update dreamfort as per discord feedback

move stairway roof after industry
split industry up so important workshops are built first
set max manager orders on the stonecutter workshops
help updates
Myk Taylor 2023-06-12 17:09:48 -07:00
parent 0566174223
commit ff8daa1de8
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 8A39CA0FA0C16E78
2 changed files with 41 additions and 40 deletions

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Run gui/control-panel and enable settings on the Autostart tab. See the /setup_h
-- Set settings and preload initial orders --
DFHack command,Blueprint,Generate orders,Notes
gui/quickfort,/setup_help,,For advice on how to do initial setup for success.
"quickfort orders library/dreamfort.csv -n ""/surface2, /farming2, /surface3, /industry2, /surface4""",,,"Queue up orders required to get the fort minimally functional and secure. You can remove the order for the anvil (you brought one with you, right?)."
"quickfort orders library/dreamfort.csv -n ""/surface2, /farming2, /surface3, /industry2, /industry3, /surface4""",,,"Queue up orders required to get the fort minimally functional and secure. You can remove the order for the anvil (you brought one with you, right?)."
-- Find a good starting spot on the surface --
DFHack command,Blueprint,Generate orders,Notes
@ -65,15 +65,16 @@ gui/quickfort,/dig_all,,"Run when you find a suitable (non-aquifer) rock layer f
-- Core fort (should finish at about the third migration wave) --
DFHack command,Blueprint,Generate orders,Notes
gui/quickfort,/surface2,,"Build starter workshops/stockpiles and dig miasma vents. Run after initial trees are cleared. If you are deconstructing the wagon, do it before running this blueprint so the jobs that depend on wagon contents (e.g. blocks) don't get canceled later."
gui/quickfort,/farming1,,Dig out the farming level. Run when channels are dug and the additional designated trees on the surface are cleared.
gui/quickfort,/surface2,,"Build starter workshops/stockpiles and dig miasma vents. Run after initial trees are cleared. If you are deconstructing the wagon, do it before running this blueprint so the jobs that depend on scattered wagon contents (e.g. blocks) don't get canceled later."
gui/quickfort,/farming1,,Dig out the farming level. Run when channels on the surface are dug and the additional designated trees are cleared.
gui/quickfort,/farming2,,Build farming level. Run as soon as the farming level has been completely dug out.
gui/quickfort,/surface3,,Cover the miasma vents and protect the central staircase from early invasions. Run right after /farming2.
gui/quickfort,/surface3,,Cover the miasma vents and start protecting the central staircase from early invasions. Run right after /farming2.
gui/quickfort,/industry2,,Build industry level. Run as soon as the industry level has been completely dug out.
prioritize ConstructBuilding,,,"To get those workshops up and running ASAP. You may have to run this several times as the materials for the building construction jobs become ready. As industry workshops are built, you can remove the temporary workshops and stockpiles on the surface. **Be sure that there are no items attached to jobs left in the workshops before deconstructing them, otherwise you'll get canceled jobs!**"
gui/quickfort,/surface4,,Protect the staircase with doors and lay flooring for future buildings. Run after the walls and floors around the staircase are built.
gui/quickfort,/services2,Yes,"Build simple hospital and dining room, including a well. Run when the services levels have been dug out. Feel free to remove the orders for the ropes if you already brought them with you. If you are filling your wells from an aquifer or stream, now is also a good time to start digging the plumbing."
gui/quickfort,/surface4,,Finish protecting the staircase and lay flooring for future buildings. Run after the walls and floors around the staircase are built and you have moved production from the surface to the industry level.
gui/quickfort,/industry3,,Build the rest of the industry level. Run any time after /surface4.
orders import library/basic,,,"Run after the first migration wave, so you have dwarves to do all the basic tasks. Note that this is the ""orders"" plugin, not the ""quickfort orders"" command."
gui/quickfort,/services2,Yes,"Build simple hospital and dining room, including a well. Run once the 4 services levels have been dug out and you have built up some stone in your industry stone stockpiles. Feel free to remove the orders for the ropes if you already brought them with you. If you are filling your wells from an aquifer or stream, now is also a good time to start digging the plumbing."
gui/quickfort,/surface5,Yes,"Build surface buildings, drawbridges, and furniture. Run when all marked trees on the surface are chopped down and previously-designated walls and floors have been constructed. Be sure to check that the little ""wing"" of roof section over the future barracks is constructed so we can place the barracks beds."
prioritize ConstructBuilding,,,Run when you see the bridges ready to be built so the busy masons come and build them.
gui/quickfort,/surface6,Yes,Build security perimeter. Run once you have linked all levers to their respective bridges.
@ -81,10 +82,10 @@ gui/quickfort,/surface7,Yes,Build roof. Run after the surface walls are complete
-- Plumbing --
"If you haven't done it already, this is a good time to fill your well cisterns, either with a bucket brigade or by routing water from a freshwater stream or an aquifer (see the library/aquifer_tap.csv blueprint for help with this)."
"Also consider bringing magma up to your services level so you can replace the forge and furnaces on your industry level with more powerful magma versions. This is especially important if your embark has insufficient trees to convert into charcoal. Keep in mind that moving magma is a tricky process and can take a long time. Don't forget to continue making progress through this checklist! If you choose to use magma, try to get it in place before importing the military and smelting automation orders since they make heavy use of furnaces and forges."
Also consider bringing magma up to your services level so you can replace the forge and furnaces on your industry level with more powerful magma versions. This is especially important if your embark has insufficient trees to convert into charcoal. Keep in mind that moving magma is a tricky process and can take a long time. Don't forget to continue making progress through this checklist!
-- Mature fort (fourth migration wave onward) --
The order of steps in this section is not important. Feel free to reorder as per the needs of your fort.
"The order of steps in this section is not important. Feel free to reorder as per the needs of your fort. Once you have about 100 dwarves, you can queue up as much as you want and your haulers will be able to keep your stonecutters supplied. You might need to dig a quarry on an unused level to get enough stone, though."
DFHack command,Blueprint,Generate orders,Notes
orders import library/furnace,,,Automated production of basic furnace-related items. Don't forget to create a sand collection zone (or remove the sand- and glass-related orders if you have no sand).
gui/quickfort,/guildhall2_default,Yes,"Build library and non-denominational temple, and prepare space for future needed temples and guildhalls. Run when the guildhall level has been dug out."
@ -410,8 +411,7 @@ corridor_traps/surface_corridor_traps
"#zone label(surface_zones) start(19; 19) hidden() message(Remember to assign your dogs to the pasture surrounding the central stairs and your grazing animals to the large pasture.
Feel free to assign an unimportant animal to the pasture in the main entranceway to use as bait during sieges.) pastures and training areas"
#zone label(surface_zones) start(19; 19) hidden() message(Remember to assign your dogs to the pasture surrounding the central stairs and your grazing animals to the large pasture.) pastures and training areas
@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ Feel free to assign an unimportant animal to the pasture in the main entranceway
#dig label(surface_clear) start(19; 19) hidden() clear trees so the farming level can be dug without fear of generating surface holes
@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ Feel free to assign an unimportant animal to the pasture in the main entranceway
@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ Feel free to assign an unimportant animal to the pasture in the main entranceway
#build label(surface_stairs_doors) start(19; 19) hidden()
@ -664,14 +664,14 @@ Feel free to assign an unimportant animal to the pasture in the main entranceway
@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ Feel free to assign an unimportant animal to the pasture in the main entranceway
#build label(surface_stairs_doors) start(19; 19) hidden()
@ -699,13 +699,13 @@ Feel free to assign an unimportant animal to the pasture in the main entranceway
@ -1565,11 +1565,9 @@ Workshops:
- 1x Clothier
Manual steps you have to take:
- Assign minecarts to your quantum stockpile hauling routes.
- Assign minecarts to your quantum stockpile hauling routes. The assign-minecarts all command will do it for you.
Optional manual steps you can take:
"- To encourage your masons to concentrate on building blocks and other high-volume orders, it helps to set one of your Mason's workshops to service a maximum of 2 manager orders at a time."
"- Once you have enough haulers, you can increase the rate of stone and ore hauling jobs by building more wheelbarrows and adding them to the stone and ore feeder stockpiles."
"- If desired, set one or both stockpiles in the bottom left to auto-melt. This results in melting all weapons and armor that are inferior to masterwork. This is great for upgrading your military, but it takes a *lot* of fuel unless you have first replaced the forge and smelters with magma versions. If you enable automelt and you don't have magma forges and magma smelters, be sure to be in a heavily forested area, set up autochop, and keep your coal stocks high."
Industry Walkthrough:
@ -1577,15 +1575,17 @@ Industry Walkthrough:
"2) Queue up manufacturing by running ""quickfort orders"" on /industry2. You brought an anvil with you (right??), so you can remove the unneeded anvil work order from the manager orders screen. Note that stockpiles that accept containers may claim the barrels you need to build the Dyer's Workshop and Ashery. If you see those two buildings not being constructed, build a few extra barrels or run combine all to free up some existing ones."
"3) Once the area is dug out, run /industry2. Remember to assign minecarts to to your quantum stockpile hauling routes."
"3) Once the area is dug out, run /industry2. Remember to assign minecarts to to your quantum stockpile hauling routes with assign-minecarts all."
"4) After the important workshops are constructed, run /industry3 to build the remaining workshops."
"4) Once you have enough dwarves to do maintenance tasks (that is, after the first or second migration wave), run ""orders import library/basic"" to use the provided manager orders to take care of your fort's basic needs, such as food, booze, and raw material processing."
"5) Once you have enough dwarves to do maintenance tasks (that is, after the first or second migration wave), run ""orders import library/basic"" to use the provided manager orders to take care of your fort's basic needs, such as food, booze, and raw material processing."
"5) If you want to automatically melt goblinite and other low-quality weapons and armor, mark the south-east stockpiles for auto-melt. If you don't have a high density of trees to make into charcoal, though, be sure to route magma to the level beneath this one and replace the forge and furnaces with magma equivalents."
"6) If you want to automatically melt goblinite and other low-quality weapons and armor, mark the south-east stockpiles for auto-melt. If you don't have a high density of trees to make into charcoal, though, be sure to route magma to the level beneath this one and replace the forge and furnaces with magma equivalents."
"6) Once you have magma furnaces (or abundant fuel) and more dwarves, run ""orders import library/furnace"", ""orders import library/military"", and ""orders import library/smelting"" to import the remaining fort automation orders. The military orders are optional if you are not planning to have a military, of course."
"7) Once you have magma furnaces (or abundant fuel) and more dwarves, run ""orders import library/furnace"", ""orders import library/military"", and ""orders import library/smelting"" (in that order) to import the remaining fort automation orders. The military orders are optional if you are not planning to have a military, of course."
"7) At any time, feel free to build extra workshops or designate custom stockpiles in the remaining open space. The space is there for you to use! Note the area in the bottom right can be used for additional magma-powered furnaces and workshops since there is space reserved for magma in those spots in the level beneath."
"8) At any time, feel free to build extra workshops or designate custom stockpiles in the remaining open space. The space is there for you to use! Note the area in the bottom right can be used for additional magma-powered furnaces and workshops since there is space reserved for magma in those spots in the level beneath."
"#dig label(industry1) start(18; 18; central stairs) message(Once the area is dug out, continue with /industry2.)"
@ -1622,10 +1622,11 @@ Industry Walkthrough:
#meta label(industry2) start(central stairs) message(Remember to enqueue manager orders for this blueprint.) workshops and stockpiles
#meta label(industry2) start(central stairs) message(Remember to enqueue manager orders for this blueprint.) stockpiles and high-priority workshops
#meta label(industry3) start(central stairs) message(Remember to enqueue manager orders for this blueprint.) remaining workshops
#dig label(industry_traffic) start(18; 18; central stairs) hidden() traffic patterns
@ -1713,7 +1714,7 @@ build2/industry_build2
,,,,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,"wr{name=""Stone craftsdwarf""}",`,`,`,`,`,`,`,wt,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`
,,,,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,"trackstopN{name=""Stone/gem dumper"" take_from=""Stone feeder,Gem feeder"" route=""Stone/gem quantum""}",`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,~,`,`,`,`

Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 53.

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 9ff5eeb87794553130513cf903e782ab513fd53f
Subproject commit 876c66e0ab2e91b8c2d8e09689bf5c0f52ce3dcc