Merged military rating back into one. Adjusted formulas for melee and ranged rating. Added skill effectiveness ratings for ranged and melee. Changed any melee and any ranged to skill effectiveness ratings. Added info about new ratings and research links to the docs.

Mikhail 2023-08-30 09:39:13 +03:00
parent 73af533a90
commit 26b81cfbbd
2 changed files with 177 additions and 131 deletions

@ -17,12 +17,16 @@ Squad assignment overlay
The squad assignment screen can be sorted by name, by migrant wave, by stress,
by various military-related skills or by long-term military potential.
If sorted by "any melee", then the citizen is sorted according to the highest
skill they have in axes, short swords, maces, warhammers, spears, or general
If sorted by "any melee", then the citizen is sorted according to the "melee
skill effectiveness". This rating uses the highest skill they have in axes, short
swords, maces, warhammers or spears along with physical and mental attributes and
general fighting skill. Citizens with higher rating are expected to be more
effective in melee combat with their corresponding weapon.
If sorted by "any ranged", then the citizen is sorted according to the highest
skill they have in crossbows or general ranged combat.
If sorted by "any ranged", then the citizen is sorted according to the "ranged
skill effectiveness". This rating uses crossbow and general archery skills
along with mental and physical attributes. Citizens with higher rating are
expected to be more effective in ranged combat.
If sorted by "leadership", then the citizen is sorted according to the highest
skill they have in leader, teacher, or military tactics.
@ -32,29 +36,30 @@ mental stability rating. This rating is a measure that takes into account
facets and values of an individual and correlates to better stress values.
It is designed to be higher for more stress-resistant citizens.
If sorting is done by "solo combat potential" citizens are arranged based on their
solo combat potential rating. This rating is a measure that takes into
account genetic predispositions in physical and mental attributes, as
well as body size. Dwarves (and other humanoid creatures) with bigger rating
are expected to be more effective in melee combat against strong opponents.
If sorting is done by "group combat potential" citizens are arranged based on their
group combat potential rating. Similar with solo combat rating except this rating
taking into account efficiency in a fight against multiple opponents. This rating
is valid only for dwarves because it considers martial trance which only dwarves
are capable of.
If sorting is done by "melee potential" citizens are arranged based on
their "melee combat potential" rating. This rating is a statistical measure
that takes into account genetic predispositions in physical and mental
attributes, as well as body size. Dwarves (and other humanoid creatures) with
higher rating are expected to be more effective in melee combat if they train
their attributes to their genetic maximum.
If sorting is done by "ranged potential" citizens are arranged based on their
ranged potential rating. This rating is a statistical measure that takes into
account genetic predispositions in physical and mental attributes.
Dwarves (and other humanoid creatures) with bigger rating are expected to be
more effective in ranged combat.
ranged combat potential rating. This rating is a statistical measure that takes into
account genetic predispositions in physical and mental attributes. Dwarves
(and other humanoid creatures) with higher rating are expected to be more
effective in ranged combat if they train their attributes to the maximum.
You can search for a dwarf by name by typing in the Search field. You can also
type in the name of any job skill (military-related or not) and dwarves with
any experience in that skill will be shown. For example, to only see citizens
with military tactics skill, type in "tactics".
"Melee skill effectiveness", "ranged skill effectiveness", "melee combat potential"
and "ranged combat potential" are explained in detail here:
"Mental stability" is explained here:
You can see all the job skill names that you can search for by running::
:lua @df.job_skill

@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ local MELEE_WEAPON_SKILLS = {
df.job_skill.MELEE_COMBAT, --Fighter
-- df.job_skill.MELEE_COMBAT, --Fighter
-- df.job_skill.RANGED_COMBAT,
@ -125,6 +125,109 @@ local function get_max_skill(unit_id, list)
return max
local function melee_skill_effectiveness(unit_id, skill_list)
local unit = df.unit.find(unit_id)
-- Physical attributes
local strength = dfhack.units.getPhysicalAttrValue(unit, df.physical_attribute_type.STRENGTH)
local agility = dfhack.units.getPhysicalAttrValue(unit, df.physical_attribute_type.AGILITY)
local toughness = dfhack.units.getPhysicalAttrValue(unit, df.physical_attribute_type.TOUGHNESS)
local endurance = dfhack.units.getPhysicalAttrValue(unit, df.physical_attribute_type.ENDURANCE)
local body_size_base = unit.body.size_info.size_base
-- Mental attributes
local willpower = dfhack.units.getMentalAttrValue(unit, df.mental_attribute_type.WILLPOWER)
local spatial_sense = dfhack.units.getMentalAttrValue(unit, df.mental_attribute_type.SPATIAL_SENSE)
local kinesthetic_sense = dfhack.units.getMentalAttrValue(unit, df.mental_attribute_type.KINESTHETIC_SENSE)
-- Skills
local melee_skill = get_max_skill(unit_id, skill_list)
if melee_skill then
melee_skill = melee_skill.rating
melee_skill = 0
local melee_combat = dfhack.units.getNominalSkill(unit, df.job_skill.MELEE_COMBAT, true)
local rating = melee_skill * 27000 + melee_combat * 9000
+ strength * 180 + body_size_base * 100 + kinesthetic_sense * 50 + endurance * 50
+ agility * 30 + toughness * 20 + willpower * 20 + spatial_sense * 20
return rating
local function make_sort_by_melee_skill_effectiveness_desc(list)
return function(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
if unit_id_1 == unit_id_2 then return 0 end
if unit_id_1 == -1 then return -1 end
if unit_id_2 == -1 then return 1 end
local rating1 = melee_skill_effectiveness(unit_id_1, list)
local rating2 = melee_skill_effectiveness(unit_id_2, list)
if rating1 == rating2 then return sort_by_name_desc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2) end
if rating1 ~= rating2 then return, rating1) end
local function make_sort_by_melee_skill_effectiveness_asc(list)
return function(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
if unit_id_1 == unit_id_2 then return 0 end
if unit_id_1 == -1 then return -1 end
if unit_id_2 == -1 then return 1 end
local rating1 = melee_skill_effectiveness(unit_id_1, list)
local rating2 = melee_skill_effectiveness(unit_id_2, list)
if rating1 == rating2 then return sort_by_name_desc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2) end
if rating1 ~= rating2 then return, rating2) end
local function ranged_skill_effectiveness(unit_id, skill_list)
local unit = df.unit.find(unit_id)
-- Physical attributes
local agility = dfhack.units.getPhysicalAttrValue(unit, df.physical_attribute_type.AGILITY)
-- Mental attributes
local spatial_sense = dfhack.units.getMentalAttrValue(unit, df.mental_attribute_type.SPATIAL_SENSE)
local kinesthetic_sense = dfhack.units.getMentalAttrValue(unit, df.mental_attribute_type.KINESTHETIC_SENSE)
local focus = dfhack.units.getMentalAttrValue(unit, df.mental_attribute_type.FOCUS)
-- Skills
local ranged_skill = get_max_skill(unit_id, skill_list)
if ranged_skill then
ranged_skill = ranged_skill.rating
ranged_skill = 0
local ranged_combat = dfhack.units.getNominalSkill(unit, df.job_skill.RANGED_COMBAT, true)
local rating = ranged_skill * 24000 + ranged_combat * 8000
+ agility * 15 + spatial_sense * 15 + kinesthetic_sense * 6 + focus * 6
return rating
local function make_sort_by_ranged_skill_effectiveness_desc(list)
return function(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
if unit_id_1 == unit_id_2 then return 0 end
if unit_id_1 == -1 then return -1 end
if unit_id_2 == -1 then return 1 end
local rating1 = ranged_skill_effectiveness(unit_id_1, list)
local rating2 = ranged_skill_effectiveness(unit_id_2, list)
if rating1 == rating2 then return sort_by_name_desc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2) end
if rating1 ~= rating2 then return, rating1) end
local function make_sort_by_ranged_skill_effectiveness_asc(list)
return function(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
if unit_id_1 == unit_id_2 then return 0 end
if unit_id_1 == -1 then return -1 end
if unit_id_2 == -1 then return 1 end
local rating1 = ranged_skill_effectiveness(unit_id_1, list)
local rating2 = ranged_skill_effectiveness(unit_id_2, list)
if rating1 == rating2 then return sort_by_name_desc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2) end
if rating1 ~= rating2 then return, rating2) end
local function make_sort_by_skill_list_desc(list)
return function(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
if unit_id_1 == unit_id_2 then return 0 end
@ -246,7 +349,6 @@ local function mental_stability(unit)
return rating
local function sort_by_mental_stability_desc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
if unit_id_1 == unit_id_2 then return 0 end
local unit1 = df.unit.find(unit_id_1)
@ -278,95 +380,49 @@ local function sort_by_mental_stability_asc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
-- Statistical rating that is bigger for more potent dwarves in long run melee military training
-- Rating considers fighting solo opponents
-- Rating considers fighting melee opponents
-- Wounds are not considered!
local function solo_combat_potential(unit)
local function melee_combat_potential(unit)
-- Physical attributes
local strength = unit.body.physical_attrs.STRENGTH.max_value
local agility = unit.body.physical_attrs.AGILITY.max_value
local toughness = unit.body.physical_attrs.TOUGHNESS.max_value
local endurance = unit.body.physical_attrs.ENDURANCE.max_value
local bodySize = unit.body.size_info.size_base
local body_size_base = unit.body.size_info.size_base
-- Mental attributes
local willpower = unit.status.current_soul.mental_attrs.WILLPOWER.max_value
local spatialSense = unit.status.current_soul.mental_attrs.SPATIAL_SENSE.max_value
local kinestheticSense = unit.status.current_soul.mental_attrs.KINESTHETIC_SENSE.max_value
-- solo combat potential rating
local rating = strength*5.8 + kinestheticSense*3.7 + bodySize*2 + agility*2 + endurance*1.8
+ willpower*1.5 * spatialSense*1.5 + toughness*1.5
return rating
local function sort_by_solo_combat_potential_desc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
if unit_id_1 == unit_id_2 then return 0 end
local unit1 = df.unit.find(unit_id_1)
local unit2 = df.unit.find(unit_id_2)
if not unit1 then return -1 end
if not unit2 then return 1 end
local rating1 = solo_combat_potential(unit1)
local rating2 = solo_combat_potential(unit2)
if rating1 == rating2 then
return sort_by_mental_stability_desc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
return, rating1)
local function sort_by_solo_combat_potential_asc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
if unit_id_1 == unit_id_2 then return 0 end
local unit1 = df.unit.find(unit_id_1)
local unit2 = df.unit.find(unit_id_2)
if not unit1 then return -1 end
if not unit2 then return 1 end
local rating1 = solo_combat_potential(unit1)
local rating2 = solo_combat_potential(unit2)
if rating1 == rating2 then
return sort_by_mental_stability_asc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
return, rating2)
-- Statistical rating that is bigger for more potent dwarves in long run melee military training
-- Rating considers fighting group of opponents
-- Wounds are not considered!
local function group_combat_potential(unit)
-- Physical attributes
local strength = unit.body.physical_attrs.STRENGTH.max_value
local endurance = unit.body.physical_attrs.ENDURANCE.max_value
local bodySize = unit.body.size_info.size_base
-- Mental attributes
local spatialSense = unit.status.current_soul.mental_attrs.SPATIAL_SENSE.max_value
local kinestheticSense = unit.status.current_soul.mental_attrs.KINESTHETIC_SENSE.max_value
local spatial_sense = unit.status.current_soul.mental_attrs.SPATIAL_SENSE.max_value
local kinesthetic_sense = unit.status.current_soul.mental_attrs.KINESTHETIC_SENSE.max_value
-- group combat potential rating
local rating = strength*8.3 + endurance*3 + bodySize*2.8 + kinestheticSense*0.6 + spatialSense*0.4
-- melee combat potential rating
local rating = strength * 264 + endurance * 84 + body_size_base * 77 + kinesthetic_sense * 74
+ agility * 33 + willpower * 31 + spatial_sense * 27 + toughness * 25
return rating
local function sort_by_group_combat_potential_desc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
local function sort_by_melee_combat_potential_desc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
if unit_id_1 == unit_id_2 then return 0 end
local unit1 = df.unit.find(unit_id_1)
local unit2 = df.unit.find(unit_id_2)
if not unit1 then return -1 end
if not unit2 then return 1 end
local rating1 = group_combat_potential(unit1)
local rating2 = group_combat_potential(unit2)
local rating1 = melee_combat_potential(unit1)
local rating2 = melee_combat_potential(unit2)
if rating1 == rating2 then
return sort_by_mental_stability_desc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
return, rating1)
local function sort_by_group_combat_potential_asc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
local function sort_by_melee_combat_potential_asc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
if unit_id_1 == unit_id_2 then return 0 end
local unit1 = df.unit.find(unit_id_1)
local unit2 = df.unit.find(unit_id_2)
if not unit1 then return -1 end
if not unit2 then return 1 end
local rating1 = group_combat_potential(unit1)
local rating2 = group_combat_potential(unit2)
local rating1 = melee_combat_potential(unit1)
local rating2 = melee_combat_potential(unit2)
if rating1 == rating2 then
return sort_by_mental_stability_asc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
@ -375,7 +431,7 @@ end
-- Statistical rating that is bigger for more potent dwarves in long run ranged military training
-- Wounds are not considered!
local function ranged_potential(unit)
local function ranged_combat_potential(unit)
-- Physical attributes
local agility = unit.body.physical_attrs.AGILITY.max_value
local toughness = unit.body.physical_attrs.TOUGHNESS.max_value
@ -384,37 +440,36 @@ local function ranged_potential(unit)
-- Mental attributes
local focus = unit.status.current_soul.mental_attrs.FOCUS.max_value
local willpower = unit.status.current_soul.mental_attrs.WILLPOWER.max_value
local spatialSense = unit.status.current_soul.mental_attrs.SPATIAL_SENSE.max_value
local kinestheticSense = unit.status.current_soul.mental_attrs.KINESTHETIC_SENSE.max_value
local spatial_sense = unit.status.current_soul.mental_attrs.SPATIAL_SENSE.max_value
local kinesthetic_sense = unit.status.current_soul.mental_attrs.KINESTHETIC_SENSE.max_value
-- Ranged potential formula
local rating = agility*3.9 + kinestheticSense*3 + spatialSense*2.9 + toughness*0.9
+ focus*0.7 + endurance*0.7 + willpower*0.6
-- ranged combat potential formula
local rating = agility * 5 + kinesthetic_sense * 5 + spatial_sense * 2 + focus * 2
return rating
local function sort_by_ranged_potential_desc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
local function sort_by_ranged_combat_potential_desc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
if unit_id_1 == unit_id_2 then return 0 end
local unit1 = df.unit.find(unit_id_1)
local unit2 = df.unit.find(unit_id_2)
if not unit1 then return -1 end
if not unit2 then return 1 end
local rating1 = ranged_potential(unit1)
local rating2 = ranged_potential(unit2)
local rating1 = ranged_combat_potential(unit1)
local rating2 = ranged_combat_potential(unit2)
if rating1 == rating2 then
return sort_by_mental_stability_desc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
return, rating1)
local function sort_by_ranged_potential_asc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
local function sort_by_ranged_combat_potential_asc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
if unit_id_1 == unit_id_2 then return 0 end
local unit1 = df.unit.find(unit_id_1)
local unit2 = df.unit.find(unit_id_2)
if not unit1 then return -1 end
if not unit2 then return 1 end
local rating1 = ranged_potential(unit1)
local rating2 = ranged_potential(unit2)
local rating1 = ranged_combat_potential(unit1)
local rating2 = ranged_combat_potential(unit2)
if rating1 == rating2 then
return sort_by_mental_stability_asc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
@ -422,10 +477,10 @@ local function sort_by_ranged_potential_asc(unit_id_1, unit_id_2)
local SORT_FNS = {
@ -451,7 +506,7 @@ SquadAssignmentOverlay.ATTRS{
default_pos={x=-33, y=40},
frame={w=84, h=9},
frame={w=65, h=9},
@ -492,12 +547,10 @@ function SquadAssignmentOverlay:init()
{label='crossbow skill'..CH_UP, value=SORT_FNS.sort_by_crossbow_asc, pen=COLOR_YELLOW},
{label='mental stability'..CH_DN, value=sort_by_mental_stability_desc, pen=COLOR_GREEN},
{label='mental stability'..CH_UP, value=sort_by_mental_stability_asc, pen=COLOR_YELLOW},
{label='solo combat potential'..CH_DN, value=sort_by_solo_combat_potential_desc, pen=COLOR_GREEN},
{label='solo combat potential'..CH_UP, value=sort_by_solo_combat_potential_asc, pen=COLOR_YELLOW},
{label='group combat potential'..CH_DN, value=sort_by_group_combat_potential_desc, pen=COLOR_GREEN},
{label='group combat potential'..CH_UP, value=sort_by_group_combat_potential_asc, pen=COLOR_YELLOW},
{label='ranged potential'..CH_DN, value=sort_by_ranged_potential_desc, pen=COLOR_GREEN},
{label='ranged potential'..CH_UP, value=sort_by_ranged_potential_asc, pen=COLOR_YELLOW},
{label='melee potential'..CH_DN, value=sort_by_melee_combat_potential_desc, pen=COLOR_GREEN},
{label='melee potential'..CH_UP, value=sort_by_melee_combat_potential_asc, pen=COLOR_YELLOW},
{label='ranged potential'..CH_DN, value=sort_by_ranged_combat_potential_desc, pen=COLOR_GREEN},
{label='ranged potential'..CH_UP, value=sort_by_ranged_combat_potential_asc, pen=COLOR_YELLOW},
on_change=self:callback('refresh_list', 'sort'),
@ -657,37 +710,26 @@ function SquadAssignmentOverlay:init()
on_change=self:callback('refresh_list', 'sort_mental_stability'),
frame={t=4, l=18, w=22},
{label='solo combat potential', value=sort_noop},
{label='solo combat potential'..CH_DN, value=sort_by_solo_combat_potential_desc, pen=COLOR_GREEN},
{label='solo combat potential'..CH_UP, value=sort_by_solo_combat_potential_asc, pen=COLOR_YELLOW},
on_change=self:callback('refresh_list', 'sort_solo_combat_potential'),
frame={t=4, l=41, w=23},
frame={t=4, l=20, w=16},
{label='group combat potential', value=sort_noop},
{label='group combat potential'..CH_DN, value=sort_by_group_combat_potential_desc, pen=COLOR_GREEN},
{label='group combat potential'..CH_UP, value=sort_by_group_combat_potential_asc, pen=COLOR_YELLOW},
{label='melee potential', value=sort_noop},
{label='melee potential'..CH_DN, value=sort_by_melee_combat_potential_desc, pen=COLOR_GREEN},
{label='melee potential'..CH_UP, value=sort_by_melee_combat_potential_asc, pen=COLOR_YELLOW},
on_change=self:callback('refresh_list', 'sort_group_combat_potential'),
on_change=self:callback('refresh_list', 'sort_melee_combat_potential'),
frame={t=4, l=65, w=17},
frame={t=4, l=39, w=17},
{label='ranged potential', value=sort_noop},
{label='ranged potential'..CH_DN, value=sort_by_ranged_potential_desc, pen=COLOR_GREEN},
{label='ranged potential'..CH_UP, value=sort_by_ranged_potential_asc, pen=COLOR_YELLOW},
{label='ranged potential'..CH_DN, value=sort_by_ranged_combat_potential_desc, pen=COLOR_GREEN},
{label='ranged potential'..CH_UP, value=sort_by_ranged_combat_potential_asc, pen=COLOR_YELLOW},
on_change=self:callback('refresh_list', 'sort_ranged_potential'),
on_change=self:callback('refresh_list', 'sort_ranged_combat_potential'),
@ -767,9 +809,8 @@ local SORT_WIDGET_NAMES = {
function SquadAssignmentOverlay:refresh_list(sort_widget, sort_fn)