@ -83,54 +83,43 @@ using df::global::world;
using df::global::ui;
using df::global::gamemode;
bool Units::isValid()
return (world->units.all.size() > 0);
int32_t Units::getNumCreatures()
int32_t Units::getNumUnits()
return world->units.all.size();
df::unit * Units::getCreature (const int32_t index)
df::unit *Units::getUnit (const int32_t index)
if (!isValid()) return NULL;
// read pointer from vector at position
if(size_t(index) > world->units.all.size())
return 0;
return world->units.all[index];
return vector_get(world->units.all, index);
// returns index of creature actually read or -1 if no creature can be found
int32_t Units::getCreatureInBox (int32_t index, df::unit ** furball,
const uint16_t x1, const uint16_t y1, const uint16_t z1,
const uint16_t x2, const uint16_t y2, const uint16_t z2)
bool Units::getUnitsInBox (std::vector<df::unit*> &units,
int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t z1,
int16_t x2, int16_t y2, int16_t z2)
if (!isValid())
return -1;
if (!world)
return false;
size_t size = world->units.all.size();
while (size_t(index) < size)
if (x1 > x2) swap(x1, x2);
if (y1 > y2) swap(y1, y2);
if (z1 > z2) swap(z1, z2);
for (df::unit *u : world->units.all)
// read pointer from vector at position
df::unit * temp = world->units.all[index];
if (temp->pos.x >= x1 && temp->pos.x < x2)
if (u->pos.x >= x1 && u->pos.x <= x2)
if (temp->pos.y >= y1 && temp->pos.y < y2)
if (u->pos.y >= y1 && u->pos.y <= y2)
if (temp->pos.z >= z1 && temp->pos.z < z2)
if (u->pos.z >= z1 && u->pos.z <= z2)
*furball = temp;
return index;
*furball = NULL;
return -1;
return true;
int32_t Units::findIndexById(int32_t creature_id)