exterminate: add caste specifier

jj 2014-02-26 23:56:53 +01:00
parent 6d0e6cf7d5
commit 3cd0c3aad0
3 changed files with 22 additions and 1 deletions

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ DFHack future
Misc improvements:
- digfort: improved csv parsing, add start() comment handling
- exterminate: allow specifying a caste (exterminate gob:male)
DFHack v0.34.11-r4

@ -2125,6 +2125,9 @@ With the special argument ``him``, targets only the selected creature.
With the special argument ``undead``, targets all undeads on the map,
regardless of their race.
When specifying a race, a caste can be specified to further restrict the
targeting. To do that, append and colon and the caste name after the race.
Any non-dead non-caged unit of the specified race gets its ``blood_count``
set to 0, which means immediate death at the next game tick. For creatures
such as vampires, it also sets animal.vanish_countdown to 2.
@ -2140,6 +2143,7 @@ but ignore caged/chained creatures.
exterminate gob
exterminate gob:male
To kill a single creature, select the unit with the 'v' cursor and::

@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ The special final argument 'magma' will make magma rain on the targets instead.
The special final argument 'butcher' will mark the targets for butchering instead.
Ex: exterminate gob
exterminate gob:male
exterminate elve magma
exterminate him
exterminate pig butcher
@ -115,6 +116,10 @@ when /^undead/i
puts "#{slain} #{count} undeads"
if race.index(':')
race, caste = race.split(':')
raw_race = df.match_rawname(race, all_races.keys)
if not raw_race
puts "Invalid race, use one of #{all_races.keys.sort.join(' ')}"
@ -123,13 +128,24 @@ else
race_nr = df.world.raws.creatures.all.index { |cr| cr.creature_id == raw_race }
if caste
all_castes = df.world.raws.creatures.all[race_nr].caste.map { |c| c.caste_id }
raw_caste = df.match_rawname(caste, all_castes)
if not raw_caste
puts "Invalid caste, use one of #{all_castes.sort.join(' ')}"
throw :script_finished
caste_nr = all_castes.index(raw_caste)
count = 0
df.world.units.active.each { |u|
if u.race == race_nr and checkunit[u]
next if caste_nr and u.caste != caste_nr
count += 1
puts "#{slain} #{count} #{raw_race}"
puts "#{slain} #{count} #{raw_caste} #{raw_race}"