diff --git a/LUA_API.rst b/LUA_API.rst
index 1ffdada0a..c5f9a1c58 100644
--- a/LUA_API.rst
+++ b/LUA_API.rst
@@ -999,6 +999,10 @@ Items module
Move the item to the unit inventory. Returns *false* if impossible.
+* ``dfhack.items.remove(item[, no_uncat])``
+ Removes the item, and marks it for garbage collection unless ``no_uncat`` is true.
* ``dfhack.items.makeProjectile(item)``
Turns the item into a projectile, and returns the new object, or *nil* if impossible.
diff --git a/Lua API.html b/Lua API.html
index 168f7dcc6..07f038bc4 100644
--- a/Lua API.html
+++ b/Lua API.html
@@ -1213,6 +1213,9 @@ Returns false in case of error.
Move the item to the unit inventory. Returns false if impossible.
+dfhack.items.remove(item[, no_uncat])
+Removes the item, and marks it for garbage collection unless no_uncat is true.
Turns the item into a projectile, and returns the new object, or nil if impossible.
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index fdc052da3..2a930ff2b 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ DFHack v0.34.11-r2 (UNRELEASED)
- tweak readable-build-plate: fix unreadable truncation in unit pressure plate build ui.
- tweak stable-temp: fixes bug 6012; may improve FPS by 50-100% on a slow item-heavy fort.
- tweak fast-heat: speeds up item heating & cooling, thus making stable-temp act faster.
+ - tweak fix-dimensions: fixes subtracting small amounts from stacked liquids etc.
+ - tweak advmode-contained: fixes UI bug in custom reactions with container inputs in advmode.
New scripts:
- fixnaked: removes thoughts about nakedness.
- setfps: set FPS cap at runtime, in case you want slow motion or speed-up.
@@ -52,18 +54,30 @@ DFHack v0.34.11-r2 (UNRELEASED)
New Dwarf Manipulator plugin:
Open the unit list, and press 'l' to access a Dwarf Therapist like UI in the game.
New Steam Engine plugin:
- Dwarven Water Reactors don't make any sense whatsoever, so this is a potential
- replacement for those concerned by it. The plugin detects if a workshop with a
+ Dwarven Water Reactors don't make any sense whatsoever and cause lag, so this may be
+ a replacement for those concerned by it. The plugin detects if a workshop with a
certain name is in the raws used by the current world, and provides the necessary
behavior. See hack/raw/*_steam_engine.txt for the necessary raw definitions.
- Note: Stuff like animal treadmills might be more period, but can't be done with dfhack.
+ Note: Stuff like animal treadmills might be more period, but absolutely can't be
+ done with tools dfhack has access to.
New Power Meter plugin:
When activated, implements a pressure plate modification that detects power in gear
boxes built on the four adjacent N/S/W/E tiles. The gui/power-meter script implements
- the build configuration UI.
- New Siege Engine plugin (INCOMPLETE):
+ the necessary build configuration UI.
+ New Siege Engine plugin:
When enabled and configured via gui/siege-engine, allows aiming siege engines
- at a designated rectangular area across Z levels. Also supports loading catapults
- with non-boulder projectiles, taking from a stockpile, and restricting operator
- skill range, like with ordinary workshops.
+ at a designated rectangular area with 360 degree fire range and across Z levels;
+ this works by rewriting the projectile trajectory immediately after it appears.
+ Also supports loading catapults with non-boulder projectiles, taking from a stockpile,
+ and restricting operator skill range like with ordinary workshops.
+ Disclaimer: not in any way to undermine the future siege update from Toady, but
+ the aiming logic of existing engines hasn't been updated since 2D, and is almost
+ useless above ground :(. Again, things like making siegers bring their own engines
+ is totally out of the scope of dfhack and can only be done by Toady.
+ New Add Spatter plugin:
+ Detects reactions with certain names in the raws, and changes them from adding
+ improvements to adding item contaminants. This allows directly covering items
+ with poisons. The added spatters are immune both to water and 'clean items'.
+ Intended to give some use to all those giant cave spider poison barrels brought
+ by the caravans.
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index b5aa338e1..8b28c1587 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -707,6 +707,8 @@ Options
:rename unit-profession "custom profession": Change proffession name of the
highlighted unit/creature.
+:rename building "name": Set a custom name for the selected building.
+ The building must be one of stockpile, workshop, furnace, trap or siege engine.
@@ -907,6 +909,23 @@ Options
and are not flagged as tame), but you are allowed to mark them
for slaughter. Grabbing wagons results in some funny spam, then
they are scuttled.
+:stable-cursor: Saves the exact cursor position between t/q/k/d/etc menus of dwarfmode.
+:patrol-duty: Makes Train orders not count as patrol duty to stop unhappy thoughts.
+ Does NOT fix the problem when soldiers go off-duty (i.e. civilian).
+:readable-build-plate: Fixes rendering of creature weight limits in pressure plate build menu.
+:stable-temp: Fixes performance bug 6012 by squashing jitter in temperature updates.
+ In very item-heavy forts with big stockpiles this can improve FPS by 50-100%
+:fast-heat: Further improves temperature update performance by ensuring that 1 degree
+ of item temperature is crossed in no more than specified number of frames
+ when updating from the environment temperature. This reduces the time it
+ takes for stable-temp to stop updates again when equilibrium is disturbed.
+:fix-dimensions: Fixes subtracting small amount of thread/cloth/liquid from a stack
+ by splitting the stack and subtracting from the remaining single item.
+ This is a necessary addition to the binary patch in bug 808.
+:advmode-contained: Works around bug 6202, i.e. custom reactions with container inputs
+ in advmode. The issue is that the screen tries to force you to select
+ the contents separately from the container. This forcefully skips child
+ reagents.
@@ -1414,16 +1433,16 @@ using this mode for birds is not recommanded.)
Will target any unit on a revealed tile of the map, including ambushers.
slayrace gob
-To kill a single creature, select the unit with the 'v' cursor and:
+To kill a single creature, select the unit with the 'v' cursor and::
slayrace him
-To purify all elves on the map with fire (may have side-effects):
+To purify all elves on the map with fire (may have side-effects)::
slayrace elve magma
@@ -1435,8 +1454,8 @@ This script registers a map tile as a magma source, and every 12 game ticks
that tile receives 1 new unit of flowing magma.
Place the game cursor where you want to create the source (must be a
-flow-passable tile, and not too high in the sky) and call
+flow-passable tile, and not too high in the sky) and call::
magmasource here
To add more than 1 unit everytime, call the command again.
@@ -1484,3 +1503,214 @@ drainaquifer
Remove all 'aquifer' tag from the map blocks. Irreversible.
+In-game interface tools
+These tools work by displaying dialogs or overlays in the game window, and
+are mostly implemented by lua scripts.
+Dwarf Manipulator
+Implemented by the manipulator plugin. To activate, open the unit screen and press 'l'.
+This tool implements a Dwarf Therapist-like interface within the game ui.
+Implemented by the gui/liquids script. To use, bind to a key and activate in the 'k' mode.
+While active, use the suggested keys to switch the usual liquids parameters, and Enter
+to select the target area and apply changes.
+Implemented by the gui/mechanims script. To use, bind to a key and activate in the 'q' mode.
+Lists mechanisms connected to the building, and their links. Navigating the list centers
+the view on the relevant linked buildings.
+To exit, press ESC or Enter; ESC recenters on the original building, while Enter leaves
+focus on the current one. Shift-Enter has an effect equivalent to pressing Enter, and then
+re-entering the mechanisms ui.
+Power Meter
+Front-end to the power-meter plugin implemented by the gui/power-meter script. Bind to a
+key and activate after selecting Pressure Plate in the build menu.
+The script follows the general look and feel of the regular pressure plate build
+configuration page, but configures parameters relevant to the modded power meter building.
+Backed by the rename plugin, the gui/rename script allows entering the desired name
+via a simple dialog in the game ui.
+* ``gui/rename [building]`` in 'q' mode changes the name of a building.
+ The selected building must be one of stockpile, workshop, furnace, trap or siege engine.
+* ``gui/rename [unit]`` with a unit selected changes the nickname.
+* ``gui/rename unit-profession`` changes the selected unit's custom profession name.
+The ``building`` or ``unit`` are automatically assumed when in relevant ui state.
+Room List
+Implemented by the gui/room-list script. To use, bind to a key and activate in the 'q' mode,
+either immediately or after opening the assign owner page.
+The script lists other rooms owned by the same owner, or by the unit selected in the assign
+list, and allows unassigning them.
+Siege Engine
+Front-end to the siege-engine plugin implemented by the gui/siege-engine script. Bind to a
+key and activate after selecting a siege engine in 'q' mode.
+The main mode displays the current target, selected ammo item type, linked stockpiles and
+the allowed operator skill range. The map tile color is changed to reflect if it can be
+hit by the selected engine.
+Pressing 'r' changes into the target selection mode, which works by highlighting two points
+with Enter like all designations. When a target area is set, the engine projectiles are
+aimed at that area, or units within it, instead of the vanilla four directions.
+Pressing 't' switches to stockpile selection.
+Exiting from the siege engine script via ESC reverts the view to the state prior to starting
+the script. Shift-ESC retains the current viewport, and also exits from the 'q' mode to main
+**DISCLAIMER**: Siege engines are a very interesting feature, but currently nearly useless
+because they haven't been updated since 2D and can only aim in four directions. This is an
+attempt to bring them more up to date until Toady has time to work on it. Actual improvements,
+e.g. like making siegers bring their own, are something only Toady can do.
+RAW hacks
+These plugins detect certain structures in RAWs, and enhance them in various ways.
+Steam Engine
+The steam-engine plugin detects custom workshops with STEAM_ENGINE in
+their token, and turns them into real steam engines.
+The vanilla game contains only water wheels and windmills as sources of
+power, but windmills give relatively little power, and water wheels require
+flowing water, which must either be a real river and thus immovable and
+limited in supply, or actually flowing and thus laggy.
+Steam engines are an alternative to water reactors that actually makes
+sense, and hopefully doesn't lag. Also, unlike e.g. animal treadmills,
+it can be done just by combining existing features of the game engine
+in a new way with some glue code and a bit of custom logic.
+The workshop needs water as its input, which it takes via a
+passable floor tile below it, like usual magma workshops do.
+The magma version also needs magma.
+**ISSUE**: Since this building is a machine, and machine collapse
+code cannot be modified, it would collapse over true open space.
+As a loophole, down stair provides support to machines, while
+being passable, so use them.
+After constructing the building itself, machines can be connected
+to the edge tiles that look like gear boxes. Their exact position
+is extracted from the workshop raws.
+**ISSUE**: Like with collapse above, part of the code involved in
+machine connection cannot be modified. As a result, the workshop
+can only immediately connect to machine components built AFTER it.
+This also means that engines cannot be chained without intermediate
+short axles that can be built later.
+In order to operate the engine, queue the Stoke Boiler job (optionally
+on repeat). A furnace operator will come, possibly bringing a bar of fuel,
+and perform it. As a result, a "boiling water" item will appear
+in the 't' view of the workshop.
+**NOTE**: The completion of the job will actually consume one unit
+of the appropriate liquids from below the workshop.
+Every such item gives 100 power, up to a limit of 300 for coal,
+and 500 for a magma engine. The building can host twice that
+amount of items to provide longer autonomous running. When the
+boiler gets filled to capacity, all queued jobs are suspended;
+once it drops back to 3+1 or 5+1 items, they are re-enabled.
+While the engine is providing power, steam is being consumed.
+The consumption speed includes a fixed 10% waste rate, and
+the remaining 90% are applied proportionally to the actual
+load in the machine. With the engine at nominal 300 power with
+150 load in the system, it will consume steam for actual
+300*(10% + 90%*150/300) = 165 power.
+Masterpiece mechanism and chain will decrease the mechanical
+power drawn by the engine itself from 10 to 5. Masterpiece
+barrel decreases waste rate by 4%. Masterpiece piston and pipe
+decrease it by further 4%, and also decrease the whole steam
+use rate by 10%.
+The engine must be constructed using barrel, pipe and piston
+from fire-safe, or in the magma version magma-safe metals.
+During operation weak parts get gradually worn out, and
+eventually the engine explodes. It should also explode if
+toppled during operation by a building destroyer, or a
+tantruming dwarf.
+Save files
+It should be safe to load and view engine-using fortresses
+from a DF version without DFHack installed, except that in such
+case the engines won't work. However actually making modifications
+to them, or machines they connect to (including by pulling levers),
+can easily result in inconsistent state once this plugin is
+available again. The effects may be as weird as negative power
+being generated.
+Add Spatter
+This plugin makes reactions with names starting with ``SPATTER_ADD_``
+produce contaminants on the items instead of improvements.
+Intended to give some use to all those poisons that can be bought from caravans.
+To be really useful this needs patches from bug 808 and ``tweak fix-dimensions``.
diff --git a/Readme.html b/Readme.html
index 50ceae999..001e89b1f 100644
--- a/Readme.html
+++ b/Readme.html
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@