for (i = 0; i < num_items; i++) { ridx = reagent_idx[i]; sz = reagent_quantity[ridx]; // used quantity if (sz <= 0) continue; reag = reagent[ridx]; if (reag->flags.PRESERVE_REAGENT) continue; rsz = items[i]->getTotalDimension(); <<<<<<<< if (reag->flags3.ANY_RAW_MATERIAL) rsz *= BASE_SIZE(items[i]->getType()); if (items[i]->subtractDimension(rsz)) ======== /* Not in patch, but necessary for full correctness: if (reag->flags3.ANY_RAW_MATERIAL) rsz /= BASE_SIZE(items[i]->getType()); */ if (reag->flags3.ANY_RAW_MATERIAL) sz *= BASE_SIZE(items[i]->getType()); if (items[i]->subtractDimension(sz)) >>>>>>>> destroy_item(items[i]); reagent_quantity[ridx] -= rsz if (reagent_quantity[ridx] < 0) reagent_quantity[ridx] = 0; } You can use this script to apply the generated patch below: ----8<---- This difference file is created by The Interactive Disassembler Dwarf_Fortress 0087F7EF: F8 D8 0087F86F: F8 D8 0087F9AD: C7 C3 0087F9ED: C7 C3