
691 lines
20 KiB

#region Usings
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace AT.MIN
public static class Tools
#region Public Methods
#region IsNumericType
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the specified value is of numeric type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="o">The object to check.</param>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if o is a numeric type; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
/// </returns>
public static bool IsNumericType( object o )
return ( o is byte ||
o is sbyte ||
o is short ||
o is ushort ||
o is int ||
o is uint ||
o is long ||
o is ulong ||
o is float ||
o is double ||
o is decimal );
#region IsPositive
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the specified value is positive.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Value">The value.</param>
/// <param name="ZeroIsPositive">if set to <c>true</c> treats 0 as positive.</param>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the specified value is positive; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
/// </returns>
public static bool IsPositive( object Value, bool ZeroIsPositive )
switch ( Type.GetTypeCode( Value.GetType() ) )
case TypeCode.SByte:
return ( ZeroIsPositive ? (sbyte)Value >= 0 : (sbyte)Value > 0 );
case TypeCode.Int16:
return ( ZeroIsPositive ? (short)Value >= 0 : (short)Value > 0 );
case TypeCode.Int32:
return ( ZeroIsPositive ? (int)Value >= 0 : (int)Value > 0 );
case TypeCode.Int64:
return ( ZeroIsPositive ? (long)Value >= 0 : (long)Value > 0 );
case TypeCode.Single:
return ( ZeroIsPositive ? (float)Value >= 0 : (float)Value > 0 );
case TypeCode.Double:
return ( ZeroIsPositive ? (double)Value >= 0 : (double)Value > 0 );
case TypeCode.Decimal:
return ( ZeroIsPositive ? (decimal)Value >= 0 : (decimal)Value > 0 );
case TypeCode.Byte:
return ( ZeroIsPositive ? true : (byte)Value > 0 );
case TypeCode.UInt16:
return ( ZeroIsPositive ? true : (ushort)Value > 0 );
case TypeCode.UInt32:
return ( ZeroIsPositive ? true : (uint)Value > 0 );
case TypeCode.UInt64:
return ( ZeroIsPositive ? true : (ulong)Value > 0 );
case TypeCode.Char:
return ( ZeroIsPositive ? true : (char)Value != '\0' );
return false;
#region ToUnsigned
/// <summary>
/// Converts the specified values boxed type to its correpsonding unsigned
/// type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Value">The value.</param>
/// <returns>A boxed numeric object whos type is unsigned.</returns>
public static object ToUnsigned( object Value )
switch ( Type.GetTypeCode( Value.GetType() ) )
case TypeCode.SByte:
return (byte)( (sbyte)Value );
case TypeCode.Int16:
return (ushort)( (short)Value );
case TypeCode.Int32:
return (uint)( (int)Value );
case TypeCode.Int64:
return (ulong)( (long)Value );
case TypeCode.Byte:
return Value;
case TypeCode.UInt16:
return Value;
case TypeCode.UInt32:
return Value;
case TypeCode.UInt64:
return Value;
case TypeCode.Single:
return (UInt32)( (float)Value );
case TypeCode.Double:
return (ulong)( (double)Value );
case TypeCode.Decimal:
return (ulong)( (decimal)Value );
return null;
#region ToInteger
/// <summary>
/// Converts the specified values boxed type to its correpsonding integer
/// type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Value">The value.</param>
/// <returns>A boxed numeric object whos type is an integer type.</returns>
public static object ToInteger( object Value, bool Round )
switch ( Type.GetTypeCode( Value.GetType() ) )
case TypeCode.SByte:
return Value;
case TypeCode.Int16:
return Value;
case TypeCode.Int32:
return Value;
case TypeCode.Int64:
return Value;
case TypeCode.Byte:
return Value;
case TypeCode.UInt16:
return Value;
case TypeCode.UInt32:
return Value;
case TypeCode.UInt64:
return Value;
case TypeCode.Single:
return ( Round ? (int)Math.Round( (float)Value ) : (int)( (float)Value ) );
case TypeCode.Double:
return ( Round ? (long)Math.Round( (double)Value ) : (long)( (double)Value ) );
case TypeCode.Decimal:
return ( Round ? Math.Round( (decimal)Value ) : (decimal)Value );
return null;
#region UnboxToLong
public static long UnboxToLong( object Value, bool Round )
switch ( Type.GetTypeCode( Value.GetType() ) )
case TypeCode.SByte:
return (long)( (sbyte)Value );
case TypeCode.Int16:
return (long)( (short)Value );
case TypeCode.Int32:
return (long)( (int)Value );
case TypeCode.Int64:
return (long)Value;
case TypeCode.Byte:
return (long)( (byte)Value );
case TypeCode.UInt16:
return (long)( (ushort)Value );
case TypeCode.UInt32:
return (long)( (uint)Value );
case TypeCode.UInt64:
return (long)( (ulong)Value );
case TypeCode.Single:
return ( Round ? (long)Math.Round( (float)Value ) : (long)( (float)Value ) );
case TypeCode.Double:
return ( Round ? (long)Math.Round( (double)Value ) : (long)( (double)Value ) );
case TypeCode.Decimal:
return ( Round ? (long)Math.Round( (decimal)Value ) : (long)( (decimal)Value ) );
return 0;
#region ReplaceMetaChars
/// <summary>
/// Replaces the string representations of meta chars with their corresponding
/// character values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The input.</param>
/// <returns>A string with all string meta chars are replaced</returns>
public static string ReplaceMetaChars( string input )
return Regex.Replace( input, @"(\\)(\d{3}|[^\d])?", new MatchEvaluator( ReplaceMetaCharsMatch ) );
private static string ReplaceMetaCharsMatch( Match m )
// convert octal quotes (like \040)
if ( m.Groups[2].Length == 3 )
return Convert.ToChar( Convert.ToByte( m.Groups[2].Value, 8 ) ).ToString();
// convert all other special meta characters
//TODO: \xhhh hex and possible dec !!
switch ( m.Groups[2].Value )
case "0": // null
return "\0";
case "a": // alert (beep)
return "\a";
case "b": // BS
return "\b";
case "f": // FF
return "\f";
case "v": // vertical tab
return "\v";
case "r": // CR
return "\r";
case "n": // LF
return "\n";
case "t": // Tab
return "\t";
// if neither an octal quote nor a special meta character
// so just remove the backslash
return m.Groups[2].Value;
#region printf
public static void printf( string Format, params object[] Parameters )
Console.Write( Tools.sprintf( Format, Parameters ) );
#region fprintf
public static void fprintf( TextWriter Destination, string Format, params object[] Parameters )
Destination.Write( Tools.sprintf( Format, Parameters ) );
#region sprintf
public static string sprintf( string Format, params object[] Parameters )
#region Variables
StringBuilder f = new StringBuilder();
Regex r = new Regex( @"\%(\d*\$)?([\'\#\-\+ ]*)(\d*)(?:\.(\d+))?([hl])?([dioxXucsfeEgGpn%])" );
Match m = null;
string w = String.Empty;
int defaultParamIx = 0;
int paramIx;
object o = null;
bool flagLeft2Right = false;
bool flagAlternate = false;
bool flagPositiveSign = false;
bool flagPositiveSpace = false;
bool flagZeroPadding = false;
bool flagGroupThousands = false;
int fieldLength = 0;
int fieldPrecision = 0;
char shortLongIndicator = '\0';
char formatSpecifier = '\0';
char paddingCharacter = ' ';
// find all format parameters in format string
f.Append( Format );
m = r.Match( f.ToString() );
while ( m.Success )
#region parameter index
paramIx = defaultParamIx;
if ( m.Groups[1] != null && m.Groups[1].Value.Length > 0 )
string val = m.Groups[1].Value.Substring( 0, m.Groups[1].Value.Length - 1 );
paramIx = Convert.ToInt32( val ) - 1;
#region format flags
// extract format flags
flagAlternate = false;
flagLeft2Right = false;
flagPositiveSign = false;
flagPositiveSpace = false;
flagZeroPadding = false;
flagGroupThousands = false;
if ( m.Groups[2] != null && m.Groups[2].Value.Length > 0 )
string flags = m.Groups[2].Value;
flagAlternate = ( flags.IndexOf( '#' ) >= 0 );
flagLeft2Right = ( flags.IndexOf( '-' ) >= 0 );
flagPositiveSign = ( flags.IndexOf( '+' ) >= 0 );
flagPositiveSpace = ( flags.IndexOf( ' ' ) >= 0 );
flagGroupThousands = ( flags.IndexOf( '\'' ) >= 0 );
// positive + indicator overrides a
// positive space character
if ( flagPositiveSign && flagPositiveSpace )
flagPositiveSpace = false;
#region field length
// extract field length and
// pading character
paddingCharacter = ' ';
fieldLength = int.MinValue;
if ( m.Groups[3] != null && m.Groups[3].Value.Length > 0 )
fieldLength = Convert.ToInt32( m.Groups[3].Value );
flagZeroPadding = ( m.Groups[3].Value[0] == '0' );
if ( flagZeroPadding )
paddingCharacter = '0';
// left2right allignment overrides zero padding
if ( flagLeft2Right && flagZeroPadding )
flagZeroPadding = false;
paddingCharacter = ' ';
#region field precision
// extract field precision
fieldPrecision = int.MinValue;
if ( m.Groups[4] != null && m.Groups[4].Value.Length > 0 )
fieldPrecision = Convert.ToInt32( m.Groups[4].Value );
#region short / long indicator
// extract short / long indicator
shortLongIndicator = Char.MinValue;
if ( m.Groups[5] != null && m.Groups[5].Value.Length > 0 )
shortLongIndicator = m.Groups[5].Value[0];
#region format specifier
// extract format
formatSpecifier = Char.MinValue;
if ( m.Groups[6] != null && m.Groups[6].Value.Length > 0 )
formatSpecifier = m.Groups[6].Value[0];
// default precision is 6 digits if none is specified except
if ( fieldPrecision == int.MinValue &&
formatSpecifier != 's' &&
formatSpecifier != 'c' &&
Char.ToUpper( formatSpecifier ) != 'X' &&
formatSpecifier != 'o' )
fieldPrecision = 6;
#region get next value parameter
// get next value parameter and convert value parameter depending on short / long indicator
if ( Parameters == null || paramIx >= Parameters.Length )
o = null;
o = Parameters[paramIx];
if ( shortLongIndicator == 'h' )
if ( o is int )
o = (short)( (int)o );
else if ( o is long )
o = (short)( (long)o );
else if ( o is uint )
o = (ushort)( (uint)o );
else if ( o is ulong )
o = (ushort)( (ulong)o );
else if ( shortLongIndicator == 'l' )
if ( o is short )
o = (long)( (short)o );
else if ( o is int )
o = (long)( (int)o );
else if ( o is ushort )
o = (ulong)( (ushort)o );
else if ( o is uint )
o = (ulong)( (uint)o );
// convert value parameters to a string depending on the formatSpecifier
w = String.Empty;
switch ( formatSpecifier )
#region % - character
case '%': // % character
w = "%";
#region d - integer
case 'd': // integer
w = FormatNumber( ( flagGroupThousands ? "n" : "d" ), flagAlternate,
fieldLength, int.MinValue, flagLeft2Right,
flagPositiveSign, flagPositiveSpace,
paddingCharacter, o );
#region i - integer
case 'i': // integer
goto case 'd';
#region o - octal integer
case 'o': // octal integer - no leading zero
w = FormatOct( "o", flagAlternate,
fieldLength, int.MinValue, flagLeft2Right,
paddingCharacter, o );
#region x - hex integer
case 'x': // hex integer - no leading zero
w = FormatHex( "x", flagAlternate,
fieldLength, fieldPrecision, flagLeft2Right,
paddingCharacter, o );
#region X - hex integer
case 'X': // same as x but with capital hex characters
w = FormatHex( "X", flagAlternate,
fieldLength, fieldPrecision, flagLeft2Right,
paddingCharacter, o );
#region u - unsigned integer
case 'u': // unsigned integer
w = FormatNumber( ( flagGroupThousands ? "n" : "d" ), flagAlternate,
fieldLength, int.MinValue, flagLeft2Right,
false, false,
paddingCharacter, ToUnsigned( o ) );
#region c - character
case 'c': // character
if ( IsNumericType( o ) )
w = Convert.ToChar( o ).ToString();
else if ( o is char )
w = ( (char)o ).ToString();
else if ( o is string && ( (string)o ).Length > 0 )
w = ( (string)o )[0].ToString();
#region s - string
case 's': // string
//string t = "{0" + ( fieldLength != int.MinValue ? "," + ( flagLeft2Right ? "-" : String.Empty ) + fieldLength.ToString() : String.Empty ) + ":s}";
w = o.ToString();
if ( fieldPrecision >= 0 )
w = w.Substring( 0, fieldPrecision );
if ( fieldLength != int.MinValue )
if ( flagLeft2Right )
w = w.PadRight( fieldLength, paddingCharacter );
w = w.PadLeft( fieldLength, paddingCharacter );
#region f - double number
case 'f': // double
w = FormatNumber( ( flagGroupThousands ? "n" : "f" ), flagAlternate,
fieldLength, fieldPrecision, flagLeft2Right,
flagPositiveSign, flagPositiveSpace,
paddingCharacter, o );
#region e - exponent number
case 'e': // double / exponent
w = FormatNumber( "e", flagAlternate,
fieldLength, fieldPrecision, flagLeft2Right,
flagPositiveSign, flagPositiveSpace,
paddingCharacter, o );
#region E - exponent number
case 'E': // double / exponent
w = FormatNumber( "E", flagAlternate,
fieldLength, fieldPrecision, flagLeft2Right,
flagPositiveSign, flagPositiveSpace,
paddingCharacter, o );
#region g - general number
case 'g': // double / exponent
w = FormatNumber( "g", flagAlternate,
fieldLength, fieldPrecision, flagLeft2Right,
flagPositiveSign, flagPositiveSpace,
paddingCharacter, o );
#region G - general number
case 'G': // double / exponent
w = FormatNumber( "G", flagAlternate,
fieldLength, fieldPrecision, flagLeft2Right,
flagPositiveSign, flagPositiveSpace,
paddingCharacter, o );
#region p - pointer
case 'p': // pointer
if ( o is IntPtr )
w = "0x" + ( (IntPtr)o ).ToString( "x" );
#region n - number of processed chars so far
case 'n': // number of characters so far
w = FormatNumber( "d", flagAlternate,
fieldLength, int.MinValue, flagLeft2Right,
flagPositiveSign, flagPositiveSpace,
paddingCharacter, m.Index );
w = String.Empty;
// replace format parameter with parameter value
// and start searching for the next format parameter
// AFTER the position of the current inserted value
// to prohibit recursive matches if the value also
// includes a format specifier
f.Remove( m.Index, m.Length );
f.Insert( m.Index, w );
m = r.Match( f.ToString(), m.Index + w.Length );
return f.ToString();
#region Private Methods
#region FormatOCT
private static string FormatOct( string NativeFormat, bool Alternate,
int FieldLength, int FieldPrecision,
bool Left2Right,
char Padding, object Value )
string w = String.Empty;
string lengthFormat = "{0" + ( FieldLength != int.MinValue ?
"," + ( Left2Right ?
"-" :
String.Empty ) + FieldLength.ToString() :
String.Empty ) + "}";
if ( IsNumericType( Value ) )
w = Convert.ToString( UnboxToLong( Value, true ), 8 );
if ( Left2Right || Padding == ' ' )
if ( Alternate && w != "0" )
w = "0" + w;
w = String.Format( lengthFormat, w );
if ( FieldLength != int.MinValue )
w = w.PadLeft( FieldLength - ( Alternate && w != "0" ? 1 : 0 ), Padding );
if ( Alternate && w != "0" )
w = "0" + w;
return w;
#region FormatHEX
private static string FormatHex( string NativeFormat, bool Alternate,
int FieldLength, int FieldPrecision,
bool Left2Right,
char Padding, object Value )
string w = String.Empty;
string lengthFormat = "{0" + ( FieldLength != int.MinValue ?
"," + ( Left2Right ?
"-" :
String.Empty ) + FieldLength.ToString() :
String.Empty ) + "}";
string numberFormat = "{0:" + NativeFormat + ( FieldPrecision != int.MinValue ?
FieldPrecision.ToString() :
String.Empty ) + "}";
if ( IsNumericType( Value ) )
w = String.Format( numberFormat, Value );
if ( Left2Right || Padding == ' ' )
if ( Alternate )
w = ( NativeFormat == "x" ? "0x" : "0X" ) + w;
w = String.Format( lengthFormat, w );
if ( FieldLength != int.MinValue )
w = w.PadLeft( FieldLength - ( Alternate ? 2 : 0 ), Padding );
if ( Alternate )
w = ( NativeFormat == "x" ? "0x" : "0X" ) + w;
return w;
#region FormatNumber
private static string FormatNumber( string NativeFormat, bool Alternate,
int FieldLength, int FieldPrecision,
bool Left2Right,
bool PositiveSign, bool PositiveSpace,
char Padding, object Value )
string w = String.Empty;
string lengthFormat = "{0" + ( FieldLength != int.MinValue ?
"," + ( Left2Right ?
"-" :
String.Empty ) + FieldLength.ToString() :
String.Empty ) + "}";
string numberFormat = "{0:" + NativeFormat + ( FieldPrecision != int.MinValue ?
FieldPrecision.ToString() :
"0" ) + "}";
if ( IsNumericType( Value ) )
w = String.Format( numberFormat, Value );
if ( Left2Right || Padding == ' ' )
if ( IsPositive( Value, true ) )
w = ( PositiveSign ?
"+" : ( PositiveSpace ? " " : String.Empty ) ) + w;
w = String.Format( lengthFormat, w );
if ( w.StartsWith( "-" ) )
w = w.Substring( 1 );
if ( FieldLength != int.MinValue )
w = w.PadLeft( FieldLength - 1, Padding );
if ( IsPositive( Value, true ) )
w = ( PositiveSign ?
"+" : ( PositiveSpace ?
" " : ( FieldLength != int.MinValue ?
Padding.ToString() : String.Empty ) ) ) + w;
w = "-" + w;
return w;