@ -10,12 +10,14 @@ This was vanilla behaviour until ``0.31.12``, in which the "bug" was "fixed".
function update_pos(pos, ent)
pos = df.entity_position:new()
function update_pos(ent)
local pos = df.entity_position:new()
ent.positions.own:insert('#', pos)
pos.code = "DIPLOMAT"
pos.id = ent.positions.next_position_id + 1
ent.positions.next_position_id = ent.positions.next_position_id + 1
pos.flags.DO_NOT_CULL = true
pos.flags.MENIAL_WORK_EXEMPTION = true
pos.flags.SLEEP_PRETENSION = true
@ -42,14 +44,15 @@ end
checked = 0
fixed = 0
local checked = 0
local fixed = 0
for _,ent in pairs(df.global.world.entities.all) do
if ent.type == 0 and ent.entity_raw.flags.TREE_CAP_DIPLOMACY then
if ent.type == df.historical_entity_type.Civilization and ent.entity_raw.flags.TREE_CAP_DIPLOMACY then
checked = checked + 1
update = true
local found_position
-- see if we need to add a new position or modify an existing one
for _,pos in pairs(ent.positions.own) do
if pos.responsibilities.MAKE_INTRODUCTIONS and
@ -57,37 +60,40 @@ for _,ent in pairs(df.global.world.entities.all) do
pos.responsibilities.MAKE_TOPIC_AGREEMENTS then
-- a diplomat position exists with the proper responsibilities - skip to the end
update = false
-- Diplomat position already exists, but has the wrong options - modify it instead of creating a new one
if pos.code == "DIPLOMAT" then break end
pos = nil
if pos.code == "DIPLOMAT" then
if update then
-- either there's no diplomat, or there is one and it's got the wrong responsibilities
if not pos then
pos = add_guild_rep(pos, ent)
if not found_position then
found_position = add_guild_rep( ent )
-- assign responsibilities
pos.responsibilities.MAKE_INTRODUCTIONS = true
pos.responsibilities.MAKE_PEACE_AGREEMENTS = true
pos.responsibilities.MAKE_TOPIC_AGREEMENTS = true
found_position.responsibilities.MAKE_INTRODUCTIONS = true
found_position.responsibilities.MAKE_PEACE_AGREEMENTS = true
found_position.responsibilities.MAKE_TOPIC_AGREEMENTS = true
-- make sure the diplomat position, whether we created it or not, is set up for proper assignment
assign = true
local assign = true
for _,p in pairs(ent.positions.assignments) do
if p.position_id == pos.id then -- it is - nothing more to do here
if p.position_id == found_position.id then -- it is - nothing more to do here
assign = false
if assign then -- it isn't - set it up
asn = df.entity_position_assignment:new()
local asn = df.entity_position_assignment:new()
ent.positions.assignments:insert('#', asn);
asn.id = ent.positions.next_assignment_id
ent.positions.next_assignment_id = asn.id + 1
asn.position_id = pos.id
asn.position_id = found_position.id
asn.flags:resize(math.max(32, #asn.flags)) -- make room for 32 flags
asn.flags[0] = true -- and set the first one