Added custom-raw-tokens utility (#2038)
* Added (chain) for [CHAIN_METAL_TEXT] armours in gui/materials.lua used by gui/create-item-- again (oops) * Added customRawData utility * Oops, whitespace * Revised rawStringsFieldNames * Dialed down on lua trickery and fixed wrongly formatted changelog entry * Fixed changelog in wrong place and made customRawData a proper module * Fixed not caching not-present tags, revised examples and fixed error * Fixed whitespace. Changing settings in editor! * customRawData docs * Added getCreatureTag for respecting caste tags, "fixed" bizarre caching error (quotes because I don't even know what was causing it) and updated docs * Added line limiting for docs, I guess * Added missing string convert argument * docs indent fix, code block fix, and revision * Major revision * gdi, docs error * Another? But... huh. * ... * Made requested changes * Whoops * Rearrange docs lines * Followed example, should fix linter issues * fix typo. linted offline this time...... * Make it so that last instance of tag is what is read from * Added requested change * eventful key change * i to lenArgs * change eventful key * add test for broken caste selection * Major redesign * tags --> tokens * Added plant growth behaviour and did some requested changes * More error handling * fix docs * Added basic error suppression * Docs clarification. * Docs registering example and fix error * Strip errors on frame after onWorldLoad, not on map load * Revert "Strip errors on frame after onWorldLoad, not on map load" This reverts commit e20a0ef8d3743f79d961077f46910b77b16f36b9. * Revert "Docs registering example and fix error" This reverts commit 9c848c54c3f84e0ecc1dc421137c8a8b4a52280d. * Revert "Docs clarification." This reverts commit 6b4b6a1aa40c50398504f37ecf1ff0f93d6459b1. * Revert "Added basic error suppression" This reverts commit d11cb1438cf1e56ff700469e944f0b9af64651d7. * Use more eventful key more consistent with other files * use onStateChange instead of eventful and remove redundant utils require * Code review stuff * [] auto fixes from hooks for more information, see * Update docs/Lua API.rst committing a suggestion Co-authored-by: Alan <> * Prepend examples with DFHACK_ * Remove unused parameters * Use new ensure_key global * Named a couple of unnamed arguments (untested) Co-authored-by: pre-commit-ci[bot] <66853113+pre-commit-ci[bot]> Co-authored-by: Alan <>develop
@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
Allows for reading custom tokens added to raws by mods
by Tachytaenius (wolfboyft)
Yes, non-vanilla raw tokens do quietly print errors into the error log but the error log gets filled with garbage anyway
NOTE: This treats plant growths similarly to creature castes but there is no way to deselect a growth, so don't put a token you want to apply to a whole plant after any growth definitions
local _ENV = mkmodule("custom-raw-tokens")
local customRawTokensCache = {}
dfhack.onStateChange.customRawTokens = function(code)
if code == SC_WORLD_UNLOADED then
customRawTokensCache = {}
local function doToken(cacheTable, token, iter)
local args, lenArgs = {}, 0
for arg in iter do
lenArgs = lenArgs + 1
args[lenArgs] = arg
if lenArgs == 0 then
cacheTable[token] = true
return true
cacheTable[token] = args
return table.unpack(args)
local function getSubtype(item)
if item:getSubtype() == -1 then return nil end -- number
return dfhack.items.getSubtypeDef(item:getType(), item:getSubtype()) -- struct
local rawStringsFieldNames = {
[df.inorganic_raw] = "str",
[df.plant_raw] = "raws",
[df.creature_raw] = "raws",
[df.itemdef_weaponst] = "raw_strings",
[df.itemdef_trapcompst] = "raw_strings",
[df.itemdef_toyst] = "raw_strings",
[df.itemdef_toolst] = "raw_strings",
[df.itemdef_instrumentst] = "raw_strings",
[df.itemdef_armorst] = "raw_strings",
[df.itemdef_ammost] = "raw_strings",
[df.itemdef_siegeammost] = "raw_strings",
[df.itemdef_glovesst] = "raw_strings",
[df.itemdef_shoesst] = "raw_strings",
[df.itemdef_shieldst] = "raw_strings",
[df.itemdef_helmst] = "raw_strings",
[df.itemdef_pantsst] = "raw_strings",
[df.itemdef_foodst] = "raw_strings",
[df.entity_raw] = "raws",
[df.language_word] = "str",
[df.language_symbol] = "str",
[df.language_translation] = "str",
[df.reaction] = "raw_strings",
[df.interaction] = "str"
local function getTokenCore(typeDefinition, token)
-- Have we got a table for this item subtype/reaction/whatever?
-- tostring is needed here because the same raceDefinition key won't give the same value every time
local thisTypeDefCache = ensure_key(customRawTokensCache, tostring(typeDefinition))
-- Have we already extracted and stored this custom raw token for this type definition?
local tokenData = thisTypeDefCache[token]
if tokenData ~= nil then
if type(tokenData) == "table" then
return table.unpack(tokenData)
return tokenData
-- Get data anew
local success, dftype = pcall(function() return typeDefinition._type end)
local rawStrings = typeDefinition[rawStringsFieldNames[dftype]]
if not success or not rawStrings then
error("Expected a raw type definition or instance in argument 1")
local currentTokenIterator
for _, rawString in ipairs(rawStrings) do -- e.g. "[CUSTOM_TOKEN:FOO:2]"
local noBrackets = rawString.value:sub(2, -2)
local iter = noBrackets:gmatch("[^:]*") -- iterate over all the text between colons between the brackets
if token == iter() then
currentTokenIterator = iter -- we return for last instance of token if multiple instances are present
if currentTokenIterator then
return doToken(thisTypeDefCache, token, currentTokenIterator)
-- Not present
thisTypeDefCache[token] = false
return false
local function getRaceCasteTokenCore(raceDefinition, casteNumber, token)
-- Have we got tables for this race/caste pair?
local thisRaceDefCache = ensure_key(customRawTokensCache, tostring(raceDefinition))
local thisRaceDefCacheCaste = ensure_key(thisRaceDefCache, casteNumber)
-- Have we already extracted and stored this custom raw token for this race/caste pair?
local tokenData = thisRaceDefCacheCaste[token]
if tokenData ~= nil then
if type(tokenData) == "table" then
return table.unpack(tokenData)
elseif tokenData == false and casteNumber ~= -1 then
return getRaceCasteTokenCore(raceDefinition, -1, token)
return tokenData
-- Get data anew. Here we have to track what caste is currently being written to
local casteId, thisCasteActive
if casteNumber ~= -1 then
casteId = raceDefinition.caste[casteNumber].caste_id
thisCasteActive = false
thisCasteActive = true
local currentTokenIterator
for _, rawString in ipairs(raceDefinition.raws) do
local noBrackets = rawString.value:sub(2, -2)
local iter = noBrackets:gmatch("[^:]*")
local rawStringToken = iter()
if rawStringToken == "CASTE" or rawStringToken == "SELECT_CASTE" or rawStringToken == "SELECT_ADDITIONAL_CASTE" or rawStringToken == "USE_CASTE" then
local newCaste = iter()
if newCaste then
thisCasteActive = newCaste == casteId or rawStringToken == "SELECT_CASTE" and newCaste == "ALL"
elseif thisCasteActive and token == rawStringToken then
currentTokenIterator = iter
if currentTokenIterator then
return doToken(thisRaceDefCache, token, currentTokenIterator)
thisRaceDefCacheCaste[token] = false
if casteNumber == -1 then
return false -- Don't get into an infinite loop!
-- Not present, try with no caste
return getRaceCasteTokenCore(raceDefinition, -1, token)
local function getPlantGrowthTokenCore(plantDefinition, growthNumber, token)
-- Have we got tables for this plant/growth pair?
local thisPlantDefCache = ensure_key(customRawTokensCache, tostring(plantDefinition))
local thisPlantDefCacheGrowth = ensure_key(thisPlantDefCache, growthNumber)
-- Have we already extracted and stored this custom raw token for this plant/growth pair?
local tokenData = thisPlantDefCacheGrowth[token]
if tokenData ~= nil then
if type(tokenData) == "table" then
return table.unpack(tokenData)
elseif tokenData == false and growthNumber ~= -1 then
return getPlantGrowthTokenCore(plantDefinition, -1, token)
return tokenData
-- Get data anew. Here we have to track what growth is currently being written to
local growthId, thisGrowthActive
if growthNumber ~= -1 then
growthId = plantDefinition.growths[growthNumber].id
thisGrowthActive = false
thisGrowthActive = true
local currentTokenIterator
for _, rawString in ipairs(plantDefinition.raws) do
local noBrackets = rawString.value:sub(2, -2)
local iter = noBrackets:gmatch("[^:]*")
local rawStringToken = iter()
if rawStringToken == "GROWTH" then
local newGrowth = iter()
if newGrowth then
thisGrowthActive = newGrowth == growthId
elseif thisGrowthActive and token == rawStringToken then
currentTokenIterator = iter
if currentTokenIterator then
return doToken(thisPlantDefCache, token, currentTokenIterator)
thisPlantDefCacheGrowth[token] = false
if growthNumber == -1 then
return false
return getPlantGrowthTokenCore(plantDefinition, -1, token)
Function signatures:
getToken(rawStruct, token)
getToken(rawStructInstance, token)
getToken(raceDefinition, casteNumber, token)
getToken(raceDefinition, casteString, token)
getToken(plantDefinition, growthNumber, token)
getToken(plantDefinition, growthString, token)
local function getTokenArg1RaceDefinition(raceDefinition, b, c)
local casteNumber, token
if not c then
-- 2 arguments
casteNumber = -1
assert(type(b) == "string", "Invalid argument 2 to getToken, must be a string")
token = b
elseif type(b) == "number" then
-- 3 arguments, casteNumber
assert(b == -1 or b < #raceDefinition.caste and math.floor(b) == b and b >= 0, "Invalid argument 2 to getToken, must be -1 or a caste name or number present in the creature raw")
casteNumber = b
assert(type(c) == "string", "Invalid argument 3 to getToken, must be a string")
token = c
-- 3 arguments, casteString
assert(type(b) == "string", "Invalid argument 2 to getToken, must be -1 or a caste name or number present in the creature raw")
local casteString = b
for i, v in ipairs(raceDefinition.caste) do
if v.caste_id == casteString then
casteNumber = i
assert(casteNumber, "Invalid argument 2 to getToken, caste name \"" .. casteString .. "\" not found")
assert(type(c) == "string", "Invalid argument 3 to getToken, must be a string")
token = c
return getRaceCasteTokenCore(raceDefinition, casteNumber, token)
local function getTokenArg1PlantDefinition(plantDefinition, b, c)
local growthNumber, token
if not c then
-- 2 arguments
growthNumber = -1
assert(type(b) == "string", "Invalid argument 2 to getToken, must be a string")
token = b
elseif type(b) == "number" then
-- 3 arguments, growthNumber
assert(b == -1 or b < #plantDefinition.growths and math.floor(b) == b and b >= 0, "Invalid argument 2 to getToken, must be -1 or a growth name or number present in the plant raw")
growthNumber = b
assert(type(c) == "string", "Invalid argument 3 to getToken, must be a string")
token = c
-- 3 arguments, growthString
assert(type(b) == "string", "Invalid argument 2 to getToken, must be -1 or a growth name or number present in the plant raw")
local growthString = b
for i, v in ipairs(plantDefinition.growths) do
if == growthString then
growthNumber = i
assert(growthNumber, "Invalid argument 2 to getToken, growth name \"" .. growthString .. "\" not found")
assert(type(c) == "string", "Invalid argument 3 to getToken, must be a string")
token = c
return getPlantGrowthTokenCore(plantDefinition, growthNumber, token)
local function getTokenArg1Else(userdata, token)
assert(type(token) == "string", "Invalid argument 2 to getToken, must be a string")
local rawStruct
if df.is_instance(df.historical_entity, userdata) then
rawStruct = userdata.entity_raw
elseif df.is_instance(df.item, userdata) then
rawStruct = getSubtype(userdata)
elseif df.is_instance(df.job, userdata) then
if job.job_type == df.job_type.CustomReaction then
for i, v in ipairs( do
if job.reaction_name == v.code then
rawStruct = v
elseif df.is_instance(df.proj_itemst, userdata) then
if not userdata.item then return false end
if df.is_instance(df.item_plantst, userdata.item) or df.is_instance(df.item_plant_growthst, userdata.item) then
-- use plant behaviour from getToken
return getToken(userdata.item, token)
rawStruct = userdata.item and userdata.item.subtype
elseif df.is_instance(df.proj_unitst, userdata) then
if not usertdata.unit then return false end
-- special return so do tag here
local unit = userdata.unit
return getRaceCasteTokenCore([unit.race], unit.caste, token)
elseif df.is_instance(df.building_workshopst, userdata) or df.is_instance(df.building_furnacest, userdata) then
rawStruct = df.building_def.find(userdata.custom_type)
elseif df.is_instance(df.interaction_instance, userdata) then
rawStruct =[userdata.interaction_id]
-- Assume raw struct *is* argument 1
rawStruct = userdata
if not rawStruct then return false end
return getTokenCore(rawStruct, token)
function getToken(from, b, c)
-- Argument processing
assert(from and type(from) == "userdata", "Expected userdata for argument 1 to getToken")
if df.is_instance(df.creature_raw, from) then
-- Signatures from here:
-- getToken(raceDefinition, casteNumber, token)
-- getToken(raceDefinition, casteString, token)
return getTokenArg1RaceDefinition(from, b, c)
elseif df.is_instance(df.unit, from) then
-- Signatures from here:
-- getToken(rawStructInstance, token)
assert(type(b) == "string", "Invalid argument 2 to getToken, must be a string")
local unit, token = from, b
return getRaceCasteTokenCore([unit.race], unit.caste, token)
elseif df.is_instance(df.plant_raw, from) then
-- Signatures from here:
-- getToken(plantDefinition, growthNumber, token)
-- getToken(plantDefinition, growthString, token)
return getTokenArg1PlantDefinition(from, b, c)
elseif df.is_instance(df.plant, from) then
-- Signatures from here:
-- getToken(rawStructInstance, token)
assert(type(b) == "string", "Invalid argument 2 to getToken, must be a string")
local plantDefinition, plantGrowthNumber, token =[from.material], -1, b
return getPlantGrowthTokenCore(plantDefinition, plantGrowthNumber, token)
elseif df.is_instance(df.item_plantst, from) then
-- Signatures from here:
-- getToken(rawStructInstance, token)
local matInfo = dfhack.matinfo.decode(from)
if matInfo.mode ~= "plant" then return false end
assert(type(b) == "string", "Invalid argument 2 to getToken, must be a string")
local plantDefinition, plantGrowthNumber, token = matInfo.plant, -1, b
return getPlantGrowthTokenCore(plantDefinition, plantGrowthNumber, token)
elseif df.is_instance(df.item_plant_growthst, from) then
-- Signatures from here:
-- getToken(rawStructInstance, token)
local matInfo = dfhack.matinfo.decode(from)
if matInfo.mode ~= "plant" then return false end
assert(type(b) == "string", "Invalid argument 2 to getToken, must be a string")
local plantDefinition, plantGrowthNumber, token = matInfo.plant, from.growth_print, b
return getPlantGrowthTokenCore(plantDefinition, plantGrowthNumber, token)
-- Signatures from here:
-- getToken(rawStruct, token)
-- getToken(rawStructInstance, token)
return getTokenArg1Else(from, b)
return _ENV
Reference in New Issue