4. onProjItemCheckImpact(projectile,somebool) - is called when projectile hits something
5. onProjUnitCheckMovement(projectile) - is called when projectile moves
6. onProjUnitCheckImpact(projectile,somebool) - is called when projectile hits something
6. onWorkshopFillSidebarMenu(workshop,callnative) - is called when viewing a workshop in 'q' mode, to populate reactions, usefull for custom viewscreens for shops
7. onWorkshopFillSidebarMenu(workshop,callnative) - is called when viewing a workshop in 'q' mode, to populate reactions, usefull for custom viewscreens for shops
8. postWorkshopFillSidebarMenu(workshop) - is called after calling (or not) native fillSidebarMenu(). Usefull for job button tweaking (e.g. adding custom reactions)