Units can be selected via 'u', 'j', 'v' and 'k'; full-screen
unit details view not supported.
Items can be selected via 't', 'k', 'v'->inventory.
Also, when viewing a container item full-screen, the selected
contained item or unit is returned; never the container itself.
The api is used in rename to allow setting nicknames for
arbitrary units, including animals and enemies.
As a usage example, allow toggling water level display and idlers,
and implement a ui tweak for easily copying stockpiles.
Also disable df2mc by default - default options shouldn't
require anything not in the base package.
Get value, wall tile, boulder tile, smelting info and strand extraction
info for inorganic materials. Prospector uses this to separete out vein
materials into ores, gems and other.
Offsets provided for both Linux and Windows, but only tested on Linux.
This is the start of the vermin module. Right now it just gets a list
of the positions at which vermin are created (spawn points). Most
spawn points are invisible and transient, but colonies (ant hills and
such) are permanent and visible. The address of the spawn points vector
is only provided for Linux 0.31.25
The colonies plugin uses the vermin module to list the location and
species of colonies, and can either wipe them all out or turn them all
into honey bee colonies.
* rebased against 0.31.21 offsets instead of 0.31.19 - this removed the need for
a number of the offsets that were in the 0.5.13 release; cleaned those up
while preserving the other work in progress - some sections got reordered a
bit, but everything should still be there
* it seems handling of some of the map features changed in this revision,
as some of the related offsets are no longer constants compiled into the
code, but come via indirect loads - comments in the Memory.xml file give
more detail
* added the rest of the available offsets, based against 0.31.19
* rebase existing offsets against 0.31.16 linux
* add missing offsets
* Position/window_x and Position/window_y swapped places (probably optimizer
related, I would guess)