Also build docs.

The in-game docs aren't built otherwise, so you won't get help for the
various commands if this isn't set.
Kelvie Wong 2023-01-21 09:38:46 -08:00
parent 839636a563
commit ce12e2d906
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ fi
if ! docker run --rm -it -v "$srcdir":/src -v "$srcdir/build/win64-cross/":/src/build \
-e BUILDER_UID=$builder_uid \
--name dfhack-win \
dfhack-build-msvc bash -c "cd /src/build && dfhack-configure windows 64 Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/src/build/output && dfhack-make -j$jobs install" \
dfhack-build-msvc bash -c "cd /src/build && dfhack-configure windows 64 Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/src/build/output cmake .. -DBUILD_DOCS=1 && dfhack-make -j$jobs install" \
; then
echo "Build failed"