EventManager: prevent eventspam just after loading a save.

expwnent 2013-10-20 17:39:54 -04:00
parent e81c060627
commit f69fd1d528
1 changed files with 4 additions and 3 deletions

@ -199,16 +199,17 @@ void DFHack::EventManager::onStateChange(color_ostream& out, state_change_event
tickQueue.insert(newTickQueue.begin(), newTickQueue.end());
nextItem = 0;
nextBuilding = 0;
nextItem = *df::global::item_next_id;
nextBuilding = -1;//*df::global::building_next_id;
lastTick = 0;
nextInvasion = df::global::ui->invasions.next_id;
gameLoaded = true;
for ( auto i = df::global::world->constructions.begin(); i != df::global::world->constructions.end(); i++ ) {
df::construction* constr = *i;
constructions[constr->pos] = *constr;
gameLoaded = true;