first commit
@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
from ctypes import *
from pydftypes import *
int_ptr = POINTER(c_int)
uint_ptr = POINTER(c_uint)
libdfhack = cdll.libdfhack
libdfhack.API_Alloc.restype = c_void_p
libdfhack.API_Free.argtypes = [ c_void_p ]
libdfhack.API_getMemoryInfo.restype = c_void_p
libdfhack.API_getProcess.restype = c_void_p
libdfhack.API_getWindow.restype = c_void_p
libdfhack.API_getCreatures.restype = c_void_p
libdfhack.API_getMaps.restype = c_void_p
libdfhack.API_getGui.restype = c_void_p
libdfhack.API_getPosition.restype = c_void_p
libdfhack.API_getMaterials.restype = c_void_p
libdfhack.API_getTranslation.restype = c_void_p
libdfhack.API_getVegetation.restype = c_void_p
libdfhack.API_getBuildings.restype = c_void_p
libdfhack.API_getConstructions.restype = c_void_p
class API(object):
def __init__(self, memory_path):
self._api_ptr = libdfhack.API_Alloc(create_string_buffer(memory_path))
self._pos_obj = None
self._mat_obj = None
def __del__(self):
def attach(self):
return libdfhack.API_Attach(self._api_ptr) > 0
def detach(self):
return libdfhack.API_Detach(self._api_ptr) > 0
def suspend(self):
return libdfhack.API_Suspend(self._api_ptr) > 0
def resume(self):
return libdfhack.API_Resume(self._api_ptr) > 0
def force_resume(self):
return libdfhack.API_ForceResume(self._api_ptr) > 0
def async_suspend(self):
return libdfhack.API_AsyncSuspend(self._api_ptr) > 0
def is_attached(self):
return libdfhack.API_isAttached(self._api_ptr) > 0
def is_suspended(self):
return libdfhack.API_isSuspended(self._api_ptr) > 0
def position(self):
if self._pos_obj is None:
ptr = libdfhack.API_getPosition(self._api_ptr)
if ptr is not None:
return Position(ptr)
return None
return self._pos_obj
def materials(self):
if self._mat_obj is None:
ptr = libdfhack.API_getMaterials(self._api_ptr)
if ptr is not None:
return Materials(ptr)
return None
return self._mat_obj
class Position(object):
def __init__(self, ptr):
self._pos_ptr = ptr
self._vx, self._vy, self._vz = c_int(), c_int(), c_int()
self._cx, self._cy, self._cz = c_int(), c_int(), c_int()
self._ww, self._wh = c_int(), c_int()
def get_view_coords(self):
if libdfhack.Position_getViewCoords(self._pos_ptr, byref(self._vx), byref(self._vy), byref(self._vz)) > 0:
return (self._vx.value, self._vy.value, self._vz.value)
return (-1, -1, -1)
def set_view_coords(self, v_coords):
self._vx.value, self._vy.value, self._vz.value = v_coords
libdfhack.Position_setViewCoords(self._pos_ptr, self._vx, self._vy, self._vz)
view_coords = property(get_view_coords, set_view_coords)
def get_cursor_coords(self):
if libdfhack.Position_getCursorCoords(self._pos_ptr, byref(self._cx), byref(self._cy), byref(self._cz)) > 0:
return (self._cx.value, self._cy.value, self._cz.value)
return (-1, -1, -1)
def set_cursor_coords(self, c_coords):
self._cx.value, self._cy.value, self_cz.value = c_coords
libdfhack.Position_setCursorCoords(self._pos_ptr, self._cx, self._cy, self._cz)
cursor_coords = property(get_cursor_coords, set_cursor_coords)
def window_size(self):
if libdfhack.Position_getWindowSize(self._pos_ptr, byref(self._ww), byref(self._wh)) > 0:
return (self._ww.value, self._wh.value)
return (-1, -1)
libdfhack.Gui_ReadViewScreen.argtypes = [ c_void_p, c_void_p ]
class Gui(object):
def __init__(self, ptr):
self._gui_ptr = ptr
def start(self):
return libdfhack.Gui_Start(self._gui_ptr)
def finish(self):
return libdfhack.Gui_Finish(self._gui_ptr)
def read_pause_state(self):
return libdfhack.Gui_ReadPauseState(self._pos_ptr) > 0
def read_view_screen(self):
s = ViewScreen()
if libdfhack.Gui_ReadViewScreen(self._gui_ptr, byref(s)) > 0:
return s
return None
arr_create_func = CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_int)
get_arg_types = [ c_void_p, arr_create_func ]
libdfhack.Materials_getInorganic.argtypes = get_arg_types
libdfhack.Materials_getOrganic.argtypes = get_arg_types
libdfhack.Materials_getTree.argtypes = get_arg_types
libdfhack.Materials_getPlant.argtypes = get_arg_types
libdfhack.Materials_getRace.argtypes = get_arg_types
libdfhack.Materials_getRaceEx.argtypes = get_arg_types
libdfhack.Materials_getColor.argtypes = get_arg_types
libdfhack.Materials_getOther.argtypes = get_arg_types
class Materials(object):
def __init__(self, ptr):
self._mat_ptr = ptr
self.inorganic = None
|||| = None
self.tree = None
self.plant = None
self.race = None
self.race_ex = None
self.color = None
self.other = None
def read_inorganic(self):
return libdfhack.Materials_ReadInorganicMaterials(self._mat_ptr)
def read_organic(self):
return libdfhack.Materials_ReadOrganicMaterials(self._mat_ptr)
def read_wood(self):
return libdfhack.Materials_ReadWoodMaterials(self._mat_ptr)
def read_plant(self):
return libdfhack.Materials_ReadPlantMaterials(self._mat_ptr)
def read_creature_types(self):
return libdfhack.Materials_ReadCreatureTypes(self._mat_ptr)
def read_creature_types_ex(self):
return libdfhack.Materials_ReadCreatureTypesEx(self._mat_ptr)
def read_descriptor_colors(self):
return libdfhack.Materials_ReadDescriptorColors(self._mat_ptr)
def read_others(self):
return libdfhack.Materials_ReadOthers(self._mat_ptr)
def read_all(self):
def get_description(self, material):
return libdfhack.Materials_getDescription(self._mat_ptr, byref(material))
def _allocate_matgloss_array(self, count):
arr_type = Matgloss * count
arr = arr_type()
ptr = c_void_p()
ptr = addressof(arr)
return (arr, ptr)
def update_inorganic_cache(self):
def update_callback(count):
allocated = self._allocate_matgloss_array(count)
self.inorganic = allocated[0]
return allocated[1]
callback = arr_create_func(update_callback)
return libdfhack.Materials_getInorganic(self._mat_ptr, callback)
def update_organic_cache(self):
def update_callback(count):
allocated = self._allocate_matgloss_array(count)
|||| = allocated[0]
return allocated[1]
callback = arr_create_func(update_callback)
return libdfhack.Materials_getOrganic(self._mat_ptr, callback)
def update_tree_cache(self):
def update_callback(count):
allocated = self._allocate_matgloss_array(count)
self.tree = allocated[0]
return allocated[1]
callback = arr_create_func(update_callback)
return libdfhack.Materials_getTree(self._mat_ptr, callback)
def update_plant_cache(self):
def update_callback(count):
allocated = self._allocate_matgloss_array(count)
self.plant = allocated[0]
return allocated[1]
callback = arr_create_func(update_callback)
return libdfhack.Materials_getPlant(self._mat_ptr, callback)
def update_race_cache(self):
def update_callback(count):
allocated = self._allocate_matgloss_array(count)
self.race = allocated[0]
return allocated[1]
callback = arr_create_func(update_callback)
return libdfhack.Materials_getRace(self._mat_ptr, callback)
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
#found this in the cookbook:
from ctypes import c_uint
class C_EnumerationType(type(c_uint)):
def __new__(metacls, name, bases, dictionary):
if not "_members_" in dictionary:
_members_ = {}
for key, value in dictionary.iteritems():
if not key.startswith("_"):
_members_[key] = value
dictionary["_members_"] = _members_
cls = type(c_uint).__new__(metacls, name, bases, dictionary)
for key, value in cls._members_.iteritems():
globals()[key] = value
return cls
def __contains__(self, value):
return value in self._members_.values()
def __repr__(self):
return "<Enumeration %s>" % self.__name__
class C_Enumeration(c_uint):
__metaclass__ = C_EnumerationType
_members_ = {}
def __init__(self, value):
for key, value in self._members_.iteritems():
if v == value:
|||| = key
raise ValueError("No enumeration member with value %r" % value)
c_uint.__init__(self, value)
def __repr__(self):
return "<member %s=%d of %r>" % (, self.value, self.__class__)
def from_param(cls, param):
if isinstance(param, C_Enumeration):
if param.__class__ != cls:
raise ValueError("Cannot mix enumeration members")
return param
return cls(param)
FeatureType = C_EnumerationType("FeatureType",
{"Other" : 0,
"Adamantine_Tube" : 1,
"Underworld" : 2,
"Hell_Temple" : 3})
BiomeOffset = C_EnumerationType("BiomeOffset",
{"NorthWest" : 0,
"North" : 1,
"NorthEast" : 2,
"West" : 3,
"Here" : 4,
"East" : 5,
"SouthWest" : 6,
"South" : 7,
"SouthEast" : 8,
"BiomeCount" : 9})
TrafficType = C_EnumerationType("TrafficType",
{"Normal" : 0,
"Low" : 1,
"High" : 2,
"Restricted" : 3})
DesignationType = C_EnumerationType("DesignationType",
{"No" : 0,
"Default" : 1,
"UD_Stair" : 2,
"Channel" : 3,
"Ramp" : 4,
"D_Stair" : 5,
"U_Stair" : 6,
"Whatever" : 7})
LiquidType = C_EnumerationType("LiquidType",
{"Water" : 0,
"Magma" : 1})
@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ctypes import Structure, Union, c_uint
from enum import *
class DesignationStruct(Structure):
_fields_ = [("flow_size", c_uint, 3),
("pile", c_uint, 1),
("dig", DesignationType, 3),
("smooth", c_uint, 2),
("hidden", c_uint, 1),
("geolayer_index", c_uint, 4),
("light", c_uint, 1),
("subterranean", c_uint, 1),
("skyview", c_uint, 1),
("biome", c_uint, 4),
("liquid_type", c_uint, 1),
("water_table", c_uint, 1),
("rained", c_uint, 1),
("traffic", c_uint, 2),
("flow_forbid", c_uint, 1),
("liquid_static", c_uint, 1),
("feature_local", c_uint, 1),
("feature_global", c_uint, 1),
("liquid_character", c_uint, 2)]
class DesignationFlags(Union):
_fields_ = [("whole", c_uint, 32),
("bits", DesignationStruct)]
def __init__(self, initial = 0):
self.whole = initial
def __int__(self):
return self.whole
class OccupancyStruct(Structure):
_fields_ = [("building", c_uint, 3),
("unit", c_uint, 1),
("unit_grounded", c_uint, 1),
("item", c_uint, 1),
("splatter", c_uint, 26)]
class OccupancyFlags(Union):
_fields_ = [("whole", c_uint, 32),
("bits", OccupancyStruct)]
def __init__(self, initial = 0):
self.whole = initial
def __int__(self):
return self.whole
class CreatureStruct1(Structure):
_fields_ = [("move_state", c_uint, 1),
("dead", c_uint, 1),
("has_mood", c_uint, 1),
("had_mood", c_uint, 1),
("marauder", c_uint, 1),
("drowning", c_uint, 1),
("merchant", c_uint, 1),
("forest", c_uint, 1),
("left", c_uint, 1),
("rider", c_uint, 1),
("incoming", c_uint, 1),
("diplomat", c_uint, 1),
("zombie", c_uint, 1),
("skeleton", c_uint, 1),
("can_swap", c_uint, 1),
("on_ground", c_uint, 1),
("projectile", c_uint, 1),
("active_invader", c_uint, 1),
("hidden_in_ambush", c_uint, 1),
("invader_origin", c_uint, 1),
("coward", c_uint, 1),
("hidden_ambusher", c_uint, 1),
("invades", c_uint, 1),
("check_flows", c_uint, 1),
("ridden", c_uint, 1),
("caged", c_uint, 1),
("tame", c_uint, 1),
("chained", c_uint, 1),
("royal_guard", c_uint, 1),
("fortress_guard", c_uint, 1),
("suppress_wield", c_uint, 1),
("important_historical_figure", c_uint, 1)]
class CreatureFlags1(Union):
_fields_ = [("whole", c_uint, 32),
("bits", CreatureStruct1)]
def __init__(self, initial = 0):
self.whole = initial
def __int__(self):
return self.whole
class CreatureStruct2(Structure):
_fields_ = [("swimming", c_uint, 1),
("sparring", c_uint, 1),
("no_notify", c_uint, 1),
("unused", c_uint, 1),
("calculated_nerves", c_uint, 1),
("calculated_bodyparts", c_uint, 1),
("important_historical_figure", c_uint, 1),
("killed", c_uint, 1),
("cleanup_1", c_uint, 1),
("cleanup_2", c_uint, 1),
("cleanup_3", c_uint, 1),
("for_trade", c_uint, 1),
("trade_resolved", c_uint, 1),
("has_breaks", c_uint, 1),
("gutted", c_uint, 1),
("circulatory_spray", c_uint, 1),
("locked_in_for_trading", c_uint, 1),
("slaughter", c_uint, 1),
("underworld", c_uint, 1),
("resident", c_uint, 1),
("cleanup_4", c_uint, 1),
("calculated_insulation", c_uint, 1),
("visitor_uninvited", c_uint, 1),
("visitor", c_uint, 1),
("calculated_inventory", c_uint, 1),
("vision_good", c_uint, 1),
("vision_damaged", c_uint, 1),
("vision_missing", c_uint, 1),
("breathing_good", c_uint, 1),
("breathing_problem", c_uint, 1),
("roaming_wilderness_population_source", c_uint, 1),
("roaming_wilderness_population_source_not_a_map_feature", c_uint, 1)]
class CreatureFlags2(Union):
_fields_ = [("whole", c_uint, 32),
("bits", CreatureStruct2)]
def __init__(self, initial = 0):
self.whole = initial
def __int__(self):
return self.whole
class ItemStruct(Structure):
_fields_ = [("on_ground", c_uint, 1),
("in_job", c_uint, 1),
("in_inventory", c_uint, 1),
("u_ngrd1", c_uint, 1),
("in_workshop", c_uint, 1),
("u_ngrd2", c_uint, 1),
("u_ngrd3", c_uint, 1),
("rotten", c_uint, 1),
("unk1", c_uint, 1),
("u_ngrd4", c_uint, 1),
("unk2", c_uint, 1),
("u_ngrd5", c_uint, 1),
("unk3", c_uint, 1),
("u_ngrd6", c_uint, 1),
("narrow", c_uint, 1),
("u_ngrd7", c_uint, 1),
("worn", c_uint, 1),
("unk4", c_uint, 1),
("u_ngrd8", c_uint, 1),
("forbid", c_uint, 1),
("unk5", c_uint, 1),
("dump", c_uint, 1),
("on_fire", c_uint, 1),
("melt", c_uint, 1),
("hidden", c_uint, 1),
("u_ngrd9", c_uint, 1),
("unk6", c_uint, 1),
("unk7", c_uint, 1),
("unk8", c_uint, 1),
("unk9", c_uint, 1),
("unk10", c_uint, 1),
("unk11", c_uint, 1)]
class ItemFlags(Union):
_fields_ = [("whole", c_uint, 32),
("bits", ItemStruct)]
def __init__(self, initial = 0):
self.whole = initial
def __int__(self):
return self.whole
class BlockFlagStruct(Structure):
_fields_ = [("designated", c_uint, 1),
("unk_1", c_uint, 1),
("liquid_1", c_uint, 1),
("liquid_2", c_uint, 1),
("unk_2", c_uint, 28)]
class BlockFlags(Union):
_fields_ = [("whole", c_uint, 32),
("bits", BlockFlagStruct)]
def __init__(self, inital = 0):
self.whole = initial
def __int__(self):
return self.whole
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
from ctypes import *
from collections import namedtuple
from pydfhackflags import *
from enum import *
Position3D = namedtuple("Position3D", "x, y, z")
Rectangle = namedtuple("Rectangle", "x1, y1, x2, y2")
Note = namedtuple("Note", "symbol, foreground, background, name, position")
Settlement = namedtuple("Settlement", "origin, name, world_pos, local_pos")
Attribute = namedtuple("Attribute", "level, field_4, field_8, field_C, leveldiff, field_14, field_18");
Skill = namedtuple("Skill", "id, experience, rating")
Tree = namedtuple("Tree", "type, material, position, address")
CreatureCaste = namedtuple("CreatureCaste", "rawname, singular, plural, adjective")
CreatureTypeEx = namedtuple("CreatureTypeEx", "rawname, castes, tile_character, tilecolor")
TileColor = namedtuple("TileColor", "fore, back, bright")
Name = namedtuple("Name", "first_name, nickname, language, has_name, words, parts_of_speech")
TileTypes40d = ((c_int * 16) * 16)
BiomeIndices40d = c_ubyte * 16
Temperatures = ((c_ushort * 16) * 16)
Designations40d = ((DesignationFlags * 16) * 16)
Occupancies40d = ((OccupancyFlags * 16) * 16)
class Position2D(Structure):
_fields_ = [("x", c_ushort),
("y", c_ushort)]
class PlaneCoord(Union):
_fields_ = [("xy", c_uint),
("dim", Position2D)]
def __cmp__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, PlaneCoord):
return self.xy - other.xy
raise TypeError("argument must be of type %s" % type(self))
class Feature(Structure):
_fields_ = [("type", FeatureType),
("main_material", c_short),
("sub_material", c_short),
("discovered", c_byte),
("origin", c_uint)]
class Vein(Structure):
_fields_ = [("vtable", c_uint),
("type", c_int),
("assignment", c_short * 16),
("flags", c_uint),
("address_of", c_uint)]
class FrozenLiquidVein(Structure):
_fields_ = [("vtable", c_uint),
("tiles", TileTypes40d),
("address_of", c_uint)]
class SpatterVein(Structure):
_fields_ = [("vtable", c_uint),
("mat1", c_ushort),
("unk1", c_ushort),
("mat2", c_uint),
("mat3", c_ushort),
("intensity", ((c_ubyte * 16) * 16)),
("address_of", c_uint)]
class Soul(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
if kwds:
for k, v in kwds.iteritems():
self.__dict__[k] = v
class MapBlock40d(Structure):
_fields_ = [("tiletypes", TileTypes40d),
("designation", Designations40d),
("occupancy", Occupancies40d),
("biome_indices", BiomeIndices40d),
("origin", c_uint),
("blockflags", BlockFlags),
("global_feature", c_short),
("local_feature", c_short)]
class ViewScreen(Structure):
_fields_ = [("type", c_int)]
class Matgloss(Structure):
_fields_ = [("id", c_char * 128),
("fore", c_byte),
("back", c_byte),
("bright", c_byte),
("name", c_char * 128)]
class MatglossPair(Structure):
_fields_ [("type", c_short),
("index", c_int)]
class Descriptor_Color(Structure):
_fields_ = [("id", c_char * 128),
("r", c_float),
("v", c_float),
("b", c_float),
("name", c_char * 128)]
class MatglossOther(Structure):
_fields_ = [("rawname", c_char * 128)]
class Building(Structure):
_fields_ = [("origin", c_uint),
("vtable", c_uint),
("x1", c_uint),
("y1", c_uint),
("x2", c_uint),
("y2", c_uint),
("z", c_uint),
("material", MatglossPair),
("type", c_uint)]
class CustomWorkshop(Structure):
_fields_ = [("index", c_uint),
("name", c_char * 256)]
class Construction(Structure):
_fields_ = [("x", c_ushort),
("y", c_ushort),
("z", c_ushort),
("form", c_ushort),
("unk_8", c_ushort),
("mat_type", c_ushort),
("mat_idx", c_ushort),
("unk3", c_ushort),
("unk4", c_ushort),
("unk5", c_ushort),
("unk6", c_uint),
("origin", c_uint)]
Reference in New Issue