@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown ( Core * c )
return CR_OK;
typedef df::unit::T_relations::T_pregnancy_ptr pregstruct;
command_result catsplosion (Core * c, std::vector <std::string> & parameters)
list<string> s_creatures;
@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ command_result catsplosion (Core * c, std::vector <std::string> & parameters)
int totalcount=0;
int totalchanged=0;
int totalcreated=0;
string sextype;
// shows all the creatures and returns.
@ -105,27 +107,40 @@ command_result catsplosion (Core * c, std::vector <std::string> & parameters)
// process
for (list<string>::iterator it = s_creatures.begin(); it != s_creatures.end(); ++it)
std::string clinput = *it;
std::transform(clinput.begin(), clinput.end(), clinput.begin(), ::toupper);
vector <t_creature> &females = female_counts[clinput];
vector <df::unit *> &females = female_counts[clinput];
uint32_t sz_fem = females.size();
totalcount += sz_fem;
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < sz_fem && totalchanged != maxpreg; i++)
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < sz_fem; i++)// max 1 pregnancy
t_creature & female = females[i];
uint32_t preg_timer = proc->readDWord(female.origin + creature_pregnancy_offset);
if(preg_timer != 0)
df::unit * female = females[i];
// accelerate
if(female->relations.pregnancy_timer != 0)
proc->writeDWord(female.origin + creature_pregnancy_offset, rand() % 100 + 1);
female->relations.pregnancy_timer = rand() % 100 + 1;
else if(!female->relations.pregnancy_ptr)
pregstruct * preg = new pregstruct;
preg->anon_1 = female->appearance.unk_51c;
preg->anon_2 = female->appearance.unk_524;
female->relations.pregnancy_ptr = preg;
female->relations.pregnancy_timer = rand() % 100 + 1;
female->relations.pregnancy_mystery = 1; // WTF is this?
totalcreated ++;
cout << totalchanged << " pregnancies accelerated. Total creatures checked: " << totalcount << "." << endl;
c->con.print("%d pregnancies accelerated.\n", totalchanged);
c->con.print("%d pregnancies created.\n", totalcreated);
c->con.print("Total creatures checked: %d\n", totalcount);
return CR_OK;