teleport showunitid - prints unitid beneath cursor
teleport showpos - prints coordinates beneath cursor
teleport unit 1234 x 56 y 115 z 26 - teleports unit 1234 to 56,115,26
teleport -showunitid - prints unitid beneath cursor
teleport -showpos - prints coordinates beneath cursor
teleport -unit 1234 -x 56 -y 115 -z 26 - teleports unit 1234 to 56,115,26
<p>One or both of <ttclass="docutils literal">unit</tt> and <ttclass="docutils literal">x</tt>/<ttclass="docutils literal">y</tt>/<ttclass="docutils literal">z</tt> coordinate positions must be
specified. If one is omitted, the unit or position beneath the cursor is used.</p>