Add units from the source burrows to the target. ``burrow remove-units target-burrow [ ...]`` Remove units in source burrows from the target. ``burrow set-tiles target-burrow [ ...]`` Clear target burrow tiles and adds tiles from the names source burrows. ``burrow add-tiles target-burrow [ ...]`` Add tiles from the source burrows to the target. ``burrow remove-tiles target-burrow [ ...]`` Remove tiles in source burrows from the target. In place of a source burrow, you can use one of the following keywords: - ``ABOVE_GROUND`` - ``SUBTERRANEAN`` - ``INSIDE`` - ``OUTSIDE`` - ``LIGHT`` - ``DARK`` - ``HIDDEN`` - ``REVEALED`` to add tiles with the given properties.