remove unattached docs and plugins

myk002 2022-07-22 17:45:23 -07:00
parent 19a4905933
commit 65b3ce6e96
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 8A39CA0FA0C16E78
7 changed files with 0 additions and 522 deletions

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
Set traffic designations for every single tile of the map - useful for resetting
traffic designations. See also `filltraffic`, `restrictice`, and `restrictliquids`.
:H: High Traffic
:N: Normal Traffic
:L: Low Traffic
:R: Restricted Traffic

@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
Assigns lifestock for slaughter once it reaches a specific count. Requires that
you add the target race(s) to a watch list. Only tame units will be processed.
Units will be ignored if they are:
* Nicknamed (for custom protection; you can use the `rename` ``unit`` tool
individually, or `zone` ``nick`` for groups)
* Caged, if and only if the cage is defined as a room (to protect zoos)
* Trained for war or hunting
Creatures who will not reproduce (because they're not interested in the
opposite sex or have been gelded) will be butchered before those who will.
Older adults and younger children will be butchered first if the population
is above the target (default 1 male, 5 female kids and adults). Note that
you may need to set a target above 1 to have a reliable breeding population
due to asexuality etc. See `fix-ster` if this is a problem.
:example: Print some usage examples.
:start: Start running every X frames (df simulation ticks).
Default: X=6000, which would be every 60 seconds at 100fps.
:stop: Stop running automatically.
:sleep <x>: Changes the timer to sleep X frames between runs.
:watch R: Start watching a race. R can be a valid race RAW id (ALPACA,
BIRD_TURKEY, etc) or a list of ids seperated by spaces or
the keyword 'all' which affects all races on your current
:unwatch R: Stop watching race(s). The current target settings will be
remembered. R can be a list of ids or the keyword 'all'.
:forget R: Stop watching race(s) and forget it's/their target settings.
R can be a list of ids or the keyword 'all'.
:autowatch: Automatically adds all new races (animals you buy from merchants,
tame yourself or get from migrants) to the watch list using
default target count.
:noautowatch: Stop auto-adding new races to the watchlist.
:list: Print the current status and watchlist.
:list_export: Print the commands needed to set up status and watchlist,
which can be used to import them to another save (see notes).
:target <fk> <mk> <fa> <ma> <R>:
Set target count for specified race(s). The first four arguments
are the number of female and male kids, and female and male adults.
R can be a list of spceies ids, or the keyword ``all`` or ``new``.
``R = 'all'``: change target count for all races on watchlist
and set the new default for the future. ``R = 'new'``: don't touch
current settings on the watchlist, only set the new default
for future entries.
:list_export: Print the commands required to rebuild your current settings.
.. note::
Settings and watchlist are stored in the savegame, so that you can have
different settings for each save. If you want to copy your watchlist to
another savegame you must export the commands required to recreate your settings.
To export, open an external terminal in the DF directory, and run
``dfhack-run autobutcher list_export > filename.txt``. To import, load your
new save and run ``script filename.txt`` in the DFHack terminal.
You want to keep max 7 kids (4 female, 3 male) and max 3 adults (2 female,
1 male) of the race alpaca. Once the kids grow up the oldest adults will get
slaughtered. Excess kids will get slaughtered starting with the youngest
to allow that the older ones grow into adults. Any unnamed cats will
be slaughtered as soon as possible. ::
autobutcher target 4 3 2 1 ALPACA BIRD_TURKEY
autobutcher target 0 0 0 0 CAT
autobutcher watch ALPACA BIRD_TURKEY CAT
autobutcher start
Automatically put all new races onto the watchlist and mark unnamed tame units
for slaughter as soon as they arrive in your fort. Settings already made
for specific races will be left untouched. ::
autobutcher target 0 0 0 0 new
autobutcher autowatch
autobutcher start
Stop watching the races alpaca and cat, but remember the target count
settings so that you can use 'unwatch' without the need to enter the
values again. Note: 'autobutcher unwatch all' works, but only makes sense
if you want to keep the plugin running with the 'autowatch' feature or manually
add some new races with 'watch'. If you simply want to stop it completely use
'autobutcher stop' instead. ::
autobutcher unwatch ALPACA CAT

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
Assigns unpastured female egg-layers to nestbox zones. Requires that you create
pen/pasture zones above nestboxes. If the pen is bigger than 1x1 the nestbox
must be in the top left corner. Only 1 unit will be assigned per pen, regardless
of the size. The age of the units is currently not checked, most birds grow up
quite fast. Egglayers who are also grazers will be ignored, since confining them
to a 1x1 pasture is not a good idea. Only tame and domesticated own units are
processed since pasturing half-trained wild egglayers could destroy your neat
nestbox zones when they revert to wild. When called without options autonestbox
will instantly run once.
:start: Start running every X frames (df simulation ticks).
Default: X=6000, which would be every 60 seconds at 100fps.
:stop: Stop running automatically.
:sleep: Must be followed by number X. Changes the timer to sleep X
frames between runs.

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
A command for easy designation of filled and hollow circles.
It has several types of options.
:hollow: Set the circle to hollow (default)
:filled: Set the circle to filled
:#: Diameter in tiles (default = 0, does nothing)
:set: Set designation (default)
:unset: Unset current designation
:invert: Invert designations already present
Designation types:
:dig: Normal digging designation (default)
:ramp: Ramp digging
:ustair: Staircase up
:dstair: Staircase down
:xstair: Staircase up/down
:chan: Dig channel
After you have set the options, the command called with no options
repeats with the last selected parameters.
``digcircle filled 3``
Dig a filled circle with diameter = 3.
Do it again.

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
This command is for :wiki:`exploratory mining <Exploratory_mining>`.
There are two variables that can be set: pattern and filter.
:diag5: diagonals separated by 5 tiles
:diag5r: diag5 rotated 90 degrees
:ladder: A 'ladder' pattern
:ladderr: ladder rotated 90 degrees
:clear: Just remove all dig designations
:cross: A cross, exactly in the middle of the map.
:all: designate whole z-level
:hidden: designate only hidden tiles of z-level (default)
:designated: Take current designation and apply pattern to it.
After you have a pattern set, you can use ``expdig`` to apply it again.
``expdig diag5 hidden``
Designate the diagonal 5 patter over all hidden tiles
Apply last used pattern and filter
``expdig ladder designated``
Take current designations and replace them with the ladder pattern

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
For every tile on the map of the same vein type as the selected tile,
this command designates it to have the same designation as the
selected tile. If the selected tile has no designation, they will be
dig designated.
If an argument is given, the designation of the selected tile is
ignored, and all appropriate tiles are set to the specified
:updown: up/down stairs
:up: up stairs
:down: down stairs
:clear: clear designation

@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
#include "Core.h"
#include "Console.h"
#include "Export.h"
#include "PluginManager.h"
#include "DataDefs.h"
#include "df/graphic.h"
#include "df/enabler.h"
#include "df/renderer.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "PassiveSocket.h"
#include "tinythread.h"
using namespace DFHack;
using namespace df::enums;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
// Owns the thread that accepts TCP connections and forwards messages to clients;
// has a mutex
class client_pool {
typedef tthread::mutex mutex;
mutex clients_lock;
std::vector<CActiveSocket *> clients;
// TODO - delete this at some point
tthread::thread * accepter;
static void accept_clients(void * client_pool_pointer) {
client_pool * p = reinterpret_cast<client_pool *>(client_pool_pointer);
CPassiveSocket socket;
if (socket.Listen((const uint8_t *)"", 8008)) {
std::cout << "Listening on a socket" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Not listening: " << socket.GetSocketError() << std::endl;
std::cout << socket.DescribeError() << std::endl;
while (true) {
CActiveSocket * client = socket.Accept();
if (client != 0) {
lock l(*p);
class lock {
tthread::lock_guard<mutex> l;
lock(client_pool & p)
: l(p.clients_lock)
friend class client_pool::lock;
client_pool() {
accepter = new tthread::thread(accept_clients, this);
// MUST have lock
bool has_clients() {
return !clients.empty();
// MUST have lock
void add_client(CActiveSocket * sock) {
// MUST have lock
void broadcast(const std::string & message) {
unsigned int sz = htonl(message.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < clients.size(); ++i) {
clients[i]->Send(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(&sz), sizeof(sz));
clients[i]->Send((const uint8_t *) message.c_str(), message.size());
// A decorator (in the design pattern sense) of the DF renderer class.
// Sends the screen contents to a client_pool.
class renderer_decorator : public df::renderer {
// the renderer we're decorating
df::renderer * inner;
// how many frames have passed since we last sent a frame
int framesNotPrinted;
// set to false in the destructor
bool * alive;
// clients to which we send the frame
client_pool clients;
// The following three methods facilitate copying of state to the inner object
void set_to_null() {
screen = NULL;
screentexpos = NULL;
screentexpos_addcolor = NULL;
screentexpos_grayscale = NULL;
screentexpos_cf = NULL;
screentexpos_cbr = NULL;
screen_old = NULL;
screentexpos_old = NULL;
screentexpos_addcolor_old = NULL;
screentexpos_grayscale_old = NULL;
screentexpos_cf_old = NULL;
screentexpos_cbr_old = NULL;
void copy_from_inner() {
screen = inner->screen;
screentexpos = inner->screentexpos;
screentexpos_addcolor = inner->screentexpos_addcolor;
screentexpos_grayscale = inner->screentexpos_grayscale;
screentexpos_cf = inner->screentexpos_cf;
screentexpos_cbr = inner->screentexpos_cbr;
screen_old = inner->screen_old;
screentexpos_old = inner->screentexpos_old;
screentexpos_addcolor_old = inner->screentexpos_addcolor_old;
screentexpos_grayscale_old = inner->screentexpos_grayscale_old;
screentexpos_cf_old = inner->screentexpos_cf_old;
screentexpos_cbr_old = inner->screentexpos_cbr_old;
void copy_to_inner() {
inner->screen = screen;
inner->screentexpos = screentexpos;
inner->screentexpos_addcolor = screentexpos_addcolor;
inner->screentexpos_grayscale = screentexpos_grayscale;
inner->screentexpos_cf = screentexpos_cf;
inner->screentexpos_cbr = screentexpos_cbr;
inner->screen_old = screen_old;
inner->screentexpos_old = screentexpos_old;
inner->screentexpos_addcolor_old = screentexpos_addcolor_old;
inner->screentexpos_grayscale_old = screentexpos_grayscale_old;
inner->screentexpos_cf_old = screentexpos_cf_old;
inner->screentexpos_cbr_old = screentexpos_cbr_old;
renderer_decorator(df::renderer * inner, bool * alive)
: inner(inner)
, framesNotPrinted(0)
, alive(alive)
virtual void update_tile(int x, int y) {
inner->update_tile(x, y);
virtual void update_all() {
virtual void render() {
int gfps = enabler->calculated_gfps;
if (gfps == 0) gfps = 1;
// send a frame roughly every 128 mibiseconds (1 second = 1024 mibiseconds)
if ((framesNotPrinted * 1024) / gfps <= 128) return;
client_pool::lock lock(clients);
if (!clients.has_clients()) return;
framesNotPrinted = 0;
std::stringstream frame;
frame << gps->dimx << ' ' << gps->dimy << " 0 0 " << gps->dimx << ' ' << gps->dimy << '\n';
unsigned char * sc_ = gps->screen;
for (int y = 0; y < gps->dimy; ++y) {
unsigned char * sc = sc_;
for (int x = 0; x < gps->dimx; ++x) {
unsigned char ch = sc[0];
unsigned char bold = (sc[3] != 0) * 8;
unsigned char translate[] =
{ 0, 4, 2, 6, 1, 5, 3, 7, 8, 12, 10, 14, 9, 13, 11, 15 };
unsigned char fg = translate[(sc[1] + bold) % 16];
unsigned char bg = translate[sc[2] % 16]*16;
sc += 4*gps->dimy;
sc_ += 4;
virtual void set_fullscreen() { inner->set_fullscreen(); }
virtual void zoom(df::zoom_commands cmd) {
virtual void resize(int w, int h) {
inner->resize(w, h);
virtual void grid_resize(int w, int h) {
inner->grid_resize(w, h);
virtual ~renderer_decorator() {
*alive = false;
if (inner) {
delete inner;
inner = 0;
virtual bool get_mouse_coords(int *x, int *y) { return inner->get_mouse_coords(x, y); }
virtual bool uses_opengl() { return inner->uses_opengl(); }
static renderer_decorator * hook(df::renderer *& ptr, bool * alive) {
renderer_decorator * r = new renderer_decorator(ptr, alive);
ptr = r;
return r;
static void unhook(df::renderer *& ptr, renderer_decorator * dec, color_ostream & out) {
ptr = dec->inner;
dec->inner = 0;
delete dec;
inline df::renderer *& active_renderer() {
return enabler->renderer;
// This class is a smart pointer around a renderer_decorator.
// It should only be assigned r_d pointers that use the alive-pointer of this
// instance.
// If the r_d has been deleted by an external force, this smart pointer doesn't
// redelete it.
class auto_renderer_decorator {
renderer_decorator * p;
// pass this member to the ctor of renderer_decorator
bool alive;
: p(0)
~auto_renderer_decorator() {
void reset() {
if (*this) {
delete p;
p = 0;
operator bool() {
return (p != 0) && alive;
auto_renderer_decorator & operator=(renderer_decorator *p) {
this->p = p;
return *this;
renderer_decorator * get() {
return p;
renderer_decorator * operator->() {
return get();
auto_renderer_decorator decorator;
DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init ( color_ostream &out, vector <PluginCommand> &commands)
if (!df::renderer::_identity.can_instantiate())
out.printerr("Cannot allocate a renderer\n");
return CR_OK;
if (!decorator) {
decorator = renderer_decorator::hook(active_renderer(), &decorator.alive);
return CR_OK;
DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown ( color_ostream &out )
if (decorator && active_renderer() == decorator.get())
renderer_decorator::unhook(active_renderer(), decorator.get(), out);
return CR_OK;
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