Digging invaders: fixed a bug where it would reassign long-lasting jobs, making them take forever. Also added a check for the case that invaders cannot dig to any locals.

expwnent 2013-01-04 00:35:47 -05:00
parent b6f0ae5b14
commit 038cc91fcd
1 changed files with 13 additions and 10 deletions

@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ int32_t findAndAssignInvasionJob(color_ostream& out);
void initiateDigging(color_ostream& out, void* ptr) {
//called when there's a new invasion
//TODO: check if invaders can dig
lastInvasionJob = -1;
lastInvasionDigger = -1;
if ( manageInvasion(out) == -2 )
@ -179,10 +177,7 @@ void watchForJobComplete(color_ostream& out, void* ptr) {
EventManager::unregister(EventManager::EventType::JOB_COMPLETED, jobCompleteHandler, diggingInvadersPlugin);
lastInvasionJob = -1;
lastInvasionDigger = -1;
std::vector<string> parameters;
diggingInvadersFunc(out, parameters);
int32_t manageInvasion(color_ostream& out) {
@ -202,7 +197,9 @@ int32_t manageInvasion(color_ostream& out) {
out.print("Error %s line %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
return -1;
if ( lastInvasionJob == df::global::world->units.all[index]->job.current_job->id ) {
df::job* job = df::global::world->units.all[index]->job.current_job;
out.print("job id: old = %d, new = %d\n", lastInvasionJob, job == NULL ? -1 : job->id);
if ( job != NULL && lastInvasionJob == job->id ) {
out.print("Still working on the previous job.\n");
return -1;
@ -212,8 +209,8 @@ int32_t manageInvasion(color_ostream& out) {
int32_t unitId = findAndAssignInvasionJob(out);
if ( unitId == -1 ) {
//might need to do more digging later, after we've killed off a few locals
EventManager::EventHandler checkPeriodically(initiateDigging, 1000);
EventManager::registerTick(checkPeriodically, checkPeriodically.freq, diggingInvadersPlugin);
//EventManager::EventHandler checkPeriodically(initiateDigging, 1000);
//EventManager::registerTick(checkPeriodically, checkPeriodically.freq, diggingInvadersPlugin);
out.print("DiggingInvaders is waiting.\n");
return -1;
@ -344,6 +341,7 @@ int32_t findAndAssignInvasionJob(color_ostream& out) {
int32_t localPtsFound = 0;
unordered_set<df::coord,PointHash> closedSet;
unordered_map<df::coord,int32_t,PointHash> workNeeded; //non-walking work needed to get there
bool foundTarget = false;
clock_t t0 = clock();
clock_t totalEdgeTime = 0;
@ -359,8 +357,10 @@ int32_t findAndAssignInvasionJob(color_ostream& out) {
if ( localPts.find(pt) != localPts.end() ) {
if ( localPtsFound >= localPts.size() )
if ( localPtsFound >= localPts.size() ) {
foundTarget = true;
if ( workNeeded.find(pt) == workNeeded.end() || workNeeded[pt] == 0 ) {
//there are still dwarves to kill that don't require digging to get to
return -1;
@ -396,6 +396,9 @@ int32_t findAndAssignInvasionJob(color_ostream& out) {
clock_t time = clock() - t0;
out.print("time = %d, totalEdgeTime = %d\n", time, totalEdgeTime);
if ( !foundTarget )
return -1;
unordered_set<df::coord, PointHash> requiresZNeg;
unordered_set<df::coord, PointHash> requiresZPos;