Minimize references to gps->dimx/dimy

Quietust 2012-11-23 19:18:56 -06:00
parent 2a0d048040
commit e3eb325d36
3 changed files with 64 additions and 55 deletions

@ -110,10 +110,10 @@ bool Screen::paintTile(const Pen &pen, int x, int y)
if (!gps || !pen.valid()) return false;
int dimx = gps->dimx, dimy = gps->dimy;
if (x < 0 || x >= dimx || y < 0 || y >= dimy) return false;
auto dim = getWindowSize();
if (x < 0 || x >= dim.x || y < 0 || y >= dim.y) return false;
doSetTile(pen, x*dimy + y);
doSetTile(pen, x*dim.y + y);
return true;
@ -121,11 +121,11 @@ Pen Screen::readTile(int x, int y)
if (!gps) return Pen(0,0,0,-1);
int dimx = gps->dimx, dimy = gps->dimy;
if (x < 0 || x >= dimx || y < 0 || y >= dimy)
auto dim = getWindowSize();
if (x < 0 || x >= dim.x || y < 0 || y >= dim.y)
return Pen(0,0,0,-1);
int index = x*dimy + y;
int index = x*dim.y + y;
auto screen = gps->screen + index*4;
if (screen[3] & 0x80)
return Pen(0,0,0,-1);
@ -154,14 +154,15 @@ Pen Screen::readTile(int x, int y)
bool Screen::paintString(const Pen &pen, int x, int y, const std::string &text)
if (!gps || y < 0 || y >= gps->dimy) return false;
auto dim = getWindowSize();
if (!gps || y < 0 || y >= dim.y) return false;
Pen tmp(pen);
bool ok = false;
for (size_t i = -std::min(0,x); i < text.size(); i++)
if (x + i >= size_t(gps->dimx))
if (x + i >= size_t(dim.x))
break; = text[i];
@ -175,17 +176,18 @@ bool Screen::paintString(const Pen &pen, int x, int y, const std::string &text)
bool Screen::fillRect(const Pen &pen, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
auto dim = getWindowSize();
if (!gps || !pen.valid()) return false;
if (x1 < 0) x1 = 0;
if (y1 < 0) y1 = 0;
if (x2 >= gps->dimx) x2 = gps->dimx-1;
if (y2 >= gps->dimy) y2 = gps->dimy-1;
if (x2 >= dim.x) x2 = dim.x-1;
if (y2 >= dim.y) y2 = dim.y-1;
if (x1 > x2 || y1 > y2) return false;
for (int x = x1; x <= x2; x++)
int index = x*gps->dimy;
int index = x*dim.y;
for (int y = y1; y <= y2; y++)
doSetTile(pen, index+y);
@ -198,32 +200,33 @@ bool Screen::drawBorder(const std::string &title)
if (!gps) return false;
int dimx = gps->dimx, dimy = gps->dimy;
auto dim = getWindowSize();
Pen border('\xDB', 8);
Pen text(0, 0, 7);
Pen signature(0, 0, 8);
for (int x = 0; x < dimx; x++)
for (int x = 0; x < dim.x; x++)
doSetTile(border, x * dimy + 0);
doSetTile(border, x * dimy + dimy - 1);
doSetTile(border, x * dim.y + 0);
doSetTile(border, x * dim.y + dim.y - 1);
for (int y = 0; y < dimy; y++)
for (int y = 0; y < dim.y; y++)
doSetTile(border, 0 * dimy + y);
doSetTile(border, (dimx - 1) * dimy + y);
doSetTile(border, 0 * dim.y + y);
doSetTile(border, (dim.x - 1) * dim.y + y);
paintString(signature, dimx-8, dimy-1, "DFHack");
paintString(signature, dim.x-8, dim.y-1, "DFHack");
return paintString(text, (dimx - title.length()) / 2, 0, title);
return paintString(text, (dim.x - title.length()) / 2, 0, title);
bool Screen::clear()
if (!gps) return false;
return fillRect(Pen(' ',0,0,false), 0, 0, gps->dimx-1, gps->dimy-1);
auto dim = getWindowSize();
return fillRect(Pen(' ',0,0,false), 0, 0, dim.x-1, dim.y-1);
bool Screen::invalidate()

@ -456,11 +456,13 @@ void viewscreen_unitlaborsst::refreshNames()
void viewscreen_unitlaborsst::calcSize()
num_rows = gps->dimy - 10;
auto dim = Screen::getWindowSize();
num_rows = dim.y - 10;
if (num_rows > units.size())
num_rows = units.size();
int num_columns = gps->dimx - DISP_COLUMN_MAX - 1;
int num_columns = dim.x - DISP_COLUMN_MAX - 1;
// min/max width of columns
int col_minwidth[DISP_COLUMN_MAX];
@ -940,10 +942,11 @@ void viewscreen_unitlaborsst::render()
auto dim = Screen::getWindowSize();
Screen::drawBorder(" Dwarf Manipulator - Manage Labors ");
Screen::paintString(Screen::Pen(' ', 7, 0), col_offsets[DISP_COLUMN_HAPPINESS], 2, "Hap.");
Screen::paintString(Screen::Pen(' ', 7, 0), col_offsets[DISP_COLUMN_NAME], 2, "Name");
Screen::paintString(Screen::Pen(' ', 7, 0), col_offsets[DISP_COLUMN_PROFESSION], 2, "Profession");
@ -1116,48 +1119,48 @@ void viewscreen_unitlaborsst::render()
canToggle = (cur->allowEdit) && (columns[sel_column].labor != unit_labor::NONE);
int x = 2;
OutputString(10, x, gps->dimy - 3, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::SELECT));
OutputString(canToggle ? 15 : 8, x, gps->dimy - 3, ": Toggle labor, ");
int x = 2, y = dim.y - 3;
OutputString(10, x, dim.y - 3, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::SELECT));
OutputString(canToggle ? 15 : 8, x, y, ": Toggle labor, ");
OutputString(10, x, gps->dimy - 3, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::SELECT_ALL));
OutputString(canToggle ? 15 : 8, x, gps->dimy - 3, ": Toggle Group, ");
OutputString(10, x, dim.y - 3, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::SELECT_ALL));
OutputString(canToggle ? 15 : 8, x, y, ": Toggle Group, ");
OutputString(10, x, gps->dimy - 3, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::UNITJOB_VIEW));
OutputString(15, x, gps->dimy - 3, ": ViewCre, ");
OutputString(10, x, y, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::UNITJOB_VIEW));
OutputString(15, x, y, ": ViewCre, ");
OutputString(10, x, gps->dimy - 3, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::UNITJOB_ZOOM_CRE));
OutputString(15, x, gps->dimy - 3, ": Zoom-Cre");
OutputString(10, x, y, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::UNITJOB_ZOOM_CRE));
OutputString(15, x, y, ": Zoom-Cre");
x = 2;
OutputString(10, x, gps->dimy - 2, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::LEAVESCREEN));
OutputString(15, x, gps->dimy - 2, ": Done, ");
x = 2; y = dim.y - 2;
OutputString(10, x, y, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::LEAVESCREEN));
OutputString(15, x, y, ": Done, ");
OutputString(10, x, gps->dimy - 2, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::SECONDSCROLL_DOWN));
OutputString(10, x, gps->dimy - 2, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::SECONDSCROLL_UP));
OutputString(15, x, gps->dimy - 2, ": Sort by Skill, ");
OutputString(10, x, y, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::SECONDSCROLL_DOWN));
OutputString(10, x, y, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::SECONDSCROLL_UP));
OutputString(15, x, y, ": Sort by Skill, ");
OutputString(10, x, gps->dimy - 2, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::SECONDSCROLL_PAGEDOWN));
OutputString(10, x, gps->dimy - 2, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::SECONDSCROLL_PAGEUP));
OutputString(15, x, gps->dimy - 2, ": Sort by (");
OutputString(10, x, gps->dimy - 2, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::CHANGETAB));
OutputString(15, x, gps->dimy - 2, ") ");
OutputString(10, x, y, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::SECONDSCROLL_PAGEDOWN));
OutputString(10, x, y, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::SECONDSCROLL_PAGEUP));
OutputString(15, x, y, ": Sort by (");
OutputString(10, x, y, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::CHANGETAB));
OutputString(15, x, y, ") ");
switch (altsort)
OutputString(15, x, gps->dimy - 2, "Name");
OutputString(15, x, y, "Name");
OutputString(15, x, gps->dimy - 2, "Profession");
OutputString(15, x, y, "Profession");
OutputString(15, x, gps->dimy - 2, "Happiness");
OutputString(15, x, y, "Happiness");
OutputString(15, x, gps->dimy - 2, "Arrival");
OutputString(15, x, y, "Arrival");
OutputString(15, x, gps->dimy - 2, "Unknown");
OutputString(15, x, y, "Unknown");
@ -1193,9 +1196,10 @@ struct unitlist_hook : df::viewscreen_unitlistst
if (units[page].size())
int x = 2;
OutputString(12, x, gps->dimy - 2, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::UNITVIEW_PRF_PROF));
OutputString(15, x, gps->dimy - 2, ": Manage labors (DFHack)");
auto dim = Screen::getWindowSize();
int x = 2, y = dim.y - 2;
OutputString(12, x, y, Screen::getKeyDisplay(interface_key::UNITVIEW_PRF_PROF));
OutputString(15, x, y, ": Manage labors (DFHack)");

@ -329,8 +329,9 @@ protected:
// Display hotkey message
void print_search_option(int x, int y = -1) const
auto dim = Screen::getWindowSize();
if (y == -1)
y = gps->dimy - 2;
y = dim.y - 2;
OutputString((entry_mode) ? 4 : 12, x, y, string(1, select_key));
OutputString((entry_mode) ? 10 : 15, x, y, ": Search");
@ -413,8 +414,9 @@ public:
int x = 2;
OutputString(15, x, gps->dimy - 2, "Tab to enable Search");
auto dim = Screen::getWindowSize();
int x = 2, y = dim.y - 2;
OutputString(15, x, y, "Tab to enable Search");