@ -17,8 +17,13 @@ Usage
manager orders. It will not clear the orders that already exist.
``orders clear``
Deletes all manager orders in the current embark.
``orders recheck``
Invalidates manager orders forcing material conditions recheck.
``orders recheck [this]``
Sets the status to ``Checking`` (from ``Active``) of all work orders or one
currently viewed if 'this' option is passed. Work order conditions screen
should be open in this case. This makes the manager reevaluate its conditions.
This is especially useful for an order that had its conditions met when it
was started, but the requisite items have since disappeared and the workorder
is now generating job cancellation spam.
``orders sort``
Sorts current manager orders by repeat frequency so repeating orders don't
prevent one-time orders from ever being completed. The sorting order is: