:sleep:Must be followed by number X. Changes the timer to sleep X frames between runs.
:watch R:Start watching a race. R can be a valid race RAW id (ALPACA, BIRD_TURKEY, etc) or a list of ids seperated by spaces or the keyword 'all' which affects all races on your current watchlist.
:unwatch R:Stop watching race(s). The current target settings will be remembered.
:forget R:Stop watching race(s) and forget it's/their target settings.
:unwatch R:Stop watching race(s). The current target settings will be remembered. R can be a list of ids or the keyword 'all'.
:forget R:Stop watching race(s) and forget it's/their target settings. R can be a list of ids or the keyword 'all'.
:autowatch:Automatically adds all new races (animals you buy from merchants, tame yourself or get from migrants)
to the watch list using default target count.
:noautowatch:Stop auto-adding new races to the watchlist.
@ -886,6 +886,7 @@ Options:
mk = number of male kids,
fa = number of female adults,
ma = number of female adults.
R can be a list of ids or the keyword 'all' or 'new'. R = 'all': change target count for all races on watchlist and set the new default for the future. R = 'new': don't touch current settings on the watchlist, only set the new default for future entries.