2014-12-23 14:56:15 -07:00
# include "buildingplan-lib.h"
# include <fstream>
# include <vector>
2015-01-05 15:37:41 -07:00
# include "modules/Filesystem.h"
2014-12-23 14:56:15 -07:00
DFHACK_PLUGIN ( " fortplan " ) ;
2014-12-23 15:09:35 -07:00
# define PLUGIN_VERSION 0.15
2014-12-23 14:56:15 -07:00
command_result fortplan ( color_ostream & out , vector < string > & params ) ;
struct BuildingInfo {
2015-02-14 20:53:06 -07:00
std : : string code ;
df : : building_type type ;
df : : furnace_type furnaceType ;
df : : workshop_type workshopType ;
df : : trap_type trapType ;
std : : string name ;
bool variableSize ;
int defaultHeight ;
int defaultWidth ;
bool hasCustomOptions ;
BuildingInfo ( std : : string theCode , df : : building_type theType , std : : string theName , int height , int width ) {
code = theCode ;
type = theType ;
name = theName ;
variableSize = false ;
defaultHeight = height ;
defaultWidth = width ;
hasCustomOptions = false ;
bool allocate ( ) {
return planner . allocatePlannedBuilding ( type ) ;
2014-12-23 14:56:15 -07:00
} ;
class MatchesCode
std : : string _code ;
public :
MatchesCode ( const std : : string & code ) : _code ( code ) { }
bool operator ( ) ( const BuildingInfo & check ) const
return check . code = = _code ;
} ;
std : : vector < BuildingInfo > buildings ;
DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init ( color_ostream & out , vector < PluginCommand > & commands ) {
2015-11-09 20:37:45 -07:00
commands . push_back ( PluginCommand ( " fortplan " , " Lay out buildings from a Quickfort-style CSV file. " , fortplan , false ,
2014-12-23 14:56:15 -07:00
" Lay out buildings in your fortress based on a Quickfort-style CSV input file. \n "
" Usage: fortplan [filename] \n " ) ) ;
2015-02-14 20:53:06 -07:00
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " c " , df : : building_type : : Chair , " Chair " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " b " , df : : building_type : : Bed , " Bed " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " t " , df : : building_type : : Table , " Table " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " n " , df : : building_type : : Coffin , " Coffin " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " d " , df : : building_type : : Door , " Door " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " x " , df : : building_type : : Floodgate , " Floodgate " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " h " , df : : building_type : : Box , " Box " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " r " , df : : building_type : : Weaponrack , " Weapon Rack " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
2014-12-23 15:09:35 -07:00
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " a " , df : : building_type : : Armorstand , " Armor Stand " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
2015-02-14 20:53:06 -07:00
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " f " , df : : building_type : : Cabinet , " Cabinet " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " s " , df : : building_type : : Statue , " Statue " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " y " , df : : building_type : : WindowGlass , " Glass Window " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " m " , df : : building_type : : AnimalTrap , " Animal Trap " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " v " , df : : building_type : : Chain , " Chain " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " j " , df : : building_type : : Cage , " Cage " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " H " , df : : building_type : : Hatch , " Floor Hatch " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " W " , df : : building_type : : GrateWall , " Wall Grate " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " G " , df : : building_type : : GrateFloor , " Floor Grate " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " B " , df : : building_type : : BarsVertical , " Vertical Bars " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " ~b " , df : : building_type : : BarsFloor , " Floor Bars " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " R " , df : : building_type : : TractionBench , " Traction Bench " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " ~s " , df : : building_type : : Slab , " Slab " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " N " , df : : building_type : : NestBox , " Nest Box " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
buildings . push_back ( BuildingInfo ( " ~h " , df : : building_type : : Hive , " Hive " , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
planner . initialize ( ) ;
2014-12-23 14:56:15 -07:00
return CR_OK ;
# define DAY_TICKS 1200
DFhackCExport command_result plugin_onupdate ( color_ostream & out )
2018-05-29 21:24:02 -06:00
if ( Maps : : IsValid ( ) & & ! World : : ReadPauseState ( ) & & world - > frame_counter % ( DAY_TICKS / 2 ) = = 0 )
2014-12-23 14:56:15 -07:00
planner . doCycle ( ) ;
return CR_OK ;
DFhackCExport command_result plugin_enable ( color_ostream & out , bool enable )
if ( ! gps )
return CR_FAILURE ;
if ( enable ! = is_enabled )
planner . reset ( out ) ;
is_enabled = enable ;
return CR_OK ;
2014-12-23 15:09:35 -07:00
std : : vector < std : : vector < std : : string > > tokenizeFile ( std : : string filename ) {
2015-02-14 20:53:06 -07:00
std : : ifstream infile ( filename . c_str ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < std : : vector < std : : string > > fileTokens ( 128 , std : : vector < std : : string > ( 128 ) ) ;
std : : vector < std : : vector < std : : string > > : : size_type x , y ;
if ( ! infile . good ( ) ) {
throw - 1 ;
std : : string line ;
y = 0 ;
while ( std : : getline ( infile , line ) ) {
x = 0 ;
if ( strcmp ( line . substr ( 0 , 1 ) . c_str ( ) , " # " ) = = 0 ) {
fileTokens [ y + + ] [ 0 ] = line ;
continue ;
int start = 0 ;
auto nextInd = line . find ( ' , ' ) ;
std : : string curCell = line . substr ( start , nextInd - start ) ;
do {
fileTokens [ y ] [ x ] = curCell ;
start = nextInd + 1 ;
nextInd = line . find ( ' , ' , start ) ;
curCell = line . substr ( start , nextInd - start ) ;
x + + ;
} while ( nextInd ! = line . npos ) ;
y + + ;
return fileTokens ;
2014-12-23 15:09:35 -07:00
2014-12-23 14:56:15 -07:00
command_result fortplan ( color_ostream & out , vector < string > & params ) {
auto & con = out ;
2014-12-23 15:09:35 -07:00
std : : vector < std : : vector < std : : string > > layout ( 128 , std : : vector < std : : string > ( 128 ) ) ;
2015-02-14 20:53:06 -07:00
if ( params . size ( ) ) {
coord32_t cursor ;
coord32_t userCursor ;
coord32_t startCursor ;
if ( ! DFHack : : Gui : : getCursorCoords ( cursor . x , cursor . y , cursor . z ) ) {
con . print ( " You must have an active in-game cursor. \n " ) ;
return CR_FAILURE ;
DFHack : : Gui : : getCursorCoords ( startCursor . x , startCursor . y , startCursor . z ) ;
userCursor = startCursor ;
std : : string cwd = Filesystem : : getcwd ( ) ;
std : : string filename = cwd + " / " + params [ 0 ] ;
con . print ( " Loading file '%s'... \n " , filename . c_str ( ) ) ;
try {
layout = tokenizeFile ( filename ) ;
2018-04-06 20:22:48 -06:00
} catch ( int ) {
2015-02-14 20:53:06 -07:00
con . print ( " Could not open the file. \n " ) ;
return CR_FAILURE ;
if ( ! is_enabled ) {
plugin_enable ( out , true ) ;
con . print ( " Loaded. \n " ) ;
std : : vector < std : : vector < std : : string > > : : size_type x , y ;
bool started = false ;
for ( y = 0 ; y < layout . size ( ) ; y + + ) {
x = 0 ;
auto hashBuild = layout [ y ] [ x ] . find ( " #build " ) ;
if ( hashBuild ! = layout [ y ] [ x ] . npos ) {
auto startLoc = layout [ y ] [ x ] . find ( " start( " ) ;
if ( startLoc ! = layout [ y ] [ x ] . npos ) {
startLoc + = 6 ;
auto nextDelimiter = layout [ y ] [ x ] . find ( " ; " , startLoc ) ;
std : : string startXStr = layout [ y ] [ x ] . substr ( startLoc , nextDelimiter - startLoc ) ;
int startXOffset = std : : stoi ( startXStr ) ;
startLoc = nextDelimiter + 1 ;
nextDelimiter = layout [ y ] [ x ] . find ( " ; " , startLoc ) ;
std : : string startYStr = layout [ y ] [ x ] . substr ( startLoc , nextDelimiter - startLoc ) ;
int startYOffset = std : : stoi ( startYStr ) ;
startCursor . x - = startXOffset ;
startCursor . y - = startYOffset ;
DFHack : : Gui : : setCursorCoords ( startCursor . x , startCursor . y , startCursor . z ) ;
started = true ;
auto startEnd = layout [ y ] [ x ] . find ( " ) " , nextDelimiter ) ;
con . print ( " Starting at (%d,%d,%d) which is described as: %s \n " , startCursor . x , startCursor . y , startCursor . z , layout [ y ] [ x ] . substr ( nextDelimiter + 1 , startEnd - nextDelimiter ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
std : : string desc = layout [ y ] [ x ] . substr ( startEnd + 1 ) ;
if ( desc . size ( ) > 0 ) {
con . print ( " Description of this plan: %s \n " , desc . c_str ( ) ) ;
continue ;
} else {
con . print ( " No start location found for this block \n " ) ;
} else if ( ! started ) {
con . print ( " Not a build file: %s \n " , layout [ y ] [ x ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
break ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < layout [ y ] . size ( ) ; x + + ) {
if ( strcmp ( layout [ y ] [ x ] . substr ( 0 , 1 ) . c_str ( ) , " # " ) = = 0 ) {
continue ;
if ( strcmp ( layout [ y ] [ x ] . c_str ( ) , " ` " ) ! = 0 ) {
auto dataIndex = layout [ y ] [ x ] . find ( " ( " ) ;
std : : string curCode ;
std : : vector < std : : string > curData ;
if ( dataIndex ! = layout [ y ] [ x ] . npos ) {
curCode = layout [ y ] [ x ] . substr ( 0 , dataIndex ) ;
int dataStart = dataIndex + 1 ;
auto nextDataStart = layout [ y ] [ x ] . find ( " , " , dataStart ) ;
while ( nextDataStart ! = layout [ y ] [ x ] . npos ) {
std : : string nextData = layout [ y ] [ x ] . substr ( dataStart , nextDataStart ) ;
if ( strcmp ( nextData . substr ( nextData . size ( ) - 1 , 1 ) . c_str ( ) , " ) " ) = = 0 ) {
nextData = nextData . substr ( 0 , nextData . size ( ) - 1 ) ;
curData . push_back ( nextData ) ;
dataStart = nextDataStart + 1 ;
nextDataStart = layout [ y ] [ x ] . find ( " , " , dataStart ) ;
} else {
curCode = layout [ y ] [ x ] ;
//con.print("Found a cell with '%s' in it (layout[y][x] %d:%d-%d)\n",layout[y][x].c_str(),lineNum,start,nextInd);
auto buildingIndex = std : : find_if ( buildings . begin ( ) , buildings . end ( ) , MatchesCode ( curCode . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
// = std::find(validInstructions.begin(), validInstructions.end(), layout[y][x]);
if ( buildingIndex = = buildings . end ( ) ) {
//con.print("That is not a valid code.\n");
} else {
//con.print("I can build that!\n");
BuildingInfo buildingInfo = * buildingIndex ;
if ( buildingInfo . variableSize | | buildingInfo . defaultHeight > 1 | | buildingInfo . defaultWidth > 1 ) {
//con.print("Found a building at (%d,%d) called %s, which has a size %dx%d or variable size\n",x,y,buildingInfo.name.c_str(),buildingInfo.defaultWidth, buildingInfo.defaultHeight);
// TODO: Make this function smarter, able to determine the exact shape
// and location of the building
// For now, we just assume that we are always looking at the top left
// corner of where it is located in the input file
coord32_t buildingSize ;
if ( ! buildingInfo . variableSize ) {
bool single = true ;
bool block = true ;
std : : vector < std : : vector < std : : string > > : : size_type checkX , checkY ;
int yOffset = ( ( buildingInfo . defaultHeight - 1 ) / 2 ) ;
int xOffset = ( ( buildingInfo . defaultWidth - 1 ) / 2 ) ;
//con.print(" - Checking to see if it's a single, with %d<=x<%d and %d<=y<%d...\n",x-xOffset,x+xOffset,y-yOffset,y+yOffset);
// First, check to see if this is in the center of an empty square of its default size
for ( checkY = y - yOffset ; checkY < = ( y + yOffset ) ; checkY + + ) {
for ( checkX = x - xOffset ; checkX < = ( x + xOffset ) ; checkX + + ) {
if ( checkX = = x & & checkY = = y ) {
continue ;
auto checkDataIndex = layout [ checkY ] [ checkX ] . find ( " ( " ) ;
std : : string checkCode ;
if ( checkDataIndex ! = layout [ checkY ] [ checkX ] . npos ) {
checkCode = layout [ checkY ] [ checkX ] . substr ( 0 , checkDataIndex ) ;
} else {
checkCode = layout [ checkY ] [ checkX ] ;
con . print ( " - Code at (%d,%d) is '%s': " , checkX , checkY , checkCode . c_str ( ) ) ;
auto checkIndex = std : : find_if ( buildings . begin ( ) , buildings . end ( ) , MatchesCode ( checkCode . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
//if (checkIndex == buildings.end()) {
// con.print("this is not a valid code, so we keep going.\n");
// continue;
//if (curCode.compare(layout[checkY][checkX]) != 0) {
if ( checkIndex ! = buildings . end ( ) ) {
//con.print("this is a building, so we break.\n");
single = false ;
break ;
} else {
//con.print("this is not a building, so we keep going.\n");
if ( ! single ) {
//con.print("Not a single. Moving forward.\n");
break ;
if ( ! single ) {
// If that's not the case, check to see if this is the top-left corner of
// a square of its default size
//con.print(" - It's not single; checking to see if it's a block...\n");
for ( checkY = y ; checkY < ( y + buildingInfo . defaultHeight ) ; checkY + + ) {
for ( checkX = x ; checkX < ( x + buildingInfo . defaultWidth ) ; checkX + + ) {
if ( checkX = = x & & checkY = = y ) {
continue ;
auto checkDataIndex = layout [ checkY ] [ checkX ] . find ( " ( " ) ;
std : : string checkCode ;
if ( checkDataIndex ! = layout [ checkY ] [ checkX ] . npos ) {
checkCode = layout [ checkY ] [ checkX ] . substr ( 0 , checkDataIndex ) ;
} else {
checkCode = layout [ checkY ] [ checkX ] ;
//con.print(" - Code at (%d,%d) is '%s': ",checkX,checkY,checkCode.c_str());
if ( curCode . compare ( checkCode ) ! = 0 ) {
//con.print("this is not the same as '%s', so we break.\n",curCode.c_str());
block = false ;
break ;
} else {
//con.print("this is the same as '%s', so we erase it and move on.\n",curCode.c_str());
layout [ checkY ] [ checkX ] = " `` " ;
if ( ! block ) {
//con.print("Not a block. Moving forward.\n");
break ;
if ( single ) {
//con.print("Placing a building with code '%s' centered at (%d,%d) and default size %dx%d.\n",curCode.c_str(),x,y,buildingInfo.defaultWidth,buildingInfo.defaultHeight);
coord32_t offsetCursor = cursor ;
offsetCursor . x - = xOffset ;
offsetCursor . y - = yOffset ;
DFHack : : Gui : : setCursorCoords ( offsetCursor . x , offsetCursor . y , offsetCursor . z ) ;
if ( ! buildingInfo . allocate ( ) ) {
con . print ( " *** There was an error placing building with code '%s' centered at (%d,%d). \n " , curCode . c_str ( ) , x , y ) ;
DFHack : : Gui : : setCursorCoords ( cursor . x , cursor . y , cursor . z ) ;
} else if ( block ) {
//con.print("Placing a building with code '%s' with corner at (%d,%d) and default size %dx%d.\n",curCode.c_str(),x,y,buildingInfo.defaultWidth,buildingInfo.defaultHeight);
if ( ! buildingInfo . allocate ( ) ) {
con . print ( " *** There was an error placing building with code '%s' with corner at (%d,%d). \n " , curCode . c_str ( ) , x , y ) ;
} else {
con . print ( " *** Found a code '%s' at (%d,%d) for a building with default size %dx%d with an invalid size designation. \n " , curCode . c_str ( ) , x , y , buildingInfo . defaultWidth , buildingInfo . defaultHeight ) ;
} else {
//buildingSize = findBuildingExtent(layout, x, y, -1, -1, out);
//con.print(" - The building has variable size %dx%d\n",buildingSize.x, buildingSize.y);
//con.print(" - The building has a variable size, which is not yet handled.\n");
} else {
//con.print("Building a(n) %s.\n",buildingInfo.name.c_str());
if ( ! buildingInfo . allocate ( ) ) {
con . print ( " *** There was an error placing the %s at (%d,%d). \n " , buildingInfo . name . c_str ( ) , x , y ) ;
cursor . x + + ;
DFHack : : Gui : : setCursorCoords ( cursor . x , cursor . y , cursor . z ) ;
cursor . y + + ;
cursor . x = startCursor . x ;
DFHack : : Gui : : setCursorCoords ( userCursor . x , userCursor . y , userCursor . z ) ;
con . print ( " Done with file. \n " ) ;
} else {
con . print ( " You must supply a filename to read. \n " ) ;
return CR_OK ;
2015-01-05 15:37:41 -07:00