Document environment variables

lethosor 2018-02-11 03:07:25 -05:00
parent c136bcbaba
commit 269d575267
1 changed files with 39 additions and 0 deletions

@ -430,6 +430,45 @@ Other init files
directory, will be run when any world or that save is loaded.
Environment variables
DFHack's behavior can be adjusted with some environment variables. For example,
on UNIX-like systems::
DFHACK_SOME_VAR=1 ./dfhack
- ``DFHACK_PORT``: the port to use for the RPC server (used by ``dfhack-run``
and `remotefortressreader` among others) instead of the default ``5000``. As
with the default, if this port cannot be used, the server is not started.
- ``DFHACK_DISABLE_CONSOLE``: if set, the DFHack console is not set up. This is
the default behavior if ``PRINT_MODE:TEXT`` is set in ``data/init/init.txt``.
Intended for situations where DFHack cannot run in a terminal window.
- ``DFHACK_HEADLESS``: if set, and ``PRINT_MODE:TEXT`` is set, DF's display will
be hidden, and the console will be started unless ``DFHACK_DISABLE_CONSOLE``
is also set. Intended for non-interactive gameplay only.
- ``DFHACK_NO_GLOBALS``, ``DFHACK_NO_VTABLES``: ignores all global or vtable
addresses in ``symbols.xml``, respectively. Intended for development use -
e.g. to make sure tools do not crash when these addresses are missing.
- ``DFHACK_NO_DEV_PLUGINS``: if set, any plugins from the plugins/devel folder
that are built and installed will not be loaded on startup.
- ``DFHACK_LOG_MEM_RANGES`` (macOS only): if set, logs memory ranges to
``stderr.log``. Note that `devel/lsmem` can also do this.
Other (non-DFHack-specific) variables that affect DFHack:
- ``TERM``: if this is set to ``dumb`` or ``cons25`` on \*nix, the console will
not support any escape sequences (arrow keys, etc.).
- ``LANG``, ``LC_CTYPE``: if either of these contain "UTF8" or "UTF-8" (not case
sensitive), ``DF2CONSOLE()`` will produce UTF-8-encoded text. Note that this
should be the case in most UTF-8-capable \*nix terminal emulators already.
Miscellaneous Notes
This section is for odd but important notes that don't fit anywhere else.