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# designate an area based on a '.csv' plan
2015-10-23 22:10:15 -06:00
A script to designate an area for digging according to a plan in csv format.
This script, inspired from quickfort, can designate an area for digging.
Your plan should be stored in a .csv file like this::
# this is a comment
d;d;u;d;d;skip this tile;d
2015-10-23 22:10:15 -06:00
Available tile shapes are named after the 'dig' menu shortcuts:
``d`` for dig, ``u`` for upstairs, ``j`` downstairs, ``i`` updown,
2015-10-23 22:10:15 -06:00
``h`` channel, ``r`` upward ramp, ``x`` remove designation.
Unrecognized characters are ignored (eg the 'skip this tile' in the sample).
Empty lines and data after a ``#`` are ignored as comments.
To skip a row in your design, use a single ``;``.
One comment in the file may contain the phrase ``start(3,5)``. It is interpreted
as an offset for the pattern: instead of starting at the cursor, it will start
3 tiles left and 5 tiles up from the cursor.
The script takes the plan filename, starting from the root df folder (where
``Dwarf Fortress.exe`` is found).
2015-02-14 20:53:06 -07:00
fname = $script_args[0].to_s
if not $script_args[0] then
puts " Usage: digfort <plan filename>"
throw :script_finished
if not fname[-4..-1] == ".csv" then
puts " The plan file must be in .csv format."
throw :script_finished
if not File.file?(fname) then
puts " The specified file does not exist."
throw :script_finished
planfile = File.read(fname)
if df.cursor.x == -30000
puts "place the game cursor to the top-left corner of the design and retry"
throw :script_finished
offset = [0, 0]
tiles = []
planfile.each_line { |l|
if l =~ /#.*start\s*\(\s*(-?\d+)\s*[,;]\s*(-?\d+)/
raise "Error: multiple start() comments" if offset != [0, 0]
offset = [$1.to_i, $2.to_i]
l = l.chomp.sub(/#.*/, '')
next if l == ''
tiles << l.split(/[;,]/).map { |t|
t = t.strip
(t[0] == ?") ? t[1..-2] : t
x = df.cursor.x - offset[0]
y = df.cursor.y - offset[1]
z = df.cursor.z
tiles.each { |line|
next if line.empty? or line == ['']
line.each { |tile|
t = df.map_tile_at(x, y, z)
s = t.shape_basic
case tile
when 'd'; t.dig(:Default) if s == :Wall
when 'u'; t.dig(:UpStair) if s == :Wall
when 'j'; t.dig(:DownStair) if s == :Wall or s == :Floor
when 'i'; t.dig(:UpDownStair) if s == :Wall
when 'h'; t.dig(:Channel) if s == :Wall or s == :Floor
when 'r'; t.dig(:Ramp) if s == :Wall
when 'x'; t.dig(:No)
x += 1
x = df.cursor.x - offset[0]
y += 1
puts ' done'