Add some JSON helper functions

lethosor 2015-07-29 20:09:55 -04:00
parent d02e67267a
commit 071f67f2aa
1 changed files with 31 additions and 0 deletions

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#include "jsoncpp.h"
#pragma once
namespace JsonEx {
template <typename T> bool is (const Json::Value &val) { return false; }
template <typename T> T as (const Json::Value &val);
template <typename T> T get (const Json::Value &val, const std::string &key, const T &default_) { return default_; }
#define define_helpers(type, is_func, as_func) \
template<> inline bool is<type> (const Json::Value &val) { return val.is_func(); } \
template<> inline type as<type> (const Json::Value &val) { return val.as_func(); } \
template<> inline type get<type> (const Json::Value &val, const std::string &key, const type &default_) \
{ Json::Value x = val[key]; return is<type>(x) ? as<type>(x) : default_; }
define_helpers(bool, isBool, asBool);
define_helpers(Json::Int, isInt, asInt);
define_helpers(Json::UInt, isUInt, asUInt);
define_helpers(Json::Int64, isInt64, asInt64);
define_helpers(Json::UInt64, isUInt64, asUInt64);
define_helpers(float, isDouble, asFloat);
define_helpers(double, isDouble, asDouble);
define_helpers(std::string, isString, asString);
#undef define_helpers
inline std::string toSimpleString (const Json::Value &val)
Json::FastWriter w;
return w.write(val);