2021-06-05 18:26:23 -06:00
local _ENV = mkmodule('plugins.dig-now')
2021-07-03 07:56:43 -06:00
local argparse = require('argparse')
2021-06-05 18:26:23 -06:00
local guidm = require('gui.dwarfmode')
2021-07-03 07:56:43 -06:00
local utils = require('utils')
2021-06-05 18:26:23 -06:00
local short_help_text = [=[
Instantly completes dig designations, modifying map tiles and creating boulders,
ores, and gems as if a miner were doing the mining or engraving. By default, all
dig designations on the map are completed and boulder generation follows
standard game rules, but the behavior is configurable.
dig-now [<pos> <pos>] [<options>]
Dig designated tiles according to standard game rules.
dig-now --clean
Dig designated tiles, but don't generate any boulders, ores, or gems.
dig-now --dump here
Dig tiles and dump all generated boulders, ores, and gems at the tile under
the game cursor.
See the online DFHack documentation for details on all options.
function print_help() print(short_help_text) end
local function parse_coords(opts, configname, arg)
2021-07-03 07:56:43 -06:00
local cursor = argparse.coords(arg, configname)
utils.assign(opts[configname], cursor)
2021-06-05 18:26:23 -06:00
local function parse_percentages(opts, arg)
2021-07-03 07:56:43 -06:00
local nums = argparse.numberList(arg, 'percentages', 4)
for _,percentage in ipairs(nums) do
if percentage < 0 or percentage > 100 then
qerror(('invalid percentages: "%s"; expected format is "<layer>,' ..
'<vein>,<small cluster>,<deep>", where each number is'..
' between 0 and 100, inclusive (e.g. "0,33,100,100")')
2021-06-05 18:26:23 -06:00
local config = opts.boulder_percents
config.layer, config.vein, config.small_cluster, config.deep =
2021-07-03 07:56:43 -06:00
nums[1], nums[2], nums[3], nums[4]
2021-06-05 18:26:23 -06:00
local function min_to_max(...)
local args = {...}
table.sort(args, function(a, b) return a < b end)
return table.unpack(args)
function parse_commandline(opts, ...)
local use_zlevel = false
2021-07-03 07:56:43 -06:00
local positionals = argparse.processArgsGetopt({...}, {
2021-06-05 18:26:23 -06:00
{'c', 'clean',
handler=function() parse_percentages(opts, '0,0,0,0') end},
{'d', 'dump', hasArg=true,
handler=function(arg) parse_coords(opts, 'dump_pos', arg) end},
{'e', 'everywhere',
handler=function() parse_percentages(opts, '100,100,100,100') end},
{'h', 'help', handler=function() opts.help = true end},
{'p', 'percentages', hasArg=true,
handler=function(arg) parse_percentages(opts, arg) end},
{'z', 'cur-zlevel', handler=function() use_zlevel = true end},
if positionals[1] == 'help' then opts.help = true end
if opts.help then return end
if use_zlevel then
local x, y, z = df.global.world.map.x_count - 1,
df.global.world.map.y_count - 1,
parse_coords(opts, 'start', ('0,0,%d'):format(z))
parse_coords(opts, 'end', ('%d,%d,%d'):format(x, y, z))
elseif #positionals >= 2 then
parse_coords(opts, 'start', positionals[1])
parse_coords(opts, 'end', positionals[2])
opts.start.x, opts['end'].x = min_to_max(opts.start.x, opts['end'].x)
opts.start.y, opts['end'].y = min_to_max(opts.start.y, opts['end'].y)
opts.start.z, opts['end'].z = min_to_max(opts.start.z, opts['end'].z)
return _ENV