Alexander Gavrilov
Add a mechanism converting ui focus to a string representation.
The idea is to make ui handling more modular, dispensing with
huge functions that switch or if/else on lots of variables.
For now, used to split up functions in the sort plugin.
2012-05-19 19:50:36 +04:00
Alexander Gavrilov
Support sorting items in the trade screens.
Caveat: sorts items in containers independently from the container.
2012-05-18 19:18:49 +04:00
Alexander Gavrilov
Implement unit sorting for the pen zone assignment interface.
2012-04-25 18:28:00 +04:00
Alexander Gavrilov
Support sorting units in many more ui contexts.
2012-04-22 19:22:00 +04:00
Alexander Gavrilov
Add a few more unit orderings, and a way to reverse direction.
2012-04-21 16:53:17 +04:00
Alexander Gavrilov
Add a hotkey command that sorts units in lists using lua comparators.
2012-04-21 15:43:52 +04:00