Split memory research into separate doc and expand

lethosor 2020-07-08 01:03:58 -04:00
parent aff2944f28
commit 85003a40c2
5 changed files with 153 additions and 21 deletions

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ There are no binary patches available for Dwarf Fortress versions after 0.34.11.
This system is kept for the chance that someone will find it useful, so some
hints on how to write your own follow. This will require disassembly and
decent skill in `memory research <contributing-memory-research>`.
decent skill in `memory research <memory-research>`.
* The patches are expected to be encoded in text format used by IDA.

@ -161,6 +161,8 @@ in any case.
Note that the scripts in the "build" folder on Windows will set the architecture
.. _compile-build-options:
Other settings
There are a variety of other settings which you can find in CMakeCache.txt in

@ -41,26 +41,6 @@ How to get new code into DFHack
* Work on :issue:`reported problems <?q=is:open+-label:idea>`
will take priority over ideas or suggestions.
.. _contributing-memory-research:
Memory research
If you want to do memory research, you'll need some tools and some knowledge.
In general, you'll need a good memory viewer and optionally something
to look at machine code without getting crazy :)
Using publicly known information and analyzing the game's data is preferred.
Good Windows tools include:
* IDA Freeware 7.0 (for non-commercial use, supports 32-bit and 64-bit)
* Cheat Engine
Good Linux tools:
* angavrilov's df-structures gui (32-bit only, visit us on IRC for details)
* IDA Freeware 7.0 (see above)
* edb (Evan's Debugger)
* Some of the tools residing in the ``legacy`` dfhack branch.
Using the library as a developer

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
.. _memory-research:
Memory research
There are a variety of tools that can be used to analyze DF memory - some are
listed here. Note that some of these may be old and unmaintained. If you aren't
sure what tool would be best for your purposes, feel free to ask for advice (on
IRC, Bay12, etc.).
.. contents::
Cross-platform tools
Ghidra is a cross-platform reverse-engineering framework (written in Java)
available at https://ghidra-sre.org. It supports analyzing both 32-bit and
64-bit executables for all supported DF platforms. There are some custom DFHack
Ghidra scripts available in the `df_misc`_ repo (look for ``.java`` files).
IDA Freeware 7.0
Available from `Hex-Rays <https://www.hex-rays.com/products/ida/support/download_freeware/>`_.
Supports analyzing both 32-bit and 64-bit executables for all supported DF platforms.
Some ``.idc`` scripts for IDA are available in the `df_misc`_ repo.
.. _df_misc: https://github.com/DFHack/df_misc
Runs on macOS and some Linux distributions; available from https://www.hopperapp.com/.
`TWBT <https://github.com/mifki/df-twbt/blob/master/PATCHES.md>`_ uses this to produce some patches.
DFHack tools
There are a few development plugins useful for low-level memory research. They
are not built by default, but can be built by setting the ``BUILD_DEVEL``
`CMake option <compile-build-options>`. These include:
- ``check-structures-sanity``, which performs sanity checks on the given DF
object. Note that this will crash in several cases, some intentional, so using
this with `GDB <linux-gdb>` is recommended.
- ``memview``, which produces a hex dump of a given memory range. It also
highlights valid pointers, and can be configured to work with `sizecheck`
to auto-detect object sizes.
- ``vectors``, which can identify instances of ``std::vector`` in a given memory range.
Several `development scripts <scripts-devel>` can be useful for memory research.
These include (but are not limited to):
- `devel/dump-offsets`
- `devel/find-offsets`
- `devel/lsmem`
- `devel/sc` (requires `sizecheck`)
- `devel/visualize-structure`
- Generally, any script starting with ``devel/find``
.. _sizecheck:
Sizecheck is a custom tool that hooks into the memory allocator and inserts a
header indicating the size of every object. The corresponding logic to check for
this header when freeing memory usually works, but is inherently not foolproof.
You should not count on DF being stable when using this.
DFHack's implementation of sizecheck is currently only tested on Linux, although
it probably also works on macOS. It can be built with the ``BUILD_SIZECHECK``
`CMake option <compile-build-options>`, which produces a ``libsizecheck``
library installed in the ``hack`` folder. You will need to preload this library
manually, by setting ``PRELOAD_LIB`` on Linux (or ``LD_PRELOAD`` if editing
the ``dfhack`` launcher script directly), or by editing the ``dfhack``
launcher script and adding the library to ``DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES`` on macOS.
There is also an older sizecheck implementation by Mifki available on
`GitHub <https://github.com/mifki/df-sizecheck>`__ (``b.cpp`` is the main
sizecheck library, and ``win_patch.cpp`` is used for Windows support). To use
this with other DFHack tools, you will likely need to edit the header's
magic number to match what is used in `devel/sc` (search for a hexadecimal
constant starting with ``0x``).
Legacy tools
Some very old DFHack tools are available in the `legacy branch on GitHub <https://github.com/dfhack/dfhack/tree/legacy/tools>`_.
No attempt is made to support these.
Linux-specific tools
.. _linux-gdb:
`GDB <https://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/>`_ is technically cross-platform, but
tends to work best on Linux, and DFHack currently only offers support for using
GDB on 64-bit Linux. To start with GDB, pass ``-g`` to the DFHack launcher
./dfhack -g
Some basic GDB commands:
- ``run``: starts DF from the GDB prompt. Any arguments will be passed as
command-line arguments to DF (e.g. `load-save` may be useful).
- ``bt`` will produce a backtrace if DF crashes.
See the `official GDB documentation <https://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/documentation/>`_
for more details.
df-structures GUI
This is a tool written by Angavrilov and available on `GitHub <https://github.com/angavrilov/cl-linux-debug>`__.
It only supports 32-bit DF. Some assistance may be available on IRC.
EDB (Evan's debugger)
Available on `GitHub <https://github.com/eteran/edb-debugger>`__.
Windows-specific tools
Some people have used `Cheat Engine <https://www.cheatengine.org/>`__ for research in the past.

@ -65,4 +65,5 @@ For Developers