2018-05-08 12:42:41 -06:00
local _ENV = mkmodule('plugins.blueprint')
2021-07-03 00:30:59 -06:00
local argparse = require('argparse')
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
local utils = require('utils')
2018-05-08 12:42:41 -06:00
2021-05-21 07:33:33 -06:00
local valid_phase_list = {
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
2022-04-01 12:36:19 -06:00
2022-10-12 14:31:46 -06:00
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
2021-10-04 15:44:41 -06:00
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
2021-05-21 07:33:33 -06:00
valid_phases = utils.invert(valid_phase_list)
2021-09-10 13:46:07 -06:00
local valid_formats_list = {
valid_formats = utils.invert(valid_formats_list)
2021-09-09 01:46:33 -06:00
local valid_split_strategies_list = {
valid_split_strategies = utils.invert(valid_split_strategies_list)
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
local function parse_cursor(opts, arg)
2021-07-03 00:30:59 -06:00
local cursor = argparse.coords(arg)
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
-- be careful not to replace struct members when called from C++, but also
-- create the table as needed when called from lua
if not opts.start then opts.start = {} end
2021-07-03 00:30:59 -06:00
utils.assign(opts.start, cursor)
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
2021-09-10 13:46:07 -06:00
local function parse_enum(opts, valid, name, val)
if not valid[val] then
qerror(('unknown %s: "%s"; expected one of: %s')
:format(name, val, table.concat(valid, ', ')))
2021-09-09 01:46:33 -06:00
2021-09-10 13:46:07 -06:00
opts[name] = val
local function parse_format(opts, file_format)
parse_enum(opts, valid_formats, 'format', file_format)
2021-09-09 01:46:33 -06:00
2021-09-17 12:07:42 -06:00
local function is_int(val)
return val and val == math.floor(val)
local function is_positive_int(val)
return is_int(val) and val > 0
local function parse_start(opts, args)
local arg_list = argparse.stringList(args)
local x_str, y_str = table.remove(arg_list, 1), table.remove(arg_list, 1)
local x, y = tonumber(x_str), tonumber(y_str)
if not is_positive_int(x) or not is_positive_int(y) then
qerror(('playback start offsets must be positive integers: "%s", "%s"')
2021-09-20 15:32:25 -06:00
:format(x_str or '', y_str or ''))
2021-09-17 12:07:42 -06:00
if not opts.playback_start then opts.playback_start = {} end
2021-09-20 15:32:25 -06:00
opts.playback_start.x, opts.playback_start.y = x, y
if #arg_list > 0 then
opts.playback_start_comment = table.concat(arg_list, ', ')
2021-09-17 12:07:42 -06:00
local function parse_split_strategy(opts, strategy)
parse_enum(opts, valid_split_strategies, 'split_strategy', strategy)
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
local function parse_positionals(opts, args, start_argidx)
2021-05-07 15:07:37 -06:00
local argidx = start_argidx or 1
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
-- set defaults
opts.name, opts.auto_phase = 'blueprint', true
local name = args[argidx]
if not name then return end
if name == '' then
qerror(('invalid basename: "%s"; must be a valid, non-empty pathname')
argidx = argidx + 1
2021-06-29 15:25:30 -06:00
-- normalize paths and remove leading slashes
opts.name = utils.normalizePath(name):gsub('^/', '')
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
local auto_phase = true
local phase = args[argidx]
while phase do
2021-05-21 07:33:33 -06:00
if not valid_phases[phase] then
2021-09-09 01:46:33 -06:00
qerror(('unknown phase: "%s"; expected one of: %s')
:format(phase, table.concat(valid_phase_list, ', ')))
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
2021-05-21 07:33:33 -06:00
auto_phase = false
opts[phase] = true
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
argidx = argidx + 1
phase = args[argidx]
opts.auto_phase = auto_phase
local function process_args(opts, args)
if args[1] == 'help' then
opts.help = true
2021-09-10 13:46:07 -06:00
-- set defaults
opts.format = valid_formats_list[1]
opts.split_strategy = valid_split_strategies_list[1]
2021-09-09 01:46:33 -06:00
local positionals = argparse.processArgsGetopt(args, {
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
{'c', 'cursor', hasArg=true,
handler=function(optarg) parse_cursor(opts, optarg) end},
2022-04-01 12:36:19 -06:00
{'e', 'engrave', handler=function() opts.engrave = true end},
2021-09-10 13:46:07 -06:00
{'f', 'format', hasArg=true,
handler=function(optarg) parse_format(opts, optarg) end},
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
{'h', 'help', handler=function() opts.help = true end},
2021-09-17 12:07:42 -06:00
{'s', 'playback-start', hasArg=true,
handler=function(optarg) parse_start(opts, optarg) end},
2022-10-12 11:10:53 -06:00
{nil, 'smooth', handler=function() opts.smooth = true end},
2021-09-09 01:46:33 -06:00
{'t', 'splitby', hasArg=true,
handler=function(optarg) parse_split_strategy(opts, optarg) end},
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
2021-09-09 01:46:33 -06:00
if opts.help then
return positionals
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
2021-05-05 14:22:40 -06:00
-- used by the gui/blueprint script
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
function parse_gui_commandline(opts, args)
local positionals = process_args(opts, args)
if opts.help then return end
2021-05-07 15:07:37 -06:00
parse_positionals(opts, positionals)
-- dimension must be a non-nil integer that is >= 1 (or at least non-zero if
-- negative_ok is true)
local function is_bad_dim(dim, negative_ok)
2021-09-17 12:07:42 -06:00
return not is_int(dim) or
(not negative_ok and dim < 1 or dim == 0)
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
function parse_commandline(opts, ...)
local positionals = process_args(opts, {...})
if opts.help then return end
local width, height = tonumber(positionals[1]), tonumber(positionals[2])
if is_bad_dim(width) or is_bad_dim(height) then
2021-05-07 15:07:37 -06:00
qerror(('invalid width or height: "%s" "%s"; width and height must' ..
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
' be positive integers'):format(positionals[1], positionals[2]))
opts.width, opts.height, opts.depth = width, height, 1
local depth = tonumber(positionals[3])
if depth then
if is_bad_dim(depth, true) then
qerror(('invalid depth: "%s"; must be a non-zero integer')
opts.depth = depth
2021-09-17 12:07:42 -06:00
if opts.playback_start and opts.playback_start.x > 0 then
if opts.playback_start.x > width then
qerror(('playback start x offset outside width of blueprint: %d')
if opts.playback_start.y > height then
qerror(('playback start y offset outside height of blueprint: %d')
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
parse_positionals(opts, positionals, depth and 4 or 3)
2021-09-09 01:46:33 -06:00
-- returns the name of the output file for the given context
function get_filename(opts, phase)
local fullname = 'blueprints/' .. opts.name
local _,_,basename = fullname:find('/([^/]+)/?$')
if not basename then
-- should not happen since opts.name should already be validated
error(('could not parse basename out of "%s"'):format(fullname))
if fullname:endswith('/') then
fullname = fullname .. basename
if opts.split_strategy == 'phase' then
return ('%s-%s.csv'):format(fullname, phase)
-- no splitting
return ('%s.csv'):format(fullname)
2021-05-21 07:52:16 -06:00
-- compatibility with old exported API.
local function do_phase(start_pos, end_pos, name, phase)
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
local width = math.abs(start_pos.x - end_pos.x) + 1
local height = math.abs(start_pos.y - end_pos.y) + 1
local depth = math.abs(start_pos.z - end_pos.z) + 1
if start_pos.z > end_pos.z then depth = -depth end
local x = math.min(start_pos.x, end_pos.x)
local y = math.min(start_pos.y, end_pos.y)
local z = start_pos.z
local cursor = ('--cursor=%d,%d,%d'):format(x, y, z)
2021-05-21 07:52:16 -06:00
run(tostring(width), tostring(height), tostring(depth), tostring(name),
phase, cursor)
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
for phase in pairs(valid_phases) do
2021-05-21 07:52:16 -06:00
_ENV[phase] = function(s, e, n) do_phase(s, e, n, phase) end
2021-05-04 14:19:49 -06:00
2018-05-08 12:42:41 -06:00
return _ENV