
1019 lines
29 KiB

2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::LibXML;
our @lines_rb;
my $os;
2012-07-02 13:57:53 -06:00
if ($^O =~ /linux/i or $^O =~ /darwin/i) {
$os = 'linux';
} else {
$os = 'windows';
$os = $ARGV[2] if ($ARGV[2]);
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
sub indent_rb(&) {
my ($sub) = @_;
my @lines;
local @lines_rb;
@lines = map { " " . $_ } @lines_rb;
push @lines_rb, @lines
sub rb_ucase {
my ($name) = @_;
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
return $name if ($name eq uc($name));
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
return join("", map { ucfirst $_ } (split('_', $name)));
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
my %item_renderer = (
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
'global' => \&render_item_global,
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
'number' => \&render_item_number,
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
'container' => \&render_item_container,
'compound' => \&render_item_compound,
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
'pointer' => \&render_item_pointer,
'static-array' => \&render_item_staticarray,
'primitive' => \&render_item_primitive,
'bytes' => \&render_item_bytes,
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
my %global_types;
our $current_typename;
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
sub render_global_enum {
my ($name, $type) = @_;
my $rbname = rb_ucase($name);
2012-05-10 15:27:42 -06:00
push @lines_rb, "class $rbname < MemHack::Enum";
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
indent_rb {
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
push @lines_rb, "end\n";
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
sub render_enum_fields {
my ($type) = @_;
2012-05-10 15:27:42 -06:00
push @lines_rb, "ENUM = Hash.new";
push @lines_rb, "NUME = Hash.new";
my %attr_type;
2012-05-06 14:42:06 -06:00
my %attr_list;
render_enum_initattrs($type, \%attr_type, \%attr_list);
my $value = -1;
for my $item ($type->findnodes('child::enum-item'))
$value = $item->getAttribute('value') || ($value+1);
my $elemname = $item->getAttribute('name'); # || "unk_$value";
if ($elemname)
my $rbelemname = rb_ucase($elemname);
push @lines_rb, "ENUM[$value] = :$rbelemname ; NUME[:$rbelemname] = $value";
for my $iattr ($item->findnodes('child::item-attr'))
my $attr = render_enum_attr($rbelemname, $iattr, \%attr_type, \%attr_list);
$lines_rb[$#lines_rb] .= ' ; ' . $attr;
sub render_enum_initattrs {
my ($type, $attr_type, $attr_list) = @_;
for my $attr ($type->findnodes('child::enum-attr'))
my $rbattr = rb_ucase($attr->getAttribute('name'));
my $typeattr = $attr->getAttribute('type-name');
2012-04-26 12:55:52 -06:00
# find how we need to encode the attribute values: string, symbol (for enums), raw (number, bool)
if ($typeattr) {
if ($global_types{$typeattr}) {
$attr_type->{$rbattr} = 'symbol';
} else {
$attr_type->{$rbattr} = 'naked';
} else {
$attr_type->{$rbattr} = 'quote';
my $def = $attr->getAttribute('default-value');
if ($attr->getAttribute('is-list'))
2012-05-06 14:42:06 -06:00
push @lines_rb, "$rbattr = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] }";
$attr_list->{$rbattr} = 1;
elsif ($def)
$def = ":$def" if ($attr_type->{$rbattr} eq 'symbol');
$def =~ s/'/\\'/g if ($attr_type->{$rbattr} eq 'quote');
$def = "'$def'" if ($attr_type->{$rbattr} eq 'quote');
push @lines_rb, "$rbattr = Hash.new($def)";
push @lines_rb, "$rbattr = Hash.new";
sub render_enum_attr {
my ($rbelemname, $iattr, $attr_type, $attr_list) = @_;
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
my $ian = $iattr->getAttribute('name');
my $iav = $iattr->getAttribute('value');
my $rbattr = rb_ucase($ian);
my $op = ($attr_list->{$rbattr} ? '<<' : '=');
$iav = ":$iav" if ($attr_type->{$rbattr} eq 'symbol');
$iav =~ s/'/\\'/g if ($attr_type->{$rbattr} eq 'quote');
$iav = "'$iav'" if ($attr_type->{$rbattr} eq 'quote');
return "${rbattr}[:$rbelemname] $op $iav";
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
sub render_global_bitfield {
my ($name, $type) = @_;
my $rbname = rb_ucase($name);
push @lines_rb, "class $rbname < MemHack::Compound";
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
indent_rb {
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
push @lines_rb, "end\n";
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
sub render_bitfield_fields {
my ($type) = @_;
push @lines_rb, "field(:_whole, 0) {";
indent_rb {
push @lines_rb, "}";
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
my $shift = 0;
for my $field ($type->findnodes('child::ld:field'))
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
my $count = $field->getAttribute('count') || 1;
my $name = $field->getAttribute('name');
2012-04-26 12:55:52 -06:00
my $type = $field->getAttribute('type-name');
my $enum = rb_ucase($type) if ($type and $global_types{$type});
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
$name = $field->getAttribute('ld:anon-name') if (!$name);
print "bitfield $name !number\n" if (!($field->getAttribute('ld:meta') eq 'number'));
if ($name)
if ($enum) {
push @lines_rb, "field(:$name, 0) { bits $shift, $count, $enum }";
} elsif ($count == 1) {
push @lines_rb, "field(:$name, 0) { bit $shift }";
} else {
push @lines_rb, "field(:$name, 0) { bits $shift, $count }";
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
$shift += $count;
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
2012-04-06 11:30:58 -06:00
my %seen_class;
our $compound_off;
our $compound_pointer;
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
sub render_global_class {
my ($name, $type) = @_;
my $meta = $type->getAttribute('ld:meta');
2012-04-06 11:30:58 -06:00
my $rbname = rb_ucase($name);
# ensure pre-definition of ancestors
my $parent = $type->getAttribute('inherits-from');
render_global_class($parent, $global_types{$parent}) if ($parent and !$seen_class{$parent});
return if $seen_class{$name};
local $compound_off = 0;
$compound_off = 4 if ($meta eq 'class-type');
$compound_off = sizeof($global_types{$parent}) if $parent;
local $current_typename = $rbname;
2012-04-27 06:13:44 -06:00
my $rtti_name;
if ($meta eq 'class-type')
2012-04-27 06:13:44 -06:00
$rtti_name = $type->getAttribute('original-name') ||
$type->getAttribute('type-name') ||
my $rbparent = ($parent ? rb_ucase($parent) : 'MemHack::Compound');
2012-04-06 11:30:58 -06:00
push @lines_rb, "class $rbname < $rbparent";
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
indent_rb {
my $sz = sizeof($type);
# see comment is sub sizeof ; but gcc has sizeof(cls) aligned
$sz = align_field($sz, 4) if $os eq 'linux' and $meta eq 'class-type';
push @lines_rb, "sizeof $sz\n";
push @lines_rb, "rtti_classname :$rtti_name\n" if $rtti_name;
2012-05-03 11:19:58 -06:00
my $vms = $type->findnodes('child::virtual-methods')->[0];
2012-05-03 10:49:12 -06:00
render_class_vmethods($vms) if $vms;
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
push @lines_rb, "end\n";
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
sub render_struct_fields {
my ($type) = @_;
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
my $isunion = $type->getAttribute('is-union');
for my $field ($type->findnodes('child::ld:field'))
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
my $name = $field->getAttribute('name');
$name = $field->getAttribute('ld:anon-name') if (!$name);
if (!$name and $field->getAttribute('ld:anon-compound'))
$compound_off = align_field($compound_off, get_field_align($field));
if ($name)
push @lines_rb, "field(:$name, $compound_off) {";
indent_rb {
push @lines_rb, "}";
render_struct_field_refs($type, $field, $name);
$compound_off += sizeof($field) if (!$isunion);
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
# handle generating accessor for xml attributes ref-target, refers-to etc
sub render_struct_field_refs {
my ($parent, $field, $name) = @_;
my $reftg = $field->getAttribute('ref-target');
render_field_reftarget($parent, $field, $name, $reftg) if ($reftg);
my $refto = $field->getAttribute('refers-to');
render_field_refto($parent, $name, $refto) if ($refto);
my $meta = $field->getAttribute('ld:meta');
my $item = $field->findnodes('child::ld:item')->[0];
if ($meta and $meta eq 'container' and $item) {
my $itemreftg = $item->getAttribute('ref-target');
render_container_reftarget($parent, $item, $name, $itemreftg) if $itemreftg;
sub render_field_reftarget {
my ($parent, $field, $name, $reftg) = @_;
my $aux = $field->getAttribute('aux-value');
return if ($aux); # TODO
my $tg = $global_types{$reftg};
return if (!$tg);
my $tgvec = $tg->getAttribute('instance-vector');
return if (!$tgvec);
my $idx = $tg->getAttribute('key-field');
$tgvec =~ s/^\$global/df/;
return if $tgvec !~ /^[\w\.]+$/;
my $tgname = "${name}_tg";
$tgname =~ s/_id(.?.?)_tg/_tg$1/;
for my $othername (map { $_->getAttribute('name') } $parent->findnodes('child::ld:field')) {
$tgname .= '_' if ($othername and $tgname eq $othername);
if ($idx) {
my $fidx = '';
$fidx = ', :' . $idx if ($idx ne 'id');
push @lines_rb, "def $tgname ; ${tgvec}.binsearch($name$fidx) ; end";
} else {
push @lines_rb, "def $tgname ; ${tgvec}[$name] ; end";
sub render_field_refto {
my ($parent, $name, $tgvec) = @_;
$tgvec =~ s/^\$global/df/;
$tgvec =~ s/\[\$\]$//;
return if $tgvec !~ /^[\w\.]+$/;
my $tgname = "${name}_tg";
$tgname =~ s/_id(.?.?)_tg/_tg$1/;
for my $othername (map { $_->getAttribute('name') } $parent->findnodes('child::ld:field')) {
$tgname .= '_' if ($othername and $tgname eq $othername);
push @lines_rb, "def $tgname ; ${tgvec}[$name] ; end";
sub render_container_reftarget {
my ($parent, $item, $name, $reftg) = @_;
my $aux = $item->getAttribute('aux-value');
return if ($aux); # TODO
my $tg = $global_types{$reftg};
return if (!$tg);
my $tgvec = $tg->getAttribute('instance-vector');
return if (!$tgvec);
my $idx = $tg->getAttribute('key-field');
$tgvec =~ s/^\$global/df/;
return if $tgvec !~ /^[\w\.]+$/;
my $tgname = "${name}_tg";
$tgname =~ s/_id(.?.?)_tg/_tg$1/;
for my $othername (map { $_->getAttribute('name') } $parent->findnodes('child::ld:field')) {
$tgname .= '_' if ($othername and $tgname eq $othername);
if ($idx) {
my $fidx = '';
$fidx = ', :' . $idx if ($idx ne 'id');
push @lines_rb, "def $tgname ; $name.map { |i| $tgvec.binsearch(i$fidx) } ; end";
} else {
push @lines_rb, "def $tgname ; $name.map { |i| ${tgvec}[i] } ; end";
2012-05-03 10:49:12 -06:00
sub render_class_vmethods {
my ($vms) = @_;
my $voff = 0;
for my $meth ($vms->findnodes('child::vmethod'))
2012-05-03 10:49:12 -06:00
my $name = $meth->getAttribute('name');
if ($name)
2012-05-03 10:49:12 -06:00
my @argnames;
my @argargs;
# check if arguments need special treatment (eg auto-convert from symbol to enum value)
for my $arg ($meth->findnodes('child::ld:field'))
2012-05-03 10:49:12 -06:00
my $nr = $#argnames + 1;
my $argname = lcfirst($arg->getAttribute('name') || "arg$nr");
push @argnames, $argname;
if ($arg->getAttribute('ld:meta') eq 'global' and $arg->getAttribute('ld:subtype') eq 'enum') {
push @argargs, rb_ucase($arg->getAttribute('type-name')) . ".int($argname)";
} else {
push @argargs, $argname;
2012-05-03 10:49:12 -06:00
# write vmethod ruby wrapper
2012-05-03 10:49:12 -06:00
push @lines_rb, "def $name(" . join(', ', @argnames) . ')';
indent_rb {
my $args = join('', map { ", $_" } @argargs);
my $call = "DFHack.vmethod_call(self, $voff$args)";
my $ret = $meth->findnodes('child::ret-type')->[0];
render_class_vmethod_ret($call, $ret);
2012-05-03 10:49:12 -06:00
push @lines_rb, 'end';
2012-05-03 11:19:58 -06:00
# on linux, the destructor uses 2 entries
$voff += 4 if $meth->getAttribute('is-destructor') and $os eq 'linux';
2012-05-03 10:49:12 -06:00
$voff += 4;
sub render_class_vmethod_ret {
my ($call, $ret) = @_;
if (!$ret)
# method returns void, hide return value
push @lines_rb, "$call ; nil";
my $retmeta = $ret->getAttribute('ld:meta') || '';
if ($retmeta eq 'global')
# method returns an enum value: auto-convert to symbol
my $retname = $ret->getAttribute('type-name');
if ($retname and $global_types{$retname} and
$global_types{$retname}->getAttribute('ld:meta') eq 'enum-type')
push @lines_rb, rb_ucase($retname) . ".sym($call)";
print "vmethod global nonenum $call\n";
push @lines_rb, $call;
elsif ($retmeta eq 'number')
# raw method call returns an int32, mask according to actual return type
my $retsubtype = $ret->getAttribute('ld:subtype');
my $retbits = $ret->getAttribute('ld:bits');
push @lines_rb, "val = $call";
if ($retsubtype eq 'bool')
push @lines_rb, "(val & 1) != 0";
elsif ($ret->getAttribute('ld:unsigned'))
push @lines_rb, "val & ((1 << $retbits) - 1)";
elsif ($retbits != 32)
# manual sign extension
push @lines_rb, "val &= ((1 << $retbits) - 1)";
push @lines_rb, "((val >> ($retbits-1)) & 1) == 0 ? val : val - (1 << $retbits)";
elsif ($retmeta eq 'pointer')
# method returns a pointer to some struct, create the correct ruby wrapper
push @lines_rb, "ptr = $call";
push @lines_rb, "class << self";
indent_rb {
push @lines_rb, "end._at(ptr) if ptr != 0";
print "vmethod unkret $call\n";
push @lines_rb, $call;
sub render_global_objects {
my (@objects) = @_;
my @global_objects;
local $compound_off = 0;
local $current_typename = 'Global';
# define all globals as 'fields' of a virtual globalobject wrapping the whole address space
push @lines_rb, 'class GlobalObjects < MemHack::Compound';
indent_rb {
for my $obj (@objects)
my $oname = $obj->getAttribute('name');
# check if the symbol is defined in xml to avoid NULL deref
my $addr = "DFHack.get_global_address('$oname')";
push @lines_rb, "addr = $addr";
push @lines_rb, "if addr != 0";
indent_rb {
push @lines_rb, "field(:$oname, addr) {";
my $item = $obj->findnodes('child::ld:item')->[0];
indent_rb {
push @lines_rb, "}";
push @lines_rb, "end";
push @global_objects, $oname;
push @lines_rb, "end";
# define friendlier accessors, eg df.world -> DFHack::GlobalObjects.new._at(0).world
indent_rb {
push @lines_rb, "Global = GlobalObjects.new._at(0)";
for my $obj (@global_objects)
push @lines_rb, "def self.$obj ; Global.$obj ; end";
push @lines_rb, "def self.$obj=(v) ; Global.$obj = v ; end";
my %align_cache;
my %sizeof_cache;
sub align_field {
my ($off, $fldalign) = @_;
my $dt = $off % $fldalign;
$off += $fldalign - $dt if $dt > 0;
return $off;
sub get_field_align {
my ($field) = @_;
my $al = 4;
my $meta = $field->getAttribute('ld:meta');
if ($meta eq 'number') {
$al = $field->getAttribute('ld:bits')/8;
# linux aligns int64_t to 4, windows to 8
# floats are 4 bytes so no pb
$al = 4 if ($al > 4 and ($os eq 'linux' or $al != 8));
} elsif ($meta eq 'global') {
$al = get_global_align($field);
} elsif ($meta eq 'compound') {
$al = get_compound_align($field);
} elsif ($meta eq 'static-array') {
my $tg = $field->findnodes('child::ld:item')->[0];
$al = get_field_align($tg);
} elsif ($meta eq 'bytes') {
$al = $field->getAttribute('alignment') || 1;
return $al;
sub get_global_align {
my ($field) = @_;
my $typename = $field->getAttribute('type-name');
return $align_cache{$typename} if $align_cache{$typename};
my $g = $global_types{$typename};
my $st = $field->getAttribute('ld:subtype') || '';
if ($st eq 'bitfield' or $st eq 'enum' or $g->getAttribute('ld:meta') eq 'bitfield-type')
my $base = $field->getAttribute('base-type') || $g->getAttribute('base-type') || 'uint32_t';
print "$st type $base\n" if $base !~ /int(\d+)_t/;
# dont cache, field->base-type may differ
return $1/8;
my $al = 1;
for my $gf ($g->findnodes('child::ld:field')) {
my $fld_al = get_field_align($gf);
$al = $fld_al if $fld_al > $al;
$align_cache{$typename} = $al;
return $al;
sub get_compound_align {
my ($field) = @_;
my $st = $field->getAttribute('ld:subtype') || '';
if ($st eq 'bitfield' or $st eq 'enum')
my $base = $field->getAttribute('base-type') || 'uint32_t';
print "$st type $base\n" if $base !~ /int(\d+)_t/;
return $1/8;
my $al = 1;
for my $f ($field->findnodes('child::ld:field')) {
my $fal = get_field_align($f);
$al = $fal if $fal > $al;
return $al;
sub sizeof {
my ($field) = @_;
my $meta = $field->getAttribute('ld:meta');
if ($meta eq 'number') {
return $field->getAttribute('ld:bits')/8;
} elsif ($meta eq 'pointer') {
return 4;
} elsif ($meta eq 'static-array') {
my $count = $field->getAttribute('count');
my $tg = $field->findnodes('child::ld:item')->[0];
return $count * sizeof($tg);
} elsif ($meta eq 'bitfield-type' or $meta eq 'enum-type') {
my $base = $field->getAttribute('base-type') || 'uint32_t';
print "$meta type $base\n" if $base !~ /int(\d+)_t/;
return $1/8;
} elsif ($meta eq 'global') {
my $typename = $field->getAttribute('type-name');
return $sizeof_cache{$typename} if $sizeof_cache{$typename};
my $g = $global_types{$typename};
my $st = $field->getAttribute('ld:subtype') || '';
if ($st eq 'bitfield' or $st eq 'enum' or $g->getAttribute('ld:meta') eq 'bitfield-type')
my $base = $field->getAttribute('base-type') || $g->getAttribute('base-type') || 'uint32_t';
print "$st type $base\n" if $base !~ /int(\d+)_t/;
return $1/8;
return sizeof($g);
} elsif ($meta eq 'class-type' or $meta eq 'struct-type' or $meta eq 'compound') {
return sizeof_compound($field);
} elsif ($meta eq 'container') {
my $subtype = $field->getAttribute('ld:subtype');
if ($subtype eq 'stl-vector') {
if ($os eq 'linux') {
return 12;
} elsif ($os eq 'windows') {
return 16;
} else {
print "sizeof stl-vector on $os\n";
} elsif ($subtype eq 'stl-bit-vector') {
if ($os eq 'linux') {
return 20;
} elsif ($os eq 'windows') {
return 20;
} else {
print "sizeof stl-bit-vector on $os\n";
} elsif ($subtype eq 'stl-deque') {
if ($os eq 'linux') {
return 40;
} elsif ($os eq 'windows') {
return 24;
} else {
print "sizeof stl-deque on $os\n";
} elsif ($subtype eq 'df-linked-list') {
return 12;
} elsif ($subtype eq 'df-flagarray') {
return 8;
} elsif ($subtype eq 'df-array') {
return 8; # XXX 6 ?
} else {
print "sizeof container $subtype\n";
} elsif ($meta eq 'primitive') {
my $subtype = $field->getAttribute('ld:subtype');
if ($subtype eq 'stl-string') { if ($os eq 'linux') {
return 4;
} elsif ($os eq 'windows') {
return 28;
} else {
print "sizeof stl-string on $os\n";
print "sizeof stl-string\n";
} else {
print "sizeof primitive $subtype\n";
} elsif ($meta eq 'bytes') {
return $field->getAttribute('size');
} else {
print "sizeof $meta\n";
sub sizeof_compound {
my ($field) = @_;
my $typename = $field->getAttribute('type-name');
return $sizeof_cache{$typename} if $typename and $sizeof_cache{$typename};
my $meta = $field->getAttribute('ld:meta');
my $st = $field->getAttribute('ld:subtype') || '';
if ($st eq 'bitfield' or $st eq 'enum')
my $base = $field->getAttribute('base-type') || 'uint32_t';
print "$st type $base\n" if $base !~ /int(\d+)_t/;
$sizeof_cache{$typename} = $1/8 if $typename;
return $1/8;
if ($field->getAttribute('is-union'))
my $sz = 0;
for my $f ($field->findnodes('child::ld:field'))
my $fsz = sizeof($f);
$sz = $fsz if $fsz > $sz;
return $sz;
my $parent = $field->getAttribute('inherits-from');
my $off = 0;
$off = 4 if ($meta eq 'class-type');
$off = sizeof($global_types{$parent}) if ($parent);
my $al = 1;
$al = 4 if ($meta eq 'class-type');
for my $f ($field->findnodes('child::ld:field'))
my $fa = get_field_align($f);
$al = $fa if $fa > $al;
$off = align_field($off, $fa);
$off += sizeof($f);
# GCC: class a { vtable; char; } ; class b:a { char c2; } -> c2 has offset 5 (Windows MSVC: offset 8)
$al = 1 if ($meta eq 'class-type' and $os eq 'linux');
$off = align_field($off, $al);
$sizeof_cache{$typename} = $off if $typename;
return $off;
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
sub render_item {
my ($item) = @_;
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
return if (!$item);
my $meta = $item->getAttribute('ld:meta');
my $renderer = $item_renderer{$meta};
if ($renderer) {
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
} else {
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
print "no render item $meta\n";
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
sub render_item_global {
my ($item) = @_;
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
my $typename = $item->getAttribute('type-name');
my $subtype = $item->getAttribute('ld:subtype');
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
if ($subtype and $subtype eq 'enum') {
} else {
my $rbname = rb_ucase($typename);
push @lines_rb, "global :$rbname";
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
sub render_item_number {
my ($item, $classname) = @_;
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
my $subtype = $item->getAttribute('ld:subtype');
my $meta = $item->getAttribute('ld:meta');
my $initvalue = $item->getAttribute('init-value');
$initvalue ||= -1 if $item->getAttribute('refers-to') or $item->getAttribute('ref-target');
2012-04-26 12:55:52 -06:00
my $typename = $item->getAttribute('type-name');
undef $typename if ($meta and $meta eq 'bitfield-type');
2012-06-15 13:02:04 -06:00
my $g = $global_types{$typename} if ($typename);
2012-04-26 12:55:52 -06:00
$typename = rb_ucase($typename) if $typename;
$typename = $classname if (!$typename and $subtype and $subtype eq 'enum'); # compound enum
$initvalue = 1 if ($initvalue and $initvalue eq 'true');
2012-04-26 12:55:52 -06:00
$initvalue = ":$initvalue" if ($initvalue and $typename and $initvalue =~ /[a-zA-Z]/);
$initvalue ||= 'nil' if $typename;
$subtype = $item->getAttribute('base-type') if (!$subtype or $subtype eq 'bitfield' or $subtype eq 'enum');
2012-06-29 03:25:41 -06:00
$subtype ||= $g->getAttribute('base-type') if ($g);
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
$subtype = 'int32_t' if (!$subtype);
if ($subtype eq 'int64_t') {
push @lines_rb, 'number 64, true';
} elsif ($subtype eq 'uint32_t') {
push @lines_rb, 'number 32, false';
} elsif ($subtype eq 'int32_t') {
push @lines_rb, 'number 32, true';
} elsif ($subtype eq 'uint16_t') {
push @lines_rb, 'number 16, false';
} elsif ($subtype eq 'int16_t') {
push @lines_rb, 'number 16, true';
} elsif ($subtype eq 'uint8_t') {
push @lines_rb, 'number 8, false';
} elsif ($subtype eq 'int8_t') {
push @lines_rb, 'number 8, false';
} elsif ($subtype eq 'bool') {
push @lines_rb, 'number 8, true';
$initvalue ||= 'nil';
$typename ||= 'BooleanEnum';
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
} elsif ($subtype eq 's-float') {
push @lines_rb, 'float';
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
} else {
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
print "no render number $subtype\n";
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
$lines_rb[$#lines_rb] .= ", $initvalue" if ($initvalue);
2012-05-10 15:27:42 -06:00
$lines_rb[$#lines_rb] .= ", $typename" if ($typename);
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
sub render_item_compound {
my ($item) = @_;
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
my $subtype = $item->getAttribute('ld:subtype');
local $compound_off = 0;
my $classname = $current_typename . '_' . rb_ucase($item->getAttribute('ld:typedef-name'));
local $current_typename = $classname;
if (!$subtype || $subtype eq 'bitfield')
push @lines_rb, "compound(:$classname) {";
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
indent_rb {
# declare sizeof() only for useful compound, eg the one behind pointers
# that the user may want to allocate
my $sz = sizeof($item);
push @lines_rb, "sizeof $sz\n" if $compound_pointer;
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
if (!$subtype) {
local $compound_pointer = 0;
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
} else {
push @lines_rb, "}"
elsif ($subtype eq 'enum')
2012-05-10 15:27:42 -06:00
push @lines_rb, "class ::DFHack::$classname < MemHack::Enum";
2012-04-26 12:55:52 -06:00
indent_rb {
# declare constants
push @lines_rb, "end\n";
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
# actual field
render_item_number($item, $classname);
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
print "no render compound $subtype\n";
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
sub render_item_container {
my ($item) = @_;
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
my $subtype = $item->getAttribute('ld:subtype');
my $rbmethod = join('_', split('-', $subtype));
my $tg = $item->findnodes('child::ld:item')->[0];
my $indexenum = $item->getAttribute('index-enum');
if ($tg)
if ($rbmethod eq 'df_linked_list') {
push @lines_rb, "$rbmethod {";
} else {
my $tglen = sizeof($tg) if $tg;
push @lines_rb, "$rbmethod($tglen) {";
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
indent_rb {
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
push @lines_rb, "}";
elsif ($indexenum)
$indexenum = rb_ucase($indexenum);
2012-05-10 15:27:42 -06:00
push @lines_rb, "$rbmethod($indexenum)";
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
push @lines_rb, "$rbmethod";
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
sub render_item_pointer {
my ($item) = @_;
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
my $tg = $item->findnodes('child::ld:item')->[0];
my $ary = $item->getAttribute('is-array') || '';
if ($ary eq 'true') {
my $tglen = sizeof($tg) if $tg;
push @lines_rb, "pointer_ary($tglen) {";
} else {
push @lines_rb, "pointer {";
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
indent_rb {
local $compound_pointer = 1;
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
push @lines_rb, "}";
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
sub render_item_staticarray {
my ($item) = @_;
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
my $count = $item->getAttribute('count');
my $tg = $item->findnodes('child::ld:item')->[0];
my $tglen = sizeof($tg) if $tg;
my $indexenum = $item->getAttribute('index-enum');
if ($indexenum) {
$indexenum = rb_ucase($indexenum);
2012-05-10 15:27:42 -06:00
push @lines_rb, "static_array($count, $tglen, $indexenum) {";
} else {
push @lines_rb, "static_array($count, $tglen) {";
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
indent_rb {
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
push @lines_rb, "}";
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
sub render_item_primitive {
my ($item) = @_;
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
my $subtype = $item->getAttribute('ld:subtype');
if ($subtype eq 'stl-string') {
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
push @lines_rb, "stl_string";
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
} else {
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
print "no render primitive $subtype\n";
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
sub render_item_bytes {
my ($item) = @_;
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
my $subtype = $item->getAttribute('ld:subtype');
if ($subtype eq 'padding') {
} elsif ($subtype eq 'static-string') {
my $size = $item->getAttribute('size');
push @lines_rb, "static_string($size)";
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
} else {
2012-04-02 11:00:38 -06:00
print "no render bytes $subtype\n";
2012-03-31 17:33:30 -06:00
2012-04-03 08:09:29 -06:00
my $input = $ARGV[0] or die "need input xml";
2012-04-03 08:09:29 -06:00
my $output = $ARGV[1] or die "need output file";
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
my $doc = XML::LibXML->new()->parse_file($input);
$global_types{$_->getAttribute('type-name')} = $_ foreach $doc->findnodes('/ld:data-definition/ld:global-type');
# render enums first, this allows later code to refer to them directly
2012-05-10 15:27:42 -06:00
my @nonenums;
for my $name (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %global_types)
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
my $type = $global_types{$name};
my $meta = $type->getAttribute('ld:meta');
2012-05-10 15:27:42 -06:00
if ($meta eq 'enum-type') {
render_global_enum($name, $type);
} else {
push @nonenums, $name;
# render other structs/bitfields/classes
for my $name (@nonenums)
2012-05-10 15:27:42 -06:00
my $type = $global_types{$name};
my $meta = $type->getAttribute('ld:meta');
if ($meta eq 'struct-type' or $meta eq 'class-type') {
2012-05-10 15:27:42 -06:00
render_global_class($name, $type);
} elsif ($meta eq 'bitfield-type') {
render_global_bitfield($name, $type);
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
} else {
print "no render global type $meta\n";
# render globals
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
2012-04-03 08:09:29 -06:00
open FH, ">$output";
print FH "module DFHack\n";
print FH "$_\n" for @lines_rb;
print FH "end\n";
2012-03-26 06:37:18 -06:00
close FH;