2012-06-24 09:30:26 -06:00
# df user-interface related methods
module DFHack
class << self
2012-07-03 11:51:52 -06:00
# returns the current active viewscreen
def curview
ret = gview.view
ret = ret.child while ret.child
2012-06-24 09:30:26 -06:00
# center the DF screen on something
# updates the cursor position if visible
def center_viewscreen(x, y=nil, z=nil)
x = x.pos if x.respond_to?(:pos)
x, y, z = x.x, x.y, x.z if x.respond_to?(:x)
# compute screen 'map' size (tiles)
2017-12-03 19:34:59 -07:00
menuwidth = ui_menu_width[0]
2012-06-24 09:30:26 -06:00
# ui_menu_width shows only the 'tab' status
2017-12-03 19:34:59 -07:00
menuwidth = 1 if menuwidth == 2 and ui_menu_width[1] == 2 and cursor.x != -30000
2012-06-24 09:30:26 -06:00
menuwidth = 2 if menuwidth == 3 and cursor.x != -30000
w_w = gps.dimx - 2
w_h = gps.dimy - 2
case menuwidth
when 1; w_w -= 55
2017-12-03 19:34:59 -07:00
when 2; w_w -= (ui_menu_width[1] == 2 ? 24 : 31)
2012-06-24 09:30:26 -06:00
# center view
w_x = x - w_w/2
w_y = y - w_h/2
w_z = z
# round view coordinates (optional)
#w_x -= w_x % 10
#w_y -= w_y % 10
# crop to map limits
w_x = [[w_x, world.map.x_count - w_w].min, 0].max
w_y = [[w_y, world.map.y_count - w_h].min, 0].max
self.window_x = w_x
self.window_y = w_y
self.window_z = w_z
if cursor.x != -30000
cursor.x, cursor.y, cursor.z = x, y, z
# add an announcement
# color = integer, bright = bool
def add_announcement(str, color=nil, bright=nil)
cont = false
while str.length > 0
rep = Report.cpp_new
rep.color = color if color
rep.bright = ((bright && bright != 0) ? 1 : 0) if bright != nil
rep.year = cur_year
rep.time = cur_year_tick
rep.flags.continuation = cont
cont = true
rep.flags.announcement = true
rep.text = str[0, 73]
str = str[73..-1].to_s
rep.id = world.status.next_report_id
world.status.next_report_id += 1
world.status.reports << rep
world.status.announcements << rep
world.status.display_timer = 2000
2012-08-31 11:16:13 -06:00
yield rep if block_given?
2012-06-24 09:30:26 -06:00
2012-08-11 14:25:08 -06:00
2012-08-31 11:16:13 -06:00
# add an announcement to display in a game popup message
# (eg "the megabeast foobar arrived")
2012-08-11 14:25:08 -06:00
def popup_announcement(str, color=nil, bright=nil)
pop = PopupMessage.cpp_new(:text => str)
pop.color = color if color
pop.bright = bright if bright
world.status.popups << pop
2012-06-24 09:30:26 -06:00
2012-09-14 05:55:22 -06:00
class Viewscreen
def feed_keys(*keys)
keyset = StlSet.cpp_new(keys, InterfaceKey)
ret = feed(keyset)
2012-06-24 09:30:26 -06:00